To dinner last night with three friends. We went to a favourite Hunan restaurant specialising in frog – Kung Fu Froggy, by name. We chewed down on:
长沙陈坛剁椒肥肠蛙 (cháng shā chén tán duò jiāo féi cháng wā), Changsha earthen jar chopped chilli pig’s intestine and frog hotpot as one does, Changsha being the capital of Hunan. Extremely spicy.
脱脂爽口鱼皮 (tuō zhī shuǎng kǒu yú pí), Skimmed and refreshing fish skin. Even spicier.
老长沙冰粉 (lǎo cháng shā bīng fěn), Old Changsha ice jelly. The dessert like dish, in true Chinese style, arrived first. No spice.
Rice and greenery were also served.