Wonderful meals , over and over .
Id like to suggest an option for you to consider
re : commercial NaCl levels.
Ive been thinking about this problem for several years.
it might not be around the corner for me , but that corner exists for many of us in the future,
Ive taken slices of high sodium items ( corned beef , Ive SV'd , bacon , and even deli ham , etc )
and soaked the slices in ice water . why ice ? to keep the fat firm.
there is no time line , but it doesn't take that long , as its a surface area thing , for a noticeable
amount of NaCl to move into the ice water. I pat dry and then use.
I got the idea ages ago , after trying som pre-sliced Danish Ham from TJ's
it was very Hammy , much more so than USA ' in front of mr ' options.
Ive been to Denmark , I was 10 years old at the time \
and there were two transformation things I learned :
1 ) the Smorgasbord 2 ) all the free range pigs running around , happy go lucky .
I then realized the danish ham I had , simply had less NaCL than the Happy go Lucky
american pigs.
commercial ham ( sandwiches etc ) actually taste better , more hammy , w less NaCl in th3e way of flavor.
high quality bacon ( Benton's , etc ) still has fantastic smoke and country flavor.
consider trying that,
NaCl moves into the cold water based on the items surface area .
longer in the ice bath will remove more NaCl . bt it doesn't take long to get a noticeable ( by taste )
amount out . pat dry and ready to cook , or use in a sandwich.
for me , I was surprised that after doing this , not really for very long
everything Ive done it with , has more ' piggy taste ' , for big products .