To my astonishment, when I was sitting at home minding my own business, at 8pm, two kilos of lemons knocked on my door!
By examining the delivery note attached I knew which city they came from and narrowed the possible senders down to two friends in that city. I called the first, an old and close friend, and bingo!
I thanked her for her generosity and she said she just asked the farm to send them and they cost her nothing.
She is a professor of anthropology in the university in that city and in July, took eight of her students on a field trip to their lemon farm and they said if she ever needed some lemons just to let them know. What lemons have to do with anthropology, I have no idea.
I have no idea what I'm going to do with two kilos of lemons.
2x1 kg boxes of lemons + the toe half of my right foot.