Baise (百色) is a small city in the far west of Guangxi on the border with Yunnan. The area is famous for two things. It was here that, in 1929, Deng Xiao Ping led the Baise Uprising, a key event in the early stages of the Chinese Communist revolution.
More important is that the area is famous for its excellent mangoes. I have a couple of friends who live there. They don't know each other. This afternoon, I was doing not very much at home and my cell phone rang.
"Delivery for you! I'm leaving it with the gatekeeper. Please collect it."
I'm an obedient sort of chap, so down I went. Sure enough, a box of Baise mangoes from one of my friends. The delivery note told me which friend was responsible.
They need a couple of days to fully ripen, but thanks 井荣。