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"Fried Rice" Chinese type: in China or Restaurants here


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There are as many versions of fried rice as there are Chinese cooks! The only "rules" for fried rice are: (1) it must be fried, (2) it must have rice!

In my house, I make fried rice to use up leftovers ... so no two versions are ever the same. It is food which I will never serve to guests, so I don't care too much about appearance. I like the taste of soy sauce in it, so I tend to use it.

There is no love more sincere than the love of food - George Bernard Shaw
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This is our lunch (for just 2 of us).....large, white, fried rice....a stuffed chicken (wrapped in leaves), lots of lovely baby bok choi. There were some wonderful fried dumplings first. Always our meals were too large, but very tasty....except we didn't like that chicken. This was at a tea plantation visitation place in the tea growing area outside Hangzhou.

A strange thing (to us) at the cooking school in Yangzhou.....they opened a huge rice cooker and scooped out lots of steaming hot rice for us to use in the fried rice.

The class was arranged by someone from the tourism bureau. They had a good facility with a nice enough conference room/dining room for us. But they surely were not doing this sort of thing a lot...and certainly not for non-Chinese speakers.

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JTravel: I'd be interested in knowing why the chicken was not to your liking. We will be in Hangzhou in May, at a tea plantation, so maybe I should avoid the chicken... :blink:



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Widely available around here is salty fish fried rice. It's so good - fried rice with salty, pungent bits in each mouthful! It's usually yellow (from egg yolks??) and sometimes brownish, with bits of egg and/or diced chicken in it. I don't think I've ever seen white fried rice in the restaurants here, though.

At home, I use Maggi sauce in my fried rice instead of soy.

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I've done fried rice w/ loads of shredded green-leaf lettuce in it - with lettuce as the star/"main feature". One needs to be quick about it in the cooking and eating. [lettuce types like Boston lettuce/butterleaf are a bit on the soft side for this, the usual "green-leaf" in Western groceries or even harder types like romaine/cos work fine. The one typically called "sang choy" in Cantonese-speaking regions tend to resemble "green-leaf" lettuce and can work in FR] Other times (and in some restaurants) I've also had fried rice dressed with lettuce whether shredded or whole-leaf, both in SE Asia and in the West.

I remember there was an Iron Chef episode (the original Japanese series) where Chen Kenichi made lettuce fried rice.

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I love fried rice. I make it with "leftover" rice, or (more often) with rice specially cooked and kept for a day before using; you can't really make it with fresh rice. I do use some soy sauce. I often make it for a quick supper during the work week, sometimes with shredded chicken. I don't use a recipe, but my basic approach is that from the great Virginia Lee Chinese Cookbook.

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Fried rice can be a featured dish on its own. Then I think there's more planning for the composition - the vegetables, the protein. I can't imagine using leafy vegetables in fried rice - texture is just not right. Each component needs to maintain its shape, texture, thus celery, bell peppers, onion, peas, beans, etc.

Sometimes tho', fried rice is a side along with other entrees or as "I can't think of what to have for dinner". Then it's "throw together". In that, I don't mean leftover cooked vegetables (proteins ok), but leftover bits of fresh vegetables in the fridge. Nothing wrong with that at all. I think Jason established that well.

There is only one rule for fried rice - NEED RICE (tho' I've broken that with cauliflower rice). The whole idea is to add wok hei to the rice, so you can have just plain fried rice - no veg, no protein - and it'd still taste good!

It kills me when I see people ADDING soy sauce to fried rice AT THE TABLE!

Yers, I'm sure there are lots of regional varieties, even with tumeric. But I don't think that's used for colouring, probably more for a "curry fried rice" style. But I believe this thread was about CHINESE fried rice?

To my shame, we used to do "plain fried rice" WITH soy sauce - for people who didn't want white rice but too cheap to buy a side order of real fried rice. This was on the prairies. I think diners are a little better educated now.,

my mom (who is Chinese by the way, from Fujian) typically uses leftover rice, with lots of minced garlic and scallions. occasionally she'll add Filipino chorizo or beaten egg. we don't add soy sauce or any other stuff.

this thread is making me hungry.

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Two fried rices from dinner last night, at a Cuban Chinese restaurant in Miami. Both fairly light on the soy, they used the Pearl River brand.


"Hawaiian" with Chicken and Pineapple.


Roast Pork

Jason Perlow, Co-Founder eGullet Society for Culinary Arts & Letters

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I love fried rice. In our outfit it is almost always a way to use yesterday's rice and yesterday's protein, usually beef, chicken, or pork. Any added vegetables and of course peppers are fresh. I love this discussion. I'm gonna make some tonight. Thanks

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Sometimes I'll use a bit of soy sauce (Japanese Kikkoman, usually) for seasoning, but I've found that even in small amounts it tends to overshadow the other flavors. I'll often make extra rice just to have some available for our traditional Sunday night "leftovers dinner." This past Sunday I used a mixture of about 3/4 white and 1/4 brown (from Massa Organics), with onion, carrot, eggs, and green peas, seasoned with salt and a bit of chicken stock, then finished with the last of some beautiful (hydroponic?) basil from Saturday's farmers market.

"There is no sincerer love than the love of food."  -George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman, Act 1


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