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    San Joaquin Costa Rica

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  1. Lettuce hope that they sell all of those in China.
  2. Tropicalsenior

    Lunch 2024

    I hope that you can get YouTube right now because I came across this and immediately thought of you.
  3. Some of my favorites are Gambas al ajillo, calamari and albondigas. I also like patatas bravas but they rely heavily on smoked paprika so maybe you might not be interested in that. This site has some interesting ideas. And another good one would be the Spanish tortilla because it's something that you can make ahead of time and serve room temperature.
  4. Tropicalsenior

    Dinner 2024

    I got my inspiration for dinner last night entirely from EG. I made chicken with a creamy picata sauce (thanks @weinoo) and asparagus with hollandaise (recipe from @gulfporter). Not the most beautiful plating but it was delicious. I never ever thought of making microwave hollandaise but it was really good. Not quite as thick as I would have liked, but simple and delicious. Something that I will be making often.
  5. I do mine in the IP. I steam them in a colander on a rack. I just cut off the top and the root and cut it in half. For a 300 G beet it takes 9 minutes. But, if you remember, mine is not a true IP it is a Chinese knockoff and maybe the timing would be different on yours.
  6. You might want to check out some of the posts and topics that were contributed by one of our members from Amsterdam, @Chufi. Some of the best recipes that I have found here were contributed by him. I make his butter beef at least once a month. He makes Dutch cooking sound very good indeed.
  7. Welcome. Am I correct in assuming that you are not from North America? Please tell us where you are from and something about your cuisine. If you are curious about food and eager to learn new methods you have come to the right place. There are thousands of topics covered in the archives and I don't think that there are any cuisines or ingredients that aren't covered in one forum or another. If you have any questions just ask. The collective knowledge of the members is astounding and you will get your answer within minutes. I've been a member for 7 years and I've learned more in that 7 years than the 50 years before that I was cooking. And everyday I learn something new.
  8. Tropicalsenior

    Dinner 2024

    Thank you. Going to try it tonight with asparagus.
  9. Tropicalsenior

    Dinner 2024

    Now that's something I would be interested in. Do you have a recipe that you would share?
  10. I solved this years ago when I listened to Paul Harvey Rave about his coffee maker. He was advertising the Bunn coffee maker and I bought one. It has a hot water reservoir and all the machine parts inside are copper which permits a higher temperature brew. It also makes a pot of coffee in 3 minutes. The coffee always tastes great. Of course it doesn't hurt that I am here in coffee country where even our ordinary coffee is some of the very best. Another great thing about the Bunn coffee maker is that I bought my first coffee maker in 1985 and I am only on my third coffee maker since then. Yes, they seem fairly expensive but when you figure each one lasts about 12 to 14 years they are well worth it.
  11. Oh, they have hundreds of them. You wouldn't believe the crazy things they believe. I could write a whole book. But nothing about leaving food on the plate. When they get done there's not even a grain of rice to fight over.
  12. I had four daughters and my solution to this was to take turns cutting whatever it was and the person that cut was the last person to take their portion. They soon learn to cut equal portions.
  13. No, I grew up on a farm in Nebraska where old wives tales and local folklore run rampant.
  14. When I was growing up, it was a well-known fact that whoever took the last piece of food or the last piece of candy would never marry. Growing up in a family of all girls, there was always at least one piece left for my mother.
  15. Since I can no longer handle big pots of water, I probably cook mine in less water than most people do. Therefore, I Stir It vigorously for at least a minute and then periodically while it's cooking. I haven't had problems with any pasta sticking although I rarely cook orrechette because I seldom see it here.
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