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  1. Too kind. I've been busy making Raspberry Pi (www.raspberrypi.org )
  2. As has been said the secret to peeling is to use old eggs - at least 2 weeks old Alternately crack the raw egg onto a sheet of cling film, wrap it up and poach that
  3. Tesco had Ox cheeks in the butchery. A revelation when cooked SV. Blanched first (1min in boiling water from kettle) to kill surface bacteria I cooked them at 58C for 72 hours with 1 tbs each of balsamic, soy and red wine (aromatics like bay leaf optional but I didn’t)(need to be slightly acid to guard against botulism) Can sear but not necessary, reduce bag juices serve hot or in thick slices cold
  4. Texture depends critically on the hydration of the flour. Make sure you weigh all ingredients, that the flour has a consistent humidity, and that your first rise is long enough to fully hydrate and develop the gluten
  5. Some people who claim to be allergic to gluten are instead commercial yeast intolerant, and will tolerate sourdough bread. Others its a case of eating too much or bad diet, or an unexpectedly rich retaurant meal and are looking for something to blame for their stomach pain...
  6. jackal10

    Fruit and Fish

    Sole Veronique
  7. I don't think it matters much if you refrigerate before or after adding dairy. If without you can reheat by adding hot milk/cream, if with you can microwave. However make sure they are well covered in the fridge so they dont dehydrate or pick up off flavours Yes you can over cook potatoes for mashing, Boils too long and your left with potato soup. For some varieties the line between soft and disintegrated is quite narrow.
  8. See chart here: http://www.cookingissues.com/primers/sous-vide/purdy-pictures-the-charts/ I like 50C/122F because I like my salmon to look cooked rather than mi-cuit, but note this temperature is too low to pasteurise
  9. jackal10

    Wild Yeast

    I hate to be pedantic, but after a small number of refreshments (say 20*) its no longer the original culture, but now dominated by local species of yeast and lactobacteria present in the flour and water you have been feeding the culture, and even in the air, as no kitchen is aseptic. They will adapt to your feeding regime, ans so it becomes your particular starter. A mature culture is tough stuff, and will withstand a lot of abuse. I keep my mother culture in the fridge - I am an occasional home baker. At fridge temperatures it is effectively dormant. When I want to bake I take out a tablespoon or so, and culture it for 12-24 hours with 100g water and 200g flour to make a preferment (sponge), maybe refreshed once, When the pot in the fridge is looking a bit empty, maybe once every 8-12 weeks, I make a double volume of preferment, and put half back in the cleaned jar. When you do refresh the mother culture its important to culture up from a comparatively small quantity - say 5%, as not only are you providing more food, but you are also diluting and getting rid of the byproducts, such as alcohols that poison the culture (and provide much of the flavour profile. Of course for a restaurant or production bakery, where larger volumes of starter are needed, keeping the mother culture growing at a defined temperature (bucket in a warm room) with regular refreshments is more practical, and you can even get slowly stirred temperature controlled holding tanks designed for bakery use. In very large operations a continuous flow line can be used. *Biological fundamentals of yeast and lactobcilli fermentation in bread dough, Peter Stolz in "Handboook of Dough Fermentations",edited by Karel Kulp and Klaus Lorenz, Dekker 2003 ISBN 0-8247-4264-8
  10. My Mother's kipper paste: Fry a kipper in good butter until the bones separate from the flesh remove ALL the bones carefully Add a tin of chopped tomatoes. Season (pepper, no salt) and cook down on low heat stirring (and removing bones) until desired consistency Serve on hot toast, crackers, in sandwiches etc
  11. Salt them, then use any of the recipes for bacalao/bacalhau etc. My favourite is brandade.
  12. The answer to the last ingredient confirmed owner question is case sensitive - all lower case, unlike the entry in the book
  13. Depends what the contract says. The normal advise (I am not a lawyer) for the US is that the ingredients, being a list, cannot be copyrighted, but the method and exact amounts can. You may be able (but expensive) to get a "business methods" patent as well. You may also have moral rights to be identified as author/inventor. However you can have a contract that explicitly identifies and lists your existing recipes, and has some mechanism for identifying future recipes you claim. Whether you can enforce it or afford to sue in court is a whole other matter. The previous posters are right. Get a real lawyer, preferably one that specialises in this sort of thing.
  14. From my notes Sponge 200g flour 200g water 10g mother starter Ferment overnight warm (12h to 24h)(90F) Dough All the sponge (33% by weight compared to flour in this step) 1Kg flour 600g water 20g salt 1g Vitamin C Total flour: 1200g Total water: 800g Mix intensively (food processor) for 2 mins. (I would now let it rest 15 mins)
  15. This was an intensively mixed sourdough (natural yeast) with 30% ripe preferment. I was experimenting with "no time" (Chorleywood style)doughs at the time, so no bulk fermentation and no rest. You get a slightly more open result with a short bulk fermentation, but for my starter 4 hours from mixer to oven is about right
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