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Posts posted by JoNorvelleWalker

  1. 9 hours ago, heidih said:

    New York Times just put out a best of list but it is behind paywall. If you have access - maybe worth looking at


    Thanks @heidih I had missed that list.  Several titles appeal and the library is buying The Nordic Baking Book for me.  However I must resist as I've already purchased five cookbook titles this week.


  2. 30 minutes ago, Smithy said:

    I had the hardbound copy of the Fix-it and Forget-It slow cooker book, and I'm not sure I ever cooked from it before I gave it away! I don't recall anything particularly wrong with the recipes, but they didn't appeal as much as the concept did. I think perhaps it was because they usually involved more steps (browning the meat first, for instance) than I wanted to deal with for a crockpot. That was some time ago. I might appreciate it more now, and for $1.99 it isn't much of a risk for the curious. Still, I'll be able to resist it.


    Brindisa, on the other hand, looks interesting. If someone takes the plunge, please report back. 


    I went for Brindisa and also made the mistake of clicking on the preview of The Egg Shop.  So, sorry Smithy, I'm reading Egg Shop first.  I confess I gravitated to the bread section.  I wanted to see how they made their baguettes.  Lots of pictures and detailed instruction, but I had a couple of good laughs:


    The ingredients call for 15 grams of Kosher salt but the recipe never says to add the salt.  Then they suggest cold proofing the formed dough:  "This is a little truth bomb that will give you fish-eye blisters, the little round bubbles that appear on the crust of really well-made breads of all kinds."  Never mind in The Taste of Bread Raymond Calvel calls the crust bubbles on baguettes baked from retarded dough a defect.


    Speaking of The Taste of Bread I see there is now a Kindle version!  At $69.42 it is a bargain, but whether $69.42 is a crazy good bargain I will leave to other's judgement.  I have the hardcover of The Taste of Bread and I see it is now going for $199.90.



  3. Not sous vide per se -- but as pertains to drying chicken:  I let tonight's half hen rest on a rack in the refrigerator for several hours.  The bird was not visibly less damp than when I put it in, except that some liquid had pooled in the pan below the rack.  Perchance next time I'll have the patience to try for 24 or 48.


    But anyhow the chicken is currently getting a blowout.


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  4. 43 minutes ago, rancho_gordo said:

    I have to ask why on earth she didn't contact customer service and get a replacement? 
    We have a full-time customer service staff available by phone or email,  but not eGullet! 
    The problem was a new bagging machine, not cramming the boxes, for the record. 


    I will ask her again when I see her.  She is not an eGullet person but she proselytizes your beans.


    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Thanks for the Crepes said:


    Well ... electronic ovens do not like and cannot withstand high heat conditions. Yours is electronic, right, Jo?


    Course the oven could be spot on, and you can blame it on yourself as you have done, but I'm extremely suspecting of electronic appliances, cuz I hate them for the overpriced and short-lived things that they are. 😝


    As I was broiling tonight's pizza the oven shut itself off with an over-heat error message.


    • Sad 2
  6. 10 hours ago, gfron1 said:

    I'm going to show you something I've been eyeballing and reading all of these comments is making me second guess it. While I'd prefer my flatware stand out, it would be okay if it just disappeared all together - meaning good enough to make sense but not remarkable on a positive or negative side. LOOK HERE


    Not only do these pieces look impractical, they don't exactly scream "Ozarks" at me.  Isn't there some traditional regional pattern that you could emulate?


    My own stainless is Oneida but I no longer remember the name of the pattern.  The design is colonial but simple, and I would not trade it for the finest silver.  (I used to have the finest silver from when I was married and I gave it all away.)


    My main concern about flatware in a restaurant is "Is it clean?"



    Edit:  my Oneida pattern seems no longer available.  (Not to worry, I have lots.)  The closest current pattern I could find was Paul Revere:



    Very similar.  I think I should be most happy with Paul Revere if I found it in a restaurant.  Even if that patriot and rum bibber never made it to the Ozarks.


    • Like 2
  7. 12 hours ago, btbyrd said:

    Good lord, people. Don't use a hair dryer on your meat; blot it dry with paper towels. If that's still not dry enough for you, plop it on a rack in the fridge for like 10 minutes. Refrigeration sucks moisture from the air,  so your fridge is a great place to let surface moisture "flash off" (as Dave Arnold refers to the process). The air in your fridge isn't cold enough or conductive enough to really drop the core temp of your meat in that short amount of time, and it gives you a bit of extra insurance against overcooking during the final sear step.


    Hair dryers.




    Granted the relative humidity in my refrigerator is too low for me to measure with my hygrometer.  However unless you own a fancy refrigerator that circulates dry air I'm not sure refrigerator drying will be that rapid -- besides, low humidity or not, water condenses on most everything in my refrigerator.


    Last night I did a boneless pork chop sous vide,  58C.  That seems to have been a good temperature for me but there were problems.*  This particular package of boneless rib chops were pre-brined.  Then I salted again before bagging.  After anovaing I dried with paper towels and the hair dryer on hot to see the difference from drying cool.  Wasn't paying much attention (blame World of Warcraft) and the blow drier rendered the fat.  Oops.


    After pan searing the pork was ham-like.  Tender, juicy, and not bad at all, but the unmistakable somewhat rubbery texture of ham.  Last time I buy expensive (granted, on sale) pre-brined fresh pork.


    I still think hair drying on cool has its place in my culinary repertoire.



    *dropping on the floor was one.



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  8. 1 hour ago, BonVivant said:

    My guesthouse's home-cooking on Yonaguni island.


    Okinawans eat a bit of everything and there's always seaweed and tofu in some form. The cuisine of Okinawa is a mix of other countries' with whom the former Ryukyu kingdom used to trade.


    Fascinating history, thanks for the link!

  9. 10 hours ago, Duvel said:

    Did you switch it on ?


    Don't know.  I thought I did.


    When I went to put the pie in the oven the display didn't look right so I turned the broiler on again.  After three minutes I pulled the pizza but the top crust didn't look right.  There should have been leopardizing on the top but it looked rather raw.  So I put it in again for another minute.  Still no joy.  Then another thirty seconds.


    After loading the poor pizza three times it wasn't as pretty as it might have been and stuff was dripping over the edges.  The top crust was still on this side of raw and the bottom crust was black.



    Compare this pizza with my last pizza from the other night:







    Edit:  the bottom pizza is 3 minutes.



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  10. 14 minutes ago, Thanks for the Crepes said:


    Well, it certainly looks delicious. I guess it could have raw dough in the center, but it doesn't appear to.


    I confess there is not much of it left.  But seriously, the top has no leopardizing while the bottom crust is black.  The pie should have been done in three minutes but I let it go four and a half minutes trying to get some color on the top.  All I can think of was that the broiler was not really on.



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  11. At work this evening I mentioned to a colleague that a bag of my bean club box arrived broken and spilled.  She said two bags of her bean club box arrived broken but she hadn't bothered to report it.  She assumed RG was trying to cram too much into the container.


    I hope @rancho_gordo is reading this so the packaging will be improved in the future.


  12. Dinner10252018.png


    Not as pretty as @Ann_T's but got the job done.  Actually I suspect the broiler never really came on.  The bottom of the pie was blackened but the top crust remained raw.  I may trouble shoot this when I'm sober.  Or I may just pretend it never happened.


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  13. @JoaoBertinatti was your question specifically about lactose free ice cream?  If so I am afraid I have nothing to contribute.  But I have recently tasted some excellent commercially made ice cream that does not use gums nor stabilizers:




    I have tried MVR milk for ice cream as reported earlier in this thread; however I went back to concentrating the milk for the ice cream base while pasteurizing.  In the US or at least in this part of the US, MVR milk (as I understand the term) with reduced lactose is available in grocery stores.


    Thankfully I am blessed with good ice cream genetics and lactose is not an issue for me.



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  14. 7 minutes ago, Ann_T said:

    Pizza Night.


    Pizza night here too, but I am fortifying myself before I throw the pizza in the oven, and anyway I'm sure mine will not look as good as yours.


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