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Posts posted by JoNorvelleWalker

  1. 5 hours ago, TicTac said:

    @JoNorvelleWalker - Are you using the top rack?


    When I was still making Pizza (damn you Celiac!) I would put the baking steel top rack, blast the Wolf (gas model) to about 550 - broiler for 7 minutes before I put the pizza on, back to 550 -


    While I did not achieve 3 minute pizza's (the time, quite frankly, is irrelevant), it did generate a great crumb, crisp crust and nicely cooked toppings.




    Yes, top rack.  With 1 inch aluminum plate on top of that.


  2. Three minute pizza...





    @Duvel no cauliflower were harmed.  I continue to work on my technique.  I had been heating the oven with the aluminum plate to 550F then turning on the broiler before loading the pie.  Result the stove shuts off for over temperature and the bottom burns.


    This time I reduced the oven temperature to 525F.  At three minutes the top was a little overdone and the bottom was just slightly blackened.  I have had worse.


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  3. Nuts.com offered $25 off a $150 order.  Caving was all too easy.  In fact my order was over by 2 cents.  Canadians would not understand this.


    I also caved on the Falk Mousseline I mentioned.  Today the price is up from yesterday but it is still on sale.  (And that ugly stainless handled Mousseline is still priced for throwaway.)  Resisting the amazon book sale because by this time I am pretty much penniless.  Though it is not quite midnight.  The library is buying me the Nordic Baking Book, but they are not buying it very fast.  I may yet give in.


    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, rustwood said:

    The annual Thanksgiving Paprika Recipe Manager sale is on now through the end of the month.  All platforms are discounted by 40-50%.  Version 3 was recently released for all platforms except Windows.  I repurchased the Android app to get the new version and I feel the new features are well worth the $3.  I've already used the pinned recipe and timers features.  The timers show up as hyperlinks whenever (mostly) the directions include a time.  Two quick clicks and the timer starts. Although version 3 for Windows has not been released, anyone who buys the old version now ($10) will get the new version for free when it is released.  I have not yet pulled the trigger on that as I don't use the Windows version as often, but I'll probably get it before the sale is over.


    I have no affiliation with the app other than as a frequent user.  I use it almost every time I make something that isn't an old standard.  That is partially because I don't trust my memory, but mostly because I like to keep notes on the different variations and results so I can tweak recipes over time.



    From reading the link it wasn't clear exactly what the app is supposed to do.  Other than providing timers.


  5. Except for the tagine I had to import from amazon.fr none of my Le Creuset pots are recent.  At the time Le Creuset started manufacture I doubt it would have occurred to anyone to use other than a wooden utensil.


    Why they don't offer all their products in the US market is what I don't understand.


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  6. I spent the better part of half an hour not buying cheese.  No one was at the cheese counter this afternoon so I went to the customer service desk of the supermarket to ask for help.  There followed a page for "customer assistance in the cheese department".  I waited patiently.  No one came.


    Eventually I returned to the front desk.  Another page.  No joy forthcoming.  I went back to the front desk a third time.  The clerk suggested I ask for help in the delicatessen section (at the back of the store).  After taking a number and waiting in line for my appointment, an associate accompanied me to the cheese department (at the front of the store, next to the flowers).


    There, in the case marked "Specialty Cheeses Cut to Order", I pointed to the wheel of Pierre Robert.  After a brief negotiation the associate cut a wedge to my full satisfaction, packaged it neatly, and handed it to me.


    There was a problem.  The wedge was heavier than it looked or the price was wrong.  I brought this to the attention of the fellow who had just cut it and he agreed.  But nothing he could do would induce the label machine to print a label for less than the full amount of a wheel.


    No weal for me.



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  7. 22 minutes ago, HungryChris said:

    The first few times I brought Rosemary into the house, I would under water it and have to replace it anyway, but I water it much more liberally now and it is several years old. I used to leave the sage outside and would have to replace it every few years. It doesn't do as well in the house as Rosemary. By spring, the leaves will be tiny, but once it goes outside it bounces back pretty well. Deb is partial to roasted garlic, mashed potatoes with rosemary butter, and pasta with sage butter. I keep Rosemary behind my chair at the table. It has gotten so big, it fills the air with that aroma, that I love!





    I miss the lovely rosemary smell and the pretty little flowers.


    What herbs, I wonder, would do best in pots inside in winter.  I have a south facing glass door.



  8. Last spring I dropped and broke Rosemary's pot on the dining room floor while I was carrying her outside.  I still have salt preserved sage from last year so I didn't try to bring my sage bush in.  I confess to looking at an oregano plant at the store earlier this week.


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  9. 6 minutes ago, pastrygirl said:


    With the magnifying glass provided, which also happens to be made out of gelatin and wild herbs and is your amuse-bouche.




    With the tablecloth set on fire to provide illumination.


    Actually I once experienced a tablecloth set on fire in a restaurant.  The late Serrano in Philadelphia.  Though I don't think that is quite why the restaurant closed.  I wanted to yell "Fire!" but I had aphasia and could only wave my arms and point.  Memorable meal.


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  10. And I note the Falk 16cm Signature Line Mousseline (the one with the tacky if overly practical stainless steel handle) is less than half price.  A good deal in my book.  But I've ne'er assayed a sauce Mousseline in my existence and I can't get past the ugly, ugly handle.


    In contrast I am weeping for the Classic wrought iron handled 16cm Mousseline at 30% off and may yet cave.


  11. 1 hour ago, rotuts said:



    wine does not need a stem these days


    the lip of those glasses who'd be smooth


    w/o a '  bump ''  glass


    thing about the economics of ' breakage '


    do not use a steam for  any thing




    with a smooth lip , with out a '' bump ' omn that lip




    I suppose one could imbibe one's MR right from the pressure vessel if it hadn't been in the freezer long and if one's lips didn't mind the threads...but I am of the school a wine glass should have a proper stem.


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  12. On ‎7‎/‎15‎/‎2018 at 11:31 AM, paulraphael said:


    It would be interesting to see how quickly the softening ability changes as the filter ages.


    I have been remiss in changing the filters.  Now after more than 4 months the double filtered water is 34 mg/L.  At the start of the experiment the double filtered water was 2 mg/L.

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