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Everything posted by JoNorvelleWalker

  1. I ran into a problem but I can't say I entirely blame Paragon. Last night I was reheating a batch of corn tortillas on setting 9. I managed to warp a Darto pan. Steel doesn't have that good a conductivity. It was easy to see the pattern of the Paragon induction coil. At least the tortillas turned out half OK. Can anyone suggest a better pan or griddle for the purpose?
  2. I use a Hamilton Beach 932 citrus juicer.* Not exactly inexpensive so I hesitated to bring it up. The handle is plastic but the gears are metal. I cannot imagine the lemon that would make it fail. Maybe if I were juicing nutmegs. *every day.
  3. JoNorvelleWalker

    Dinner 2019

    And in what way is this not a pizza?
  4. JoNorvelleWalker

    Dinner 2019

    I can deal with peas and Lima beans, but give me cranberry.
  5. Seriously, the one that most caught my eye was... http://amzn.com/B07VKNDK8Z
  6. @gfweb I looked on amazon and saw at least a couple other brands. How about if you take one for the team?
  7. https://www.sweetzels.com/store/sweetzels-spiced-wafers-16-oz $2.99 a box.
  8. JoNorvelleWalker

    Dinner 2019

    I am sad. Three Jersey Boy tomatoes were left. One had past to another state of being. These are some of the finest tomatoes I have eaten. I may never be able to grow tomatoes again. Accompanied by bread and assorted cheeses. Much wine.
  9. P.S. Food tastes better in Volcanique.
  10. I am blessed with a battery of Le Creuset but I envy you your 26. Last night I made a braise*. The 24 was just too small and the 28 was just too large. Please let us see your results! * https://forums.egullet.org/topic/157787-dinner-2019/?do=findComment&comment=2215518
  11. Remarkably round boule had run in with top elements of the CSO. CSO won.
  12. Yes, but to my taste, milder. Edit: Checking the website, Sweetzels also makes ginger snaps. The difference is that their ginger snaps contain "ginger" while their spiced wafers contain "spices". Never having had the ginger snaps, I'd suspect the spiced wafers are also crisper.
  13. I went with Taste of Portugal. Had a credit to use up. My cost was $0.00.
  14. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07CF7CJ1M/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_tkin_p1_i5
  15. I noticed a collection of Diana Henry's recipes is available for free.
  16. JoNorvelleWalker

    Dinner 2019

    From the current issue of Cook's Illustrated... Chile verde con cerdo. Quite tasty. I could have used up some cabbage but I forgot.
  17. I suffered a sous vide disappointment. This was to have been my proud post in the dinner thread last night. But no. Let me backup...this boneless ribeye was a failed purchase from amazon. I ordered dry aged ribeye. I received a pretty pound of prime; they missed the dry aging part. Now I can't ingurgitate a pound of steak in a single sitting, no matter how much Béarnaise. I divided the meat into two bags and, consulting Baldwin's tables, anovaed three and a half hours at 55C. For something new I employed a mayonnaise sear. Not sure who to credit. I believe I first heard about the technique from the anova blog. Coated the dried surface with said mayonnaise; waited till the pan went above 500F; about a minute on each side. What is not to like? Crust was lovely. No gray. Nothing overdone. Meat was moist. But the fat wasn't rendered. A salient attribute of steak was missing. In truth it was a little flaccid. I think my steak requires a stiffer crust that smells like steak. Back to the Philips grill next time.
  18. Mine preheats and beeps when ready on convection bake, but no delay on steam bake.
  19. I still have two boxes left over from last year. They were on sale.
  20. When Corning made Pyrex it was borosilicate. In the US Pyrex is now usually ordinary tempered glass.
  21. I love vegetables. I just don't always like to eat them.
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