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    New Jersey USA

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  1. I shall never again mistake my hand for an avocado.
  2. I thought a pound of Enstrom was a lot until I started eating it. Last month a nurse at the medical center gave me a box of toffee because she knew I was struggling to get my weight up. Since then I have been craving toffee. I have a case of Skor on its way from Amazon.
  3. Beautiful! A microwave is one kitchen device I do not have. Do you find the microwave result is better than the blender method or just easier?
  4. Pastry cream is trivial if you use my blender method.
  5. You should see the Penzeys overflow stash in my bedroom.
  6. Would a stopper with a hole for the temperature probe still allow for pulling a good vacuum? When I stopper my vacuum flask I use a ground glass stopper.
  7. I've been reading Nicola Lamb. She made me realize that in my homemade/Haagen-Dazs comparison I should have said "mouthfeel" rather than "texture".
  8. I don't think it's overrun. How can I explain it -- the frozen mix gets pushed up. To my knowledge there is no such thing as a stopper for a beaker, particularly as beakers have a pouring spout. Though from my time in a biochemistry, I know there are many strange types of glassware. I have a vacuum flask and I've been thinking to rig up something whereby I could heat my mix under vacuum for increased concentration. I got stuck on a way to get the temperature probe into the flask and still maintain the vacuum. If there's anyone who could help with your question it's probably @Kerry Beal And I have a related question. I don't own a copy of Modernist Cuisine (although I have read it). Could you, or anyone with a copy of MC, tell me the minimum pasteurization time (at least in the United States) at 72C, from the ice cream pasteurization time/temperature graph in volume 1?
  9. Tonight I did a comparison of my most recent ice cream (not the same batch as in the post above) with Haagen-Dazs. Both vanilla. Same five ingredients except that my recipe has a drop or two of Polysorbate 80. Both were good. My ice cream won on color (vivid orange), texture (in comparison Haagen-Dazs was slightly thin and icy), melt down (probably due to the Polysorbate 80). Flavor and scoopability were similar. Haagen-Dazs won on cleanliness on the palate.
  10. I still have one regular left unopened.
  11. From Amazon Fresh I just got a half gallon -- 64 ounces -- of Haagen-Dazs vanilla ice cream for $4.79.
  12. Five cents for a lime! I just ordered 12 at 29 cents each. I thought I was getting a good deal.
  13. I revive old loaves of bread by heating at 82C with steam in the Anova oven, for at least an half an hour.
  14. JoNorvelleWalker

    Lamb neck

    Moroccan lamb tagine.
  15. Is the bowl removable? Dare I ask the price?
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