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Everything posted by ElsieD

  1. ElsieD


    I just made some last weekend. I made the dough on Saturday, baked some of it on Sunday and the rest on Monday. It was fine both days.
  2. Nope, nothing like that. Just the white sleeve with shrink wrap. I have just had a closer look at it and the 2 books are in pristine condition but the sleeve has some damage on the corners.
  3. Kerry, it came in the MC@H "sleeve" that the books fit into but there was no other wrapping i.e. no Amazon box to protect the whole thing. Just the shrink wrap whereas it sounds like yours was shipped in a proper Amazon box.
  4. Merkinz, thank you for your suggestion. To clarify, I do not own MC.
  5. I got a big surprise today when I heard a knock on the door and it was UPS delivering.......MC@H! My hon bought me an early Christmas present! I have been leafing through it and see all kinds of interesting things. I have an IC which I have used quite a bit but do not have a pressure cooker (yet). I do have, I think, all the other equipment the books calls for. So my question is, what should be the first thing I try? Edited to add: Mine did not come in an Amazon box. It came with a label affixed to the shrink wrap but it did arrived unscathed.
  6. I have ordered from beanilla and have been very happy with them. I have also purchased the Costco ones. I just checked and the vials don't say what their origin is but if I recall correctly, they are from Magagascar. They too, are good.
  7. In the index under Salami they have Hungarian and Tuscan. Salametti is not listed at all in the index.
  8. This is really interesting, Chris. I have the book on my Christmas wish list and so am enjoying this thread.
  9. ElsieD

    Baked Beans

    I use both maple syrup and molasses in my baked beans, 1/4 cup of each, to be exact. I use good old navy beans, soaked in water overnight. I also include dry mustard and I use double smoked bacon to add a smoky taste. If you want the recipe, I will send it to you by PM. I am always asked to bring them to family gatherings and they always disappear.
  10. ElsieD

    Dinner! 2012

    Sorry, one last question. You did cook it sous vide, right? I just had a look at your web site. Stunning plates, just gorgeous.
  11. ElsieD

    Dinner! 2012

    I cooked wild Alaskan salmon sous vide recently at 106 degrees for 30 minutes. My husband is not a fan of fish that tastes "too fishy" if you know what I mean, so the dish taste wise was not a big success, but texture wise it was perfect. I wondered about trying it again with a milder fish and it looks like halibut will fill the bill nicely. That is a lovely plate. How much olive oil did you use?
  12. ElsieD

    Dinner! 2012

    Norm, thank you very much for the link. Do you use yellow or white corn syrup? And regular white vinegar or some other kind? I will be making these for sure.
  13. ElsieD

    Dinner! 2012

    Norm, I hear those chicken wings calling my name. Any chance you would be willing to share the recipe?
  14. Starbucks sells instant coffee that I believe consists of real coffee beans. They might have an espresso one that might work.
  15. You have my sympathy. Tough to get angry when they are trying to be helpful - especially when they are so proud of the effort. Last year our younger neighbour decided to do something nice for us and weeded our garden while we were away for the day. We came back to a pristine garden, but devoid of all my herbs that I had so (almost) lovingly tended. This same neighbour the year before decided to do some work on our front yard, and took out our hibiscus tree. This year he once again decided to be helpful and offered to weed the garden. I pointed out my two lonely herb plants, tarragon and sage and asked him to be mindful of them. I am happy to report that the tarragon is still there but the sage has been stripped to a stub. We plan on transferring the stub and tarragon to large pots and put them on our deck. Keep 'em safe from helpful hands and all that.
  16. I'm in Ottawa and I bought a bag of it at a butcher in a small town on the outskirts of the city. Try visiting another butcher who makes his/her own sausages and ask them to sell you some.
  17. Do you happen to remember who and where this is posted? I would be interested to read this.
  18. I bought some once and all I could taste was anchovies. I threw it out.
  19. I did do them for 24 hours at 55C. Unfortunately, I had marinated them in teriyaki sauce for a while beforehand and the steaks were mush. Only after they were cooked did I look at the ingredient list on the jar of sauce and found it contained Asian pear which of course, is what turned the meat to mush. The flavour was good, texture not. Thank you all for responding.
  20. I recently purchased a couple of flat iron steaks. I have never purchased these before but want to cook them sous vide. I have researched the topic on google and it seems people cook it from anywhere to one hour to 72 hours. What have you found to be the best length of time? I will be doing them at 132F. Thank you.
  21. We have a cooler that we bought at the hardware store but the brand name escapes me. It plugs into to the cigarette holder of your car and it also has a different plug that allows you to plug it into a regular electrical outlet. Last weekend my husband had a 6 hour car trip and he took with him some frozen foods including bread. It was still frozen when he got to his destination. Also, if you plug it in the other way, it will (supposedly) keep food hot/warm although we have never used it for this purpose. We keep this cooler in the car so when we visit various markets we can keep our purchases cool. Something like that would probably do the trick. Oh - my husband just said the make is Koolatron.
  22. Ah, thank you. I don't think I have ever seen them in Canada. Sound good, though.
  23. PSmith, that's hilarious. I can't stand little kids in restaurants. If they are really young, they get bored cry and or scream which is not my idea of me having a good time. I also don't like how some parents of 4 or 5 year olds let their kids run amok in restaurants. I am, however, sometimes very pleasantly surprised when I see some really well- behaved ones, and there are some. It really comes down to the attitude of the parents.
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