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Everything posted by ElsieD

  1. It would also help to know where you are located.
  2. What station is broadcasting season 13?
  3. http://www.davidlebovitz.com/2005/08/long-live-the-k/ Can't help you with cookbooks, but here is a recipe for kouign amann.
  4. http://www.oliveolives.com/en/ Is this what you are looking for? They are in Montreal and I have gone to the store and they have amazing products.
  5. Twyst, do you have a smoking gun or is your comment more applicable to smoke alarms in general? Ours are very sensitive and monitored by a secunity company.
  6. I got The Smoking Gun for Christmas and I am not sure whether or not to keep it. I have been watching YouTube videos and whatever else I could find and am concerned about the amount of smoke it produces. I do not have an exhaust fan, so are my smoke alarms likely to go off every time I use it? I could use it outside but I live in Canada and that would be impossible in the winter. Thanks for any advice you can give me.
  7. What is the texture of the potatoes like after they have been frozen?
  8. http://coffeegeek.com/reviews/drip/technivormmoccamaster This is the pot that we have. We are very happy with it. The above is the link to some reviews.
  9. Jar level sounds fine -- enough headspace. Did you let the pressure come down naturally after cooking? Quick release will often lead to a mess inside the pressure cooker as the jar contents maintain their pressure and will boil violently in the lower pressure environment of a rapidly cooling pressure cooker. I let the pressure come down naturally.
  10. http://www.forumthermomix.com/index.php?topic=10660.0 The link above will take you to a recipe someone posted to the Australian Thermomix Forum site. If this doesn't help, you could do some scrolling through that site and seeing what you can find. I tried making fudge in the Thermomix last night and it came out quite soft. The taste was good so I can imagine cooking it for less time and having it as a sauce. Hope this helps a bit.
  11. I used one of the my older 1 pint jars that is sort of square in shape. The olive oil covered the "shoulders" of the jar but stopped before the neck of the jar, if that makes sense.
  12. I made the carrot soup as my first recipe and was very happy with it. It sure is rich though, and best ingested in small amounts. Last night I made recipe no. 2, the garlic confit. I followed the instructions including turning the lid back to loosen it a bit after sealing the jar. After about the first hour my previously perfectly quiet pressure cooker sounded as though something was rocking inside. After the two hour cooking period was up, and I opened it, I discovered that a good inch of the olive oil had escaped from the jar. Does anyone know why this happened? Did I loosen the jar too much? The two rings on the guage were just visible and my (induction) stove was set at 2.8.
  13. Are they in the fresh or frozen section? Mind you, I'm in Canada and Costco does not have nearly the selection they do it the States. But hey, you never know, we might get lucky.
  14. I'm intrigued -what are cup-o-everything's?
  15. ElsieD

    Dried Herbs

    I too find dried parsley useless as is cilantro. Bay leaf is good dried. Personally, I tried the litehouse brand dried herbs and did not care for them.
  16. I buy these also from time to time, mainly from Costco and I too use the carcasses for stock and no, those chickens do not give us headaches.
  17. I am making my first recipe from the book, it being the caramalized carrot soup. Right now, I have the StoveTop Carotene Butter on the stove and will make the soup part tomorrow. My question relates to the carrot juice that is strained off the butter. Can it be used to make the soup? Or is it simply discarded?
  18. ElsieD

    Apple Scones

    I bought Granny Smith apples yesterday and will make up a batch tomorrow. I do know that they use fresh apples, not canned, and I think they are likely Granny Smith as some of the (green) peel was left on them. Plus, the apple pieces were not uniformly cut. Hopefully, they will be a good facsimile. I can't post a picture of the ones the cafe makes as I have eaten the ones I purchased last time I was there. If I'm happy with these, I'll post a picture.
  19. Yes, I have Modernist Cuisine at Home but I am hoping to get another cookbook for pressure cookers.
  20. I have finally ordered a pressure cooker and would like to get some recommendations for a couple of recipe books. Does anyone have any suggestions for which ones to get? Thanks!
  21. ElsieD

    Apple Scones

    Thanks, Kerry, I'll try this out and report back.
  22. What does it do that the Actifry for a lot less money doesn't do?
  23. ElsieD

    Apple Scones

    They are a buttery scone, very rich tasting. The apple seems to be cooked a bit, sautéed maybe? There are also some spices in there, cinnamon for sure and I think some cloves and nutmeg. I could make a scone dough, sauté some diced apples in butter and spices and incorporate that into the dough before adding any liquid. But, I don't know if that makes sense or what proportions to use. I don't do a lot of baking other than bread, I am more interested in the savoury side of things. But, I am desperate to make these scones. Oh, they are also sprinkled with some sort of coarse sugar.
  24. There is a cafe near me which sells the most amazing apple scones and naturally, they won't give me the recipe. I have been scouring the Internet for a recipe without success. Would anyone have a recipe they would be willing to share? Thanks!
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