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Everything posted by ElsieD

  1. I just re-read this thread. I have a Krups that while adequate, I am not entirely happy with. Can you tell me in what ways the Breville beats out the Krups? I am already sold on the idea that a quarter sheet pan will fit into it as I use those a lot, and also that it will fit a pizza. My problem is the Krups is not all that old so I am having trouble justifying the purchase of a Breville.
  2. Yes, had I read the instructions more carefully, I would have read that. I made a batch last night guessing at what to do. Came out very loose. Made another batch this morning following your instructions and it is perfect. I scooped half cup portions into my USA hamburger pans and have nice little round discs. I have to say I wish more of the Thermomix cookbooks were available to Canadians. I have only two, one called My Way of Cooking and Full Steam Ahead. I don't much care for either of them. If you have any ideas on how I can get more, I'm all ears! Thanks again. Elsie
  3. Thanks, Kerry. I will try this. Do you use the butterfly? Elsie
  4. Can anyone give me instructions on how to cook polenta in a Thermomix? My internet sleuthing hasn't turned up much of anything. Thanks in advance.
  5. Can you explain why you are using what appears to be an empty coffee can with a lid on it rather than the TMX steamer basket? and what is the bread basket for?
  6. *bows his head in shame*I know ... Hmm. The MCAH formula applies to a French-style vinaigrette, where the ratio of oil to everything else is roughly 2:1. What you're describing is more of an Asian-style dressing, with a ratio of 3:14, way over on the other side of the balance. Another MCAH recipe might be more helpful: a sauce that combines chicken fat and jus, using liquid soy lecithin to form an emulsion and xanthan gum to stabilize it. That ratio is 2 (fat):5 (everything else) -- much closer to what you're proposing. In that case, the additives are scaled according to the "everything else": 0.8% for the lecithin, and 0.4% for the xanthan.On the other hand . . . the MCAH "Ultrastable Butter Sauce" calls for 100g everything else (+ 0.4g xanthan), with 120g melted butter (+ 2.4g liquid soy lecithin). What all this tells me (though I'm very willing to be corrected) is that 1) liquid soy lecithin provides a lot of leeway; 2) xanthan gum does not (in fact, I know from experimenting with it that this is quite true; it's a very powerful thickener). So, were I you, I'd start at 0.5% of lecithin, scaled according to your "everything else," and work my way up as needed. And I wouldn't be surprised if it took as much as 2 - 2.5%. Liquid soy lecithin is tasteless, so you don't have to worry about affecting flavor. It should be pointed out for the benefit of everyone considering using lecithin to emulsify dressings that the lecithin needs to be blended with the fat component before adding the fat to the "everything else." Wow, thanks for the information. I will try it out and post the results in case others are interested. I had shoulder surgery this morning and my arm is in a very restrictive sling right now and will be for a month but I may ask by husband to make it. Anyway, that is just to say it may be a little while before I post. I really, really appreciate your help. Elsie
  7. In sour cream for me. That would be my second choice if the first is not available.
  8. Dave the Cook, thanks for responding. So I have a dressing recipe I want to emulsify that has 14 tablespoons of non-oil liquid (rice vinegar, maple syrup and soy sauce) and 1 tablespoon of sesame oil. So, whatever that sesame oil weighs, I use 1 to 2% soy lecithin of that weight? If that oil weighs 20 grams, I use 2 to 4 grams of lecithin? I guess I would start with 1% and increase it to 2% by increments if necessary? Thank you. Elsie
  9. How much liquid lecithin does one use?
  10. Pickled herring filets in wine marinade. Exactly 5 pieces at a time.
  11. If I understand you correctly, while the ice cream is churning I should periodically take the temperature and when it is -5C, transfer it to a freezer container and put it in the freezer? I have a Thermopen so I can get quick readings. Would this hold true for sherbets and frozen yogurt too?
  12. I recently made some frozen raspberry yogurt. This was the first time I had made it and it, too, is as hard as a rock. Maybe this should be a separate thread?
  13. I do mine sous vide at 133F for an hour.
  14. I have something similar to that called Original Speculoos made by Lotus which I buy at a Dutch grocery store. Denninger's probably carries it as well. It takes great control to not open the jar and eat great gobs of the stuff. It is speculoos cookie on a spoon.
  15. I have the WMF pressure cooker which I bought on Amazon. It is a set, one is 81/2 quarts, the other is 41/2 quarts with an interchangeable lid. I haven't used it a while lot yet, as I am quite new to PC, but I really like them. I use both sizes.
  16. I bought some veal cheeks today and would like to cook them sous vide. The last postings I could find on eGullet concerning this was in 2010 and I am hoping to get some updated information. I would like to know at what temperature and for how long these should be cooked. I have never cooked these before by any method and so I have no idea what they are like, but given the price, I hope they are good. Also, what kind of a sauce would be good with them? I'm sort of thinking maybe a marsala/dijon/mustard sauce might be good. Any comments on that? Thanks in advance.
  17. ElsieD

    The Grilling Topic

    I'm ready also but my world is against me too. 15cm of freezing rain, ice pellets, snow called for tomorrow.
  18. Thanks Simon. Now all I have to do is find some beef cheeks. I am hoping my butcher can get them for me. If I can get them, I will post how they turned out.
  19. Thank you, lesliec and Simon for your responses. Yes, Simon, if you could post the recipe I would appreciate it. Elsie
  20. I would like to get some beef cheeks and cook them sous vide. I did some googling and it seems that some people cook them at high temperatures for not so long and others cook them for days at lower temeratures. If anyone has cooked them this way, I would appreciate hearing about how you cooked them. Thank you.
  21. Can you give any more info like how much it costs and where exactly one goes to register? My husband is interested. Thanks.
  22. I cooked a couple of corned beef last week @145 for 24 hours. This is the first time I have cooked them this way. I could not believe the difference between that and my usual braise. This sliced cleanly and was tender and moist. It actually looked more like pastrami. I'll never cook it another way again.
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