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Everything posted by ElsieD

  1. I am looking for a caterer who will do a small reception for about 20 people in the Kingston area. Does anyone know someone they could recommend? This would not be for a sit-down meal but rather an assortment of hearty appetizer type things, which could take the place of a sit down lunch.
  2. Thank you, Tim. I'm embarrassed to say I have some in my cupboard, I did not recognize it by the name gula jawa. Mine is under the label Aroy-Mak and says pure palm sugar. Underneath that is what turns out to be the Vietnamese name, Duong Thot Not. I use it in one of the curry dishes that I make. You are right, it is very good.
  3. I am about to order a pressure cooker and would like to know if I should get the non-perforated insert. I can appreciate getting and using the perforated one but what would I use the non-perforated one for?
  4. I tried to find this in MC@H and couldn't. Can you tell me where it is? Thanks.
  5. Why not simply buy a bay plant? I have a couple of them and when they get too big I cut them right back and they never fail to grow back. I keep them in a south facing window in the winter and when it warms up in the spring, out they go to the deck. I use a lot of bay leaf and really like having these plants at hand.
  6. Page 193 of MC@H lists Wondra and below it in brackets Robin Hood Easy Blend Flour so I would think they are the same.
  7. I'm looking at getting a pressure cooker as well and have been following this topic with interest. I have the same question as patrickamory in that I am wondering also what size to get. We are also just two people but I do cook for more on occasion. As well, I like to make stock.
  8. Thank you Dexter and Okanagancook. Yes, there is a Defalco's here and I will see what they have and as you both pointed out, I can order from Modernist Pantry. However, if any more locals want to chime in with suggestions, I'm all ears (or rather, eyes).
  9. Does anyone know of a place in Ottawa or the Ottawa area where I can find the ingredients I need for molecular gastronomy? So far, I have been able to find a few things but the more "chemically" things as I think of them as, I have been unable to find. If anyone can give me some pointers, I'd be grateful. Or, if you know of reliable mail order sources, I'd be happy with that too. Thank you.
  10. A bit late to be asking this, but Anna, why were you disappointed in the pizza dough? Was it the dough itself or the thickness of the dough as used in the pizza? I am slowly getting my ingredients together to start cooking from MC@H and that dough is on my to try list.
  11. I too am now Interested in a pressure cooker but I am looking to buy one on the cheap to test it out before I spend serious money on a good one. To that end, I posted an ad on Kijiji and someone wrote back to say they had a brand new one they are looking to off-load. The brand they have is one I have not seen mentioned anywhere in this thread. It is WMF. It is as far as I can tell, a German make. Amazon has it for $230 (list 255). Does anyone know anything about this make?
  12. Algonquin College here in Ottawa is teaching a 2 day course called Introduction to Molecular Gastronomy. It will be held November 24 and 25 (Saturday and Sunday) from 9AM to 5PM. If you are interested, please go to their web site for further details. I just got Modernist Cuisine @ Home and figure taking the course will be a good way to get me started on things molecular. Please note that I am in no way affiliated with the college. I have, however, taken some culinary courses there and have yet to be disappointed.
  13. Anna, I baked your tea loaf yesterday and had a couple of slices today with my - what else- cup of tea. I had them toasted with butter and they were delicious. It is hard to imagine that such a simple recipe could be so tasty. Thanks for sharing.
  14. I did some Google sleuthing which is how I came up with hickory. According to what I found, they grow mainly in the southern part of the province.
  15. Looking forward to the posts. I enjoyed them very much the last time. The sausages look like they are missing their casings which makes me think they formed them at the diner. Strange way to serve eggs, draped over a croissant like that.
  16. For those of you getting replacements from Amazon, how are you shipping the books back given that they did not come in a box?
  17. SeattleFoodGeek who is with MC commented in an earlier post that they are looking into the Amazon issue. He has promised to provide an update when he has an answer.
  18. I have made this ice cream and have never had a problem with it. The only difference is that I tend to cook the custard to a temperature closer to 185 F but I don't know if that makes a difference.
  19. @ElsieD, I'm very sorry to hear that. We're investigating as to why your book was shipped without any protective packaging. We'll reply on this thread when we have answers from Amazon, but we'll fight to ensure that you receive a new, undamaged copy. You know, I appreciate the thought of getting a new copy but I'd be happy with just a new sleeve.
  20. ElsieD


    I just made some last weekend. I made the dough on Saturday, baked some of it on Sunday and the rest on Monday. It was fine both days.
  21. Nope, nothing like that. Just the white sleeve with shrink wrap. I have just had a closer look at it and the 2 books are in pristine condition but the sleeve has some damage on the corners.
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