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Everything posted by ElsieD

  1. If you do cold smoke them, can you post how they turned out?
  2. Please let us know how that turns out.
  3. I would like to make some alfajores for Christmas. Never having made them before, I'm wondering how well they keep. Does the filling make the cookies crumbly after a day or two? Are they better filled just before eating? Should they be kept refrigerated? Thanks!
  4. Yum. What was the chicken stuffed with?
  5. http://www.amazon.com/WMF-Perfect-Stainless-Pressure-Interchangeable/dp/B005EQK3IE/ref=sr_1_4?s=home-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1385833481&sr=1-4&keywords=wmf+pressure+cooker This is the one I have and am very happy with it. If you get this set you get the best of both worlds.
  6. I have to try this place out the next time I'm down that way! Everything always looks so good.
  7. Slit down the middle, prop the two halves apart, add sour cream and chives or, if chives are not available, finely chopped green onions. That's it.
  8. I get rid of unwanted liquid in squash by mashing it and letting it drain in a fine meshed sieve until it is the consistency I want. Works like a charm.
  9. BUT how does it taste? We have tried various things instead of regular pasta...and I just don't find them the same. In my case, I'll just have real pasta every now and then, instead of any of the other noodles or vegetables instead. So far...It tastes like regular pasta, except that it tastes a bit heavier, if that makes sense. The ingredients are enriched durum semolina flour, modified wheat starch ( resistant starch, a source of fibre), wheat gluten.
  10. My husband and I started a medically supervised weight loss program in January. He has lost 95 pounds to date (14 more to go) while I have lost 20, not nearly as much but I didn't have as much excess weight to start with. We too used MyFitnessPay to record, in our case, calories, not carbs. We both love pasta and have been buying pasta from Fiber Gourmet, link below, as it has 40% fewer calories than traditional pasta. Because of the added fiber, it is more filling and therefore we eat less of it than the regular stuff. Just thought i would make the calorie counters aware of this pasta. http://www.fibergourmet.com/Default.aspx
  11. I also buy and use frozen lemongrass.
  12. I am thinking about purchasing a Breville Smart Grill. I would like to know if anyone has one and if they do, what your thoughts are on this appliance. Does it really work? Did you buy extra plates for it? I would be using it for cooking meat (steaks, chops, bacon, etc.) as well as making pannini sandwiches, pancakes and probably eggs, plus whatever else catches my fancy. Thank you.
  13. This is really interesting. Can you tell us a bit more about how you make the cheese? If there is room, is it possible to wrap a couple of bricks in plastic bags and use those to weigh your pan down?
  14. We have a couple of places here who specialize in broasted chicken. It really is very tasty, nice and crisp and not the least bit greasy.
  15. I have been looking for, without success, a recipe for apple cider pancakes that uses all purpose flour (no whole wheat) and reduced apple cider as all or part of the liquid. This can be either a yeast batter or a regular pancake batter. I would like to serve this with a caramel apple cider sauce which I also need a recipe for. If anyone has a recipe for either or both and would like to share it, I would appreciate it.
  16. I thought it was hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing.
  17. A few months back we purchased the Thermalloy brand of non-stick fry pans and so far, are very happy with them. If they interest you, I suggest checking them out at a restaurant supply shop as the prices are better.
  18. i would possibly use this forum if I were going to a particular city and wanted to get some recommendations. However, me posting about a restaurant where I live, in Ottawa, is probably useless info if you are living in say, London, ON, and have no plans to come here. If I am looking for information on where to eat in Ottawa, i tend to visit Ottawa Foodies, Urban Spoon or Yelp. That also applies if i am going to a different city and am looking for restaurant recommendations. Those would be the sites I would go to first.
  19. In most situations the time the cooker needed to reach pressure is nearly the same time it will need to loose pressure during a natural release.
  20. ScoopKW we have talked to some chefs here about where to go to school and they are not universaly enamoured with Cordon Bleu graduates in general as they say that most of them were born with a silver spoon in their mouths and the work ethic can be somewhat lacking. That is not the case for the college types as they usually pay all or a good part of their own way. However, I have not heard anything negative about what was taught to them at LCB. Anyway, we have paid up, bought some steel toed shoes today and we shall see what he manages to learn. Lots, I hope. I'm looking forward to not being the sole cook!
  21. Well, ScoopKW I appreciate your answer although I wasn't asking for your opinion about the school. But, since you ask so nicely, he will be going to the school in Ottawa, Ontario and it is the only culinary school in town other than the local college so options are limited. I have attended classes at both and Le Cordon Blue, at least here, is superior to the local college. Plus, since he will not be working in the industry he doesn't want to take forever to learn the basics. I should add that I really, really enjoyed reading your thread. You are a very good writer.
  22. And everyone -- chefs and cooks -- wear black leather kitchen shoes. Black. Not orange Crocs. Not sneakers. Black leather kitchen shoes. Good thing Birkenstock makes a pair. I won't wear any other shoe.
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