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Everything posted by ElsieD

  1. I realize SV is in the title and my question is not about SV but rather, the appliance in general so I hope it is okay to ask this question. (If not, mods please remove.). Given the temperature range, I wonder if one could successfully temper chocolate with it? I can also see it being useful for deep frying.
  2. I wonder if the SAQ in Quebec carries it? I did a search on their web site but didn't come up with anything but then my French is pretty much nonexistent. I'll maybe check them out unless someone already knows.
  3. Our new fridge has arrived and I have just finished turfing almost everything that I had in the fridge. I kept the pickles and mustards, maple syrup and honey. Who knew one could pack that much in a fridge and that's not counting what is waiting to be transferred into the big fridge from the bar fridge. Dave W I did not get your message in time or I would have kept my sweet Chili sauce which was a big Costco bottle minus about a tablespoon. I just figured it was better to be safe than sorry. Sadly my sourdough starter smelled nasty so that went too. There is one item that I am sitting on the fence about and that is Ketjap Manis. I went to the Conimex site and the ingredient list states " sugar, soya sauce, water, soya bean, salt, wheat, molasses, invert sugar syrup, preservative, potassium sorbat, flavour. The Dutch label, translated says "keep cool and dark" but does not say to keep it refrigerated. So if anyone has specific knowledge as to whether this is still good please chime in. I'll repeat that the temperature in the fridge was about 58 degrees. I'm guessing that it is okay to use. Thanks again for all your help. I made a list of everything that I need to replace but it is amazing how much will not be. Elsie
  4. Thanks but the freezer is no longer the problem. Our main freezer, which is a stand up, has a built in alarm. Our fridge freezer holds mostly leftovers and what I call "little stuff" like crumpets, leftovers, English muffins, ginger, berries, and the like. The stuff I threw out that was in the freezer was completely defrosted. I didn't have to think twice about throwing it out. What I am interested in is knowing what I can keep and what I must throw out from the fridge part, and I will follow all suggestions here. Now, when I said I felt like having a little cry was not because of the cost involved but just the sheer waste. That is what makes me sad. So, tomorrow morning I will empty the fridge, make a list of what I am throwing out and temporarily put everything else on the balcony making sure to watch it like a hawk so it doesn't freeze as it will be minus 18 Celcius tomorrow morning. Thanks all, you have been very helpful.
  5. How about stuff like ghee, asian sauces, hot sauces? Fridge officially died Wednesday.
  6. Our fridge died this week and a new one is coming tomorrow. I have already thrown out everything that was in the freezer and the " must keep refrigerated stuff -e.g. Cheese, yogurt, eggs etc." moved to a bar fridge. There is still stuff in the fridge, mainly sauces, pickles, juices, horseradish and the like. That stuff stayed there as the bar fridge had no more room. I am about to make a list of what is in there so I know what I have to replace. Will some of this stuff still be good or should it all be pitched? Are there any general guidelines? I don't want to risk getting sick but it seems to me that some of it should be all right. The temperature in the fridge is 58F. Thanks in advance.
  7. Elaina, nice crumb you have there!
  8. It is a specialty of the Alsace region of France, also called Tarte Flambee plus other variations on the spelling of Flammekuchen. It can be made using a pizza dough, a non-yeast dough or puff pastry. I treid them all and prefer pizza dough. It is very simple to make. You cook bacon lardons until most of the fat is cooked out of it then in a bit of the bacon fat you cook some onions. When the onions have cooled, they are mixed with Creme fraiche, salt, pepper and a bit of nutmeg. That mixture is spread on the dough and topped with the bacon. I baked it for 8 minutes at 550F. It doesn't sound like much but it's delicious.
  9. Thanks for this. We are going to give it a look. I used to read his reviews and he can be hysterically funny.
  10. I went to Costco today and looked for the peeled garlic. I couldn't find any so I asked at the service desk. They do not carry it. What they do carry is chopped garlic in what, if I remember correctly, were 1.2 kg jars. The label said it was "grown, harvested and processed in California" but I didn't get any. It said 1/2 teaspoon was equal to one clove. I have tried jarred garlic in the past and was never impressed by it although I might be persuaded if anyone said this was worth buying.
  11. Key chris, I used 259 gm of bread flour, 153 gm water, 69 gm starter and 4gm salt. First rise was 4 hours, they were proofed for 3. Baked at 385 Convection for 45 minutes. Kitchen is about 22 degrees celcius.
  12. Specific questions for Ann:This is all very interesting. When you add the flour and water do you leave it out of the fridge until it has double and then put it in the fridge? And you mix the 60 grams of the discard with 225 gm each of flour and water and mix that in with 1000 gm of flour for a loaf (or two) of bread? General question - anyone? Finally, I tried to make a "mini" sourdough loaf yesterday that came out of the dense side. Is there a limit to how far down you can scale a loaf? I applied baker's % when scaling. Or maybe I didn't let it rise enough? When I poked the dough the hole slowly filled in about 80% so I thought it was ready. At that point it had been in the banneton for 3 hours. Edited to fix typo.
  13. How long do you leave them in? I have been using the pressure cooker to do mine which works well but I do it that way because I am not sure how long to cook them sous vide.
  14. My SIL actually has live silkies on their hobby farm so I am familiar with them. Kosher chickens are readily available here as are halal. T & T carry chicken with head and feet attached.
  15. Anna, now you have truly gone and done it. My MIL gave me a recipe for sausage rolls many years ago and while I made them once when she gave me the recipe, it (the recipe) got filed away and I had forgotten about it until now. I am off to get some sausage meat and will made these for supper.
  16. Oh my goodness, Anna, that looks so good! Is that on PC puff pastry? (If it is, I just happen to have some in the freezer.)
  17. I can't remember where I read this, but I think it had to do with ice cream. It said to add the vanilla AFTER the custard had cooled, because heat is harmful to vanilla. Hopefully, wiser folks than I will chime in.
  18. Cakewalk, looking forward to the recipe. Shel_B, I would appreciate that. And KennethT, I always used regular peanut butter like Jiffy or Skippy which is of course, already sweetened. Maybe that was part of the problem?
  19. I have a friend who has just had surgery for a serious health issue. I want to make him a batch of his favourite cookies. I used to make peanut butter years ago but stopped when I found all the recipes I tried to be cloying sweet. Would anyone have a recipe they would be willing to share that showcases the peanut butter rather than the sugar? It would make my friend very happy and he could use a bit of happiness right now. Thank you!
  20. I made butter today following the instructions on Andie's blog and using the Thermomix. It turned out great. I had just shy of a litre of cream and got 12 ounces of butter. I used Maldon salt which I squished in using my gloved hands. Very nice clean taste.
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