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  1. You guys take awesome vacations I don't know why I read your blogs when I'm hungry. I want alllllll the seafood.
  2. Shelby

    Dinner 2025

    Looks excellent, Norm Turkey roll ups. Roasted half a chicken with cauliflower pilaf and salad--the chicken actually had a liver and a heart in it like the good ole days. Chicken fajitas Roasted turkey quarter, wilted spinach salad and brussels sprouts Went to the doctor with Ronnie (I hadn't met his new doc yet so I thought I should go). He got a stellar report! All of our lower carb eating has paid off. Levels are all excellent and he's lost 20 lbs. So, while we have to stay on track, I don't feel so bad making a pizza once in a while.
  3. Ninja Swirl by Creami Soft Serve and Ice Cream Maker A bit pricey....but it looks interesting. I quickly googled and I don't see it for sale anywhere but at Crate and Barrel.
  4. Shelby

    Dinner 2025

    Ohhhhhh, now you're going to make me tell on myself. Just a jar of Bertolli Alfredo....sauteed mushrooms in the pan first. Then warm the noodles. Was it great? No. Did it help my pasta craving since I haven't had any in 100 years it feels like? Yes. IMO those noodles are best in an Asian type dish. Nothing special Dressing of Hellman's mayo, red wine vinegar and sugar (Splenda) along with broccoli, red onion and sharp cheddar.
  5. Shelby

    Dinner 2025

    Thank you! I never knew this. Will definitely do next time. I've had many a time where I almost lost an eye.
  6. Shelby

    Dinner 2025

    This literally made me drool. Brrrrrrr. Everyone staying warm enough? I hope any California friends are safe and ok. What a start to the new year. We're still snow packed with a good 4-5 inches on the ground. Some spots are bare due to sun melting--that's good for the deer to feed. Been cutting lots of firewood. Burning lots of firewood. The birds are eating me out of house and home lol. Thankfully FedEx has quit being weeks and weeks behind in deliveries and I have 3 more bags of seed for them. I've been bad about taking pictures still. Probably stems from the low carb cooking that continues to challenge me. We splurged and had a small pizza. Hot wings and broccoli salad. I don't usually put hot sauce on the wings but I did this time for some reason. Ronnie wanted fried livers and gizzards for his birthday. Lotta frying. Livers are not my fave to fry because they pop so much. Not the greatest picture but they were good. Another little splurge...beans to go with chicken fajitas. Spanish "rice" (cauliflower) too. Lamb chops and stuffed mushrooms. Ronnie had his doc appointment where they take blood --he goes back next week for the results. Praying that the levels are down from last time so that I can make a pizza or have some bread without feeling like I'm killing him lol. So, just to be safe, big salad night which really kind of sucks in the winter time. I didn't even add broccoli in order to save on carbs. Finally quail with Brussels sprouts and konjac noodles with Alfredo.
  7. I like Bumble Bee whole baby canned clams.
  8. The orangutans! The little bears! LOVED seeing them. Yeah, I agree with rotuts, this last meal looks AMAZING--not that the others didn't look good but I'd love to try every dish that you guys had. As per usual, I don't know how you guys do it--the humidity would KILL me. I will never travel to the places you do so I really love that you take us along. HUGE thanks for taking time to do this and for taking so many descriptive pictures along the way. I'm sad it's over
  9. Shelby

    Dinner 2025

    I know. Rub it in why don'cha
  10. Shelby

    Dinner 2025

    @Norm MatthewsThat Korean chicken looks delicious @liuzhouAs usual the shrimp look just out of the ocean --so fresh Of course, the holidays are responsible for making us cheat more on the not trying to eat a lot of carbs thing sigh. I'm trying to get back on track-ish lol. It's really hard, especially in the winter with no garden, to think of new dinner ideas. I'm wearing out google lol. Venison meatloaf, low carb brown gravy over mashed cauliflower and canned beans Salad and vegetable soup Cabbage going south so an Asian-ish salad Along with @JAZ's Ramen with Pork and Snow Peas from her Super Easy Instant Pot Cookbook My apologies to Janet, I had to change it a bit because I had no snow peas so I subbed broccoli and I had a yellow bell pepper going south so I used that too. I used carb free noodles that were added at the end after cooking. Good stuff! Oh and I also over cooked the eggs sigh.
  11. That's too bad I know how much you love a good mango. When is mango season over there or is it all the time or? Very happy you're doing a blog--I was hoping you would Can't wait for more. OH and I'm so glad you guys enjoyed a non getting sick vacation!
  12. Shelby

    Dinner 2025

    I can't believe it's already the 7th of January. Time is flying. My mom and stepdad sent us a delicious ham for Christmas so we had that on NYD for dinner along with Brussels sprouts and the hopefully very lucky RG BEP's. I absolutely had to have pizza. The low/no carb thing is only something I can take for so long lol. Salad to go with. We were prepping and bracing to lose power during this huge icky ice/snow storm . Thankfully we didn't but I had made a huge pot of venison chili for dinner which really came in handy for lunch yesterday during all of the shoveling and plowing in the bitter cold we had to do. I had also SV'd a pork loin and threw it in the fridge to heat up on top of the stove if we lost power so I reheated it in the SV bath for last night. Salad and roasted asparagus on the side
  13. Me three. I'd love to have something like that available. That's super cool.
  14. UGH I'm so glad he didn't have to go to the hospital but I'm sure he's super sore . I think Chinese food sounds so good. If I could order take-out I'd do it in a heartbeat.
  15. We debated about starting the grill but it was dark and cold so opted just to use the cast iron screamingly hot with butter.
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