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this is an old thread I am not sure if it will help LOL I had forgotten about this but still make ginger beer we drink it like some folks drink iced tea ( It is not alcoholic in content so you notice, but it could be and we have had it when it had gotten that way) http://forums.egullet.org/topic/105471-brewing-ginger-beer/?hl=%2Bginger+%2Bbeer
Well I finally have my flooring …the OBVIOUS solution came when I was showering the other day on a floor I had made out of stones! LOL! it is blissful on the feet, why not put it in the kitchen? ..and voila! , a perfect solution for the kitchen floor is one i have already done…but I do want heating pads under it. , Pebble floors are comfortable, sturdy and easy to clean. ….best of all they are dirt cheap material wise. so as soon as my counters are poured and sitting… I am going to prime the wood well and install a heated pebble floor, one stone at a time. thanks so much for the dialog for now I am just making tiles out nickels and pennies to put on the backsplash areas as well as priming cabinets. Slow going but a true labor of love photos hopefully to come when I get started
Your Daily Sweets: What Are You Making and Baking? (2015)
hummingbirdkiss replied to a topic in Pastry & Baking
I borrowed my son's oven to bake these it had to be done I had to remind myself why I am persevering on this kitchen /these were really good sticky buns fortified and back to work- 487 replies
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LOL vegan sliders right below that yummy sandwich GFWEB posted LOLOL! So when my oven broke I started cooking with the dehydrator and became total addicted to the vegan raw burgers so I make a batch and just stick them in the fridg ..the good part about raw food? no "heating it up! " I made some cripsy dosa (just regular style plain dosa batter made thick and with turmeric) fried until crispy then layer a pancake, a mini "burger" some tomato curry and all is good in the world of vegan ..until I want a steak
I am in! I have read and reread … I have 2 Korean friends who make soy sauce and miso but they buy the pre made cakes at the market ..when I mentioned that i was going to try to make the cakes I got an automatic revulsion over it and they directed me again to the market so I am going to read research and follow you folks …along with the advice of my friends who fight over how they do it anyway iso this should be fun and they both make incredible sauce and miso .. when I get a break and feel confident I am going to make one with the home made cakes I will make one with the store bought cakes as well and see how different this is I absolutely ADORE home made Korean chunky dark miso it is the best thing I have ever eaten miso wise and I have so much trouble finding it that if takes making my own soy sauce to get it ? that is what I am doing please add any and all info you may think interesting because even if not posting ..many of us will be reading for sure thanks so much! I hope to reciprocate someday when I get to making it I live in the Puget Sound grow lights and a fan if we do not have another summer like we just had!
FauxPas the PNW is the land of milk and honey as far as I am concerned I could give a shit about the weather the bounty to be foraged and grown here is mind blowing to me ..but you have to have mossy toes …I have hazelnuts all around my greenbelt but I never get that many at one time the pine squirrels always beat me! the nuts wild and planted go crazy here and produce but it is a fight and the struggle is real ..I always loose sunflowers were spectacular I forgot about the bees! the sunflowers all produced pizza sized seed platters and I know it was because of the bees! … ..my grandkids sit with the ripe green sunflowers in their laps eating the seeds out of the flowers green and tossing the petals to the ducks .. hard work and insanity pays off in seeing them like my own kids demolishing sunflowers in the purest of forms and then the cycle that lead up to it if you do not want to mess with seeding sunflowers and want the benefits make the green seeds into milk but putting the whole thing in the blender like you do with almond milk and then strain it I have eaten the heads like artichoke hearts but the seeds are my delicious reward so I rarely eat the heads ..half for me half for the birds and that bastard pine squirrel
I want to catch up on my garden conversation but the pig, my animals are so much a part of gardening and cooking to me I cannot talk about one with out the other ..but since i was miscasting I am not sure how to dialog about this appropriately but I will try one more time and if it doesn't work out I will just move along no hard feelings it is all tied into one world for me my garden, cooking and eating …one does not end where another starts Bacon is going to be bacon in about 6 months right now Bacon is my rototiller , my composting machine, and a fertilizer spreader all one one and no one claimed or even had any idea there was a pig anywhere so he is mine and living the life of a suburban pig in a garden. all of a sudden with just the addition of this little beast my yard fridge and freezer are cleared out of anything I wasn't going to eat myself I have cleaned all my beds and he goes in right after and has now plowed up my garlic and fava bean beds for next months planting… I get why farmers love pigs! Wow they are one do it yourself machine and the end result ? Well nose to tail eating of something I raised on garden refuse? is no problem for me. win win win and he walked in the yard? so that is the story and hope it follows the rules as well as provides the info folks with a little peek and advice if you want and plowed clean yard ???? I have plenty of the white bean seeds I mentioned in an earlier post ..actually I have lots of culinary seeds if anyone wants to trade seeds? hope I am allowed to offer seeds to trade but during the winter it is as much fun planning and trading seeds for me as gardening is itself .. has EG ever had a seed trade thread for culinary heirloom seeds I wonder Right now we are eating and drying a lot of meaty sweet pumpkins …3 inches of super flavorful meat on them this year and pockets of seeds that were so easy to take out they are a "keeper" for sure popcorn I finally can pop my own corn! that was crazy I and up to six ears on the big corn plants and such pretty colors …I have never tried home grown popcorn i hope it pops ..if not it will make good corn bread happy fall gardening! is anyone still planting? ..other than the fava and garlic I am done until President's Day ..letting the animals have the beds then covering them for the winter next week we squeeze cider that is always fun fun fun cider ..I have to leave it on the counter for 4 days to get the sparkle does anyone else do that? something about cider I love autumn
Your Daily Sweets: What Are You Making and Baking? (2015)
hummingbirdkiss replied to a topic in Pastry & Baking
that apple tart with granny smith curd? wow!!! looks amazing and sounds even better I had SOOO MANY duck eggs it was time to make a panda honeycomb cake and this you can do on the grill for sure so I did ..the honeycomb is not great looking I like it when they are super deep …but this tastes as good as any I have baked indoors..I was starting to tweak from lack of backing and was going to sneak in my kids house while they were gone and use the oven …but these took the edge off… I know you guys understand I used up 13 eggs and made breakfast for a few days! /so disappointed in the lack of honey comb ..you can feel the correct texture to it when you bite.. it but the looks are not there ..must be the temp of the grill huh and the little pig running back and forth just out of reach while I bake in the yard this morning ..(it was cute for a while but not fun now ) ? everything else was the same as when I bake it in the oven -
yum yum!!! and honestly no terrible aftertaste in these like I find in most packaged cookies …at least that I detect..tiny can but as I was eating them I realized I was ok stopping at 6 instead of eating an entire pan of cookies if I baked them so ..that is a bonus ! ..they were also on sale for $2.50/can ..and the cans are a holiday project for my grandkiddos…win win win ! so I bought 10 cans of the two flavors they had and they help take the edge off being without an oven right now. they have several flavors i would love to try but off sale they are too expensive for me ..if anyone else tries them please let me know! T
I wish I could post a video of this but you guys a fat little piglet is/has apparently been living with out notice ..in our yard and we can not catch him..mind you I live "in town" not in the country and my poultry situation is out of control as it is …he is enjoying the fallen fruits and has found my pumpkins …he is freaking adorable but this is crazy! ..it is a hardy brown and white striped piglet and he is fat and healthy and has me worried that someone is looking for him …but I have searched and asked and no one is claiming him ..…I am so afraid a big dog or a a coyote will get him ..…my husband set a live trap last night and I put a bowl of soup a sandwich and some peach cobbler in it …he has come back several times and my husband thinks he is feasting in our garden and hunkered in the duck/chicken yard..he is fat healthy and quite pissed off..the funny thing is 6 years ago a piglet wandered into my girlfriends yard ..no lie! he wandered in she looked for his owners no claimers he grew to over 400lbs..she had him neutered and finally he was made into food buy one of the best butchers I have met in this area …his name was Benson and he went from pet to food at the 400lb mark ..she gave us his hind quarter and some amazing bacon . …Benson fed a lot of folks in our area poor guy did not have a clue when he wondered in… not sure if he will come back but I have named him "Bacon" due to his beautiful brown and white streaking and fat little self I can't/will NOT keep a pig and would look for the owner for sure if we can catch him ..I am thinking there are other "guerrilla farmers " in my little town he is so enjoying he abandoned orchard windfalls behind my house anyway I wanted to share because it is so funny and if you know how to load a video I am happy to share I could not figure out how to put it on flicker he has taken over the neighbor hood and if does not get eaten himself I am sure he will grow as big as Benson so someone should grab him now and get him home! ..Where ever home is since you are not supposed to have pigs here unless you have a lot of land and no one does just thought I would share this here in the garden section because he is apparently going to help the ducks plow through the beds and eat up all the remainders .. I cannot believe this little guy and wish I had gotten a still shot of him but the video is just cute to me he is fat cute and fast I had no idea what he was when I first saw him! I would like him to NOT eat all the pumpkins and guess I better pick them today they are pretty much done ..even though I would prefer it to be at least one frost before I picked that never happens here they would rot first I am torn about the corn I wanted to dry it and the beans intact in the garden but between the pig and the rain coming back I think drying indoors maybe a better thought ..I love the garden this time of year the spiders are so big thought and as much as they fascinate me and I love them to do their thing ..ew Autumn is here…how is everyones garden doing ..busy huh? …this is sad time of year for my family (tragedy hit hard in the fall a decade ago) but this pig is hysterical and hopefully we can catch the little bugger before something hungry does!
Waxing Nostalgic Over School Lunches
hummingbirdkiss replied to a topic in Food Traditions & Culture
f I did not get to my lunch box before my dear step mother ..shew ould take her glass of white wine with an ice cube into the kitchen and start packing it for me ..she was sweet, beautiful and teetering …looses all touch with reality and food with "wine time" my lunches consisted of a white bread bologna sandwich smear of mustard or ketchup and then she put it in my "Get Smart" lunchbox.. added an apple ..no wrapper on the sandwich by the way..then if she was in the mood a great big dill pickle hand full of chips or once she threw some martini onions because she was out of pickles ..and heaven forbid we had a cupcake or something it went in as well .no wrappers on anything…….then the thermos with the milk and slam it shut put it in the fridge yup when I wax nostalgic thinking of packed school lunches and the smell of my lunch box I remember learning how to pack a good one EARLY! and fast! before "wine time" I did send her back my retainer when she packed my lunch after "wine time" -
I want to show but it is still such a mess! it is a tiny galley kitchen with 70's oak cabinets (they are mostly off in line to be primed and painted in shifts and while it is small it is really a functional shape I like to cook in … what can I show yet ..my friends want me to show them too but what ? the tiles ripped off the walls looks pretty gross right now there is nothing but a huge mess and a lot of hope! I will try to make myself find something cool to share about this disaster ..my solar tube/light combo looks like a crappy canned light when I take a photo so that is not very cool yet I really want a waffle now!!!
Your Daily Sweets: What Are You Making and Baking? (2015)
hummingbirdkiss replied to a topic in Pastry & Baking
I have missed baking so much I made brioche and froze it today after I chipped about 1/4 the tiles off the kitchen walls …oy then I really was wanting dessert! So I remembered seeing a recipe for macaroons you can make in the dehydrator! YAY Excalibur! I found a recipe online but only had a whole coconut on hand and they all called for dry flaked…and had agave and I really do not like agave but Rotuts you make it look good! and then figured "how hard can this be using fresh instead of dried ???" so I cracked drained and gutted the coconut and put the meat in a food processor and then turned it into butter added dates and pecans and some other dried fruit I found … bit of vanilla, cinnamon, salt and honey then used a scoop to put them on the dehydrator trays and went to run errands ..when I came back they were done and amazing with coffee when they cooled so I did not measure I just dumped and really no need to measure with this stuff it is all sticky you just need to have the coconut macerated to butter is the only trick on the texture I think ? I used the whole coconut it came out to about 2 cups plus ..and I added maybe I cup of dates … but there are several recipes online for this kind of thing..I am sure someone here has made these before? They are new to me! and with no oven totally nice with coffee and I had the feeling of making the brioche with the smell of the dough / I have a body fat testing next Thursday (Bod Pod ..a giant egg of truth I have to get in .. I belong to an Army wellness program and they are pretty revealing) and really did not need to eat whatever I was wanting to make with the brioche anyway ! -
green smoothie with a handful of whatever I could grab "green" from the garden frozen figs, a duck egg ..a few dates and almonds …that a gallon of really nice coffee …and a lidocaine patch …I am good to go for another round of heavy labor …chip chip chip off come the disgustingly ugly tiles ..dreaming of the new ones I have yet to find
/ fresh vegetables and pork belly jook (my girlfriend's canned corn … I do not even try to grow sweet corn it is almost too sweet! but very good in this soup ) this is suck your thumb twirl your hair good and the ONLY thing I have eaten with out an egg in or on it ages! it will have an egg on it tomorrow for sure…I made a gallon of this because I am not likely to have countertops tomorrow ..much needed comfort
I think stuffed Francis is pretty cool it takes the stress off real Francis I bet ..since it would cut into his naps to travel I love his little bed they put on the chair he fell off a few times poor guy just drifts off a lot I am telling you my "going on six now gramma" granddaughter has several good dishes now she can do herself because of this show and I have learned so much! I always crack up watching this so I thought it would be fine for the "funnies" but it is good in general huh? I love how joyful the chef is with each and every thing she makes she makes me so happy watching her look so happy! please do not blame me when you get Francis lock and can't stop watching these shows I had several "AH HA" moments over these shows
My friend dug deeper and figured the beans out and sent me a note just now They are called "el barco" or "Judiones" They are from Spain not Italy as she had thought So there is the answer! I can not find much online about them She is the one who gave me the beautiful groundnut plant ( i mentioned it earlier but know nothing about )
thanks! I worked at a truck stop when I was in college that is where I learned oh so very much in this world ..but most of all how to make eggs 3 ways ..chopped scrambled ….you guys know what I mean they are horrifying to many ..but loved by many as well they are chopped and scrambled chopped and scrambled usually with bacon grease and I love them with toast always overcooked…second way was over-well-done ..not over easy never over easy if they wanted the egg flipped it was cooked to death …and sunny side up ..that is the egg I made with crispy frills! yes I baste with the whites with whatever grease is in the pan a few times to get the bubbles and crisp around the edges ..I like the yolk really raw however so I try to not baste it at all husband had a double yolk duck egg on his enchilada he cooked his own eggs really are perfect food
I love Cooking with Dog (has it been mentioned?) https://youtu.be/09grLIioD9g "Enjoy Delicious Beef Offal! " with stuffed Francis and real Francis is here in this one my granddaughter is learning to cook with these videos they are funny and helpful https://youtu.be/_Mw19wVXtn4
I am getting tired of green ..now it is time for red and I received my first sampling of this years crop in red from New Mexico ..YAY! Red stacked enchiladas ..ice cold fresh picked concord grapes with coriander seed, basil and sliced fresh Korean chilies and some garlic … breakfast has always set the tone for the day for me ..today I need to bust my ass PS my husband says I am unable to cook eggs ..look at that thing????!!!! it is a perfect egg I say! Especially for an enchilada..it is crispy on the bottom and raw on the top ..he is very critical of me and my egg! (not shown is a huge glass of water and a mason jar full of black coffee..and motrin )
I will do a check with out seasonings and see ..when I cooked them so far it has been "in" something that changed the color and did not think of this at the time so I will cook the ones I picked yesterday alone and see that would give the answer so I will see then thanks.. I am just thinking that is what they are ..not sure what else they could be? huh? they are huge beans and consistently huge! I am wanting to dry them as much as possible on the vine now so it is between me and the deer as to who gets them ..one side of the bed was like a buffet line for mom and the twins ..thank goodness they were happy with that because I had the entire other side to myself so far! I am just stunned even for runners they are huge plants and 2 covered the corn and pumpkins in the bed I put volcanic rock dust in this bed and wonder if that caused everything to really be prolific ..it does not help it is by the compost heap and gets the first dump each year … I am going out to tend beds and get the rest of the tomatillos today ..prep the beds for garlic and then get back to the kitchen … coffee, yoga breakfast …then work ..sounds like I am not retired that was my same chant before !
13 pages on the Instant Pot! I wish I could sit and read them all and will! any chance anyone ever fried chicken in this yet? it was the reason I brought this to the forum …. and I still want to try again in some form or another
ok Gfweb I sure will LOL not sure how to post it but I will try to sneak some photos in …right now it is the worst it CAN look so I should start there so everything after this will be an "oohhhh ahhhh" I made some stacked enchiladas last night and baked them again on the grill ….but did not take a photo yet because they were a gross puddle ..we were too hungry to let them stand and while they tasted really good (the NM red chili I just received was really nice) they truly looked like crap I will put a fried egg on it and post it for breakfast then?
I think they are corona's as well you guys but am not 100% sure because they are bright white and when I have seen them previously they were distinctly more beige than white but..those photos look the same so they probably are .. I think for now I will say these are a type of Corona and not think about it anymore whatever they are ..they are tasty runner beans …(and I find most runners not so tasty) Scarlet runners are pretty to grow attract birds bees and butterflies .. but I never really thought they tasted very good..the flowers are cute on a salad .. these taste great to me I am going to try to plant half of them with the garlic next month and half in the spring …see what happens thanks so much for the help …these are worth planting and will be planted again I just love them and everything about them right now! I am so looking forward to tasting them dried
nothing fancy at all but really good and I love the smell of home made rice wine this batch was a mix of Calrose Jasmine sticky rice and Korean yeast (I like to mix it up with different yeasts and rices but basically just make it in a big glass kimchi jar then keep it in plastic bottles as you can see I use a very fancy, many would object ..but it is how I was taught and no one I know puts it in glass bottles I do not drink this unless I am feeling queazy then I put ginger in it and it helps a lot! =my husband and kids love it and drink it at the table ice cold with Korean food and I can not imagine not having some on hand to cook with /