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Everything posted by hummingbirdkiss

  1. and pears instead of apples. It is in the cookie oven wish me luck I hope it doesnt rise too much !
  2. I am using sour cream Shelby
  3. EXTRA sour grape gumdrops for a birthday party tomorrow very rustic sorry.. I have no patience to make sure they are perfect visually but they do taste good! puckery good! extra citric acid mixed in with the sugar coating and the grape juice was raw extracted and super sour but very strong solid supper concentrated concord grape flavored juice ..so these are a success and the inside is a very nice jelly candy texture I think you can see through them, almost ..I really like the extra sour as well .The kids who planted the grapes … will get to eat these tomorrow it wold have been more fun if they could have made the candy today.. but the party is tomorrow and they had school ..darn the more important things in life
  4. I am going to make it as well I have everything and i bet it would go in that cookie oven if I use a shallow pan …the sugar crack on top sucked me right it ..It looks kind of like a breakfasty cake to me and that is a hit around here and the second countertop is being poured so this and a pot of coffee should keep them moving …I really love the tone of photo that is a Sunset Magazine cover right there! yup! warm suck your thumb twirl your hair kind of cake to me
  5. I only read stuff like this to read the comments anymore they are the best/funniest reading !!
  6. the comments are as funny as this post LOLOLOL!!!!
  7. I am furious this man let a pig go and did not bother to look for him ..we hiked up into the woods behind our house and found this abandoned shed behind an orchard..if Bacon had been a bit older and found that shed can you imagine a full grown hereford intact boar raising hell in a town ..we have beautiful gardens where I live people travel to see them..I would have to move if Bacon got loose Iowa … if you loose your posting privileges after making me laugh like that? they might as well take mine away too ..this is very food oriented and very much a lesson in stupidity ..and he came into the garden when I was gardening and we are going to eat him .how much more food can we be here? …but …now I have to figure out how to raise and butcher him to perfection ??? and I am not doing that I just can not do it ..I do have him mapped out ..he is adorable and tugging at my heart but I am sure as hell going to to make guanciale ..my girlfriend who had the pig walk in her garden six years ago gave me the head and I made it with her pig and holy crap that was amazing ..so back on that one again for sure I am wanting those jowls HUGE! I will tell you my entire spring garden is going to be planned around pig butchering then summer and fall there will be Bacon on the table then I feel bad thinking that LOL ! oh well I will take my Bacon out of the garden he fits and he doesnt …here in this thread? .. he is for sure part of my garden now and I sure as hell never intended on having a pig …but they go hand in hand ..right on to the table … and then I feel bad thinking that Host's note: this topic has been split to reduce load on our servers; the topic continues here.
  8. it is a weird veg isn't it Elaina? it tastes so good when you get it right ..I never blanch mine in the garden i tried and the chickens attacked it so I leave it .… I blanch it in the kitchen (LOL kitchen blanching vs garden blanching) in water then dry really well and make fritters ..when I go to the trouble of making t we both love the fritters and it uses a few eggs so win win meal for us would be the fritters and some kind of dip for them ..I have made soup with them a kind of calde verde with blanched cardoon instead of escarole it was very good ..it is weird but so pretty isn't my flowers were softball sized and dangerous this year … RE Bacon I think I mentioned that it is kind of overwhelming for me as I have never raised meat this far up the food chain .smart is NOT what I would call my ducks that is for sure …it is going to be really hard to butcher him after this ..honestly but we will and it will be fine he is super fat right now the jowls are insane!
  9. I found a bowl! YAY!!! my husband hates when I eat this for breakfast and ask for a big sloppy kiss! ..personally I think it is HIS problem he will not eat kimchi this truly is one of my very favorite things to eat when I wake up …a fresh egg over easy ..home made napa kimchi, diakon kimchi and warm Calrose rice I dump more kimchi juice on it as i eat…. (I drink this kimchi juice out of a glass it is so good right now) ..feeling the vit C and probiotics fend off winter germs ..or it is my breath good morning friends! Happy eating today!!!
  10. IowaDee you are so funny and so real!!! because you really really KNOW obviously exactly what this is for us? my garden will never be the same ..i was worried the sunchokes would get spread everywhere if I let Bacon eat too many but then I thought.."what the hell at least he is eating them!!! someone has to! " they are tumbling out of the box in pounds and pounds right now so many I am going to try a couple of food banks and see if they can take them? but then why would I do that to anyone who needs the food bank it would be like punishing them if they did not know how they were caused so much pain and misery and unpleasantness….. I need to find a mobile butcher we can not do this ourselves we have done a lot of animals but Bacon is too much for me …I wonder why you could not give him a bunch of beer before the deed ..I am giving him a beer or two a day now …think I am turning him into a drunk instead of calming him down he gets pissed if he does not get his beer now! (it is super cheap beer and he is alone so whatever I figure it will make him fat slow him down and perhaps soften the world for him? He is not meant to be "alone" pigs need friends ..I am still so pissed at this man for being such a careless douche. he has eaten all I could find already i have no idea how to get more acorns other than walking around parks and raking them up and I might just do that this weekend there are lots around ..….i have zero garden waste to clean up right now except he morning glory choking everything that no one likes to eat it seems … he is eating me out of house and home right now it is leftovers and pig chow as well as the garden clearings and whatever he is digging up ..i have NEVER in my life seen so much dirt turned over I tossed him a 20lb pumpkin and it disappeared for a week then resurfaced intact yesterday! ..it is like a big churn going on out there and he has a HUGE yard to destroy that will be a great place to garden next year. Garden wise I am harvesting cardoon now ….this is so crazy!!! I usually do not "usually" harvest it until March but it is good right now so I am eating it ..I saw it posted above ..I like cardoon a lot and since the bitch chickens destroyed my artichokes that is the closest I had this year ..last year we had a great harvest this year the plants were completely pulled out and the roots eaten for some reason the chickens just went full on attack (ants underneath maybe? )
  11. Big birthday coming up for a friend who wants to go to Etta's I have not been there in ages and only twice in the past for set menu events Who has been latey and would you mind giving a bit of a review? She has her mind set...a morning at EMP then Etta's for lunch on a weekday off season! Using public transport? Yay! I can do that So much going on in the Puget Sound with food beverages and entertainment...no conversations ?
  12. Shelby right????? It is a touch richer and nuttier and nothing negative texture wise YAY! think of all the flavor, fiber and vitamins we were passing up ..I am so excited you tried it ..thanks! I am not alone in my crazy! I told my friend and she told me to "SHUT UP only YOU would put a whole pumpkin in a blender" and see no I am not!!!
  13. I am a queen of the dorks for sure! Pumpkin/squash duh…I had so little squash this year and so many pumpkins i just did not think this was a pumpkin thread … ok so I am for sure going to make three things I saw in this thread and one being the pork and pumpkin Okanagancooks pumpkin pork curry ..I love curry and squash of all kinds summer and winter it just is a great marriage I am on a pumpkin jag for sure since I figured out the IP can hold one and it cooks it perfectly from beginning to end you can put the whole thing skin and all in the blender (vitamix or heavy duty ) and puree the skin and seeds into the most wonderful protein enhanced puree .so with that ….here are a few things I have been making and eating from pumpkins all vegetarian not vegan here is the fully cooked pumpkin freshly out of the IP and ready for the blender seeds skin and all /no slice shot I gave it away pumpkin pie better this was a…but it was orange and looked like pumpkin pie with streusel …the crust was almost a year old at the bottom of my freshly cleaned freezer (YAY! making room for "Bacon" ) super rustic but I should get cred for cooking this pie in a demo cookie oven with only one unknown temp and barely enough room to shove it in right? ok unchurned pumpkin ice cream with that sweetened condensed milk, vanilla and some egg yolks ( I wanted to the nuts and it was easier to stick them on top but they worked with the flavors … I have no idea what happened???? it was smooth in the mouth it just looks kind of awful not like ice-cream at all really more like a mashed up cheesecake ..deceptive photos because it was very smooth if you just tasted it and did not look ??? what did I do here? it was a "happy accident" but not really ice-cream per se and I really wanted ice cream so I will make it again the "real" way other things I have made in the past two weeks with pumpkin include but are not limited to (no photos sorry) Korean pumpkin tea with dates pumpkin soup with fresh found king boletus right now I have cooking a really nice pot of pumpkin congee (nontraditional ) with , roasted until caramel (frozen from the summer) corn and (dried) green chiles it smells amazing but looks like vomit so I will refrain from sharing a photo ..maybe it will look better in a bowl later I am going to make a pumpkin mole as well for the holidays ..since the seeds are being blended with the pumpkin the mole is already half made! and then I think I am pumpkined out for a bit ..but you guys make it so tempting to continue after reading the entire thread wow! ideas abound! ….pumpkin pickles ..miso with pumpkin (YES! I love that and put a bit in the congee already for that base flavor and going to freeze the rest OH!!! dried Pumpkin strips I already ate them (try drying pumpkin for a snack it is really good! ) ..I steamed two more pumpkins and made a pot of chicken stock to freeze …so I am going to just can the stock and seal the pumpkin for use later … oh and we did make some pumpkin leather for my grandkids it was pretty orange and is gone! but just fresh raw applesauce and pumpkin I made pumpkin marshmallows from the Knightscotsman recipe here on EG last year I should see if I can find it I had it on paper but that was such a fun thread the marshmallow thread I had a garden full of sugar pumpkins and going to stick with this lovely pumpkin again next year for sure but for sure i am planting squash I have no idea what happened there I usually am bombarded with regular winter squash and have no pumpkins
  14. LOL good luck Darienne I hope you guys like it as much as we do ..if not I will hide!
  15. I found the book …awww old friend ..hug hug …nostalgic and teary ….good times …the show was awful! she was so bad but she put out two very good cookbooks and put her heart and soul in both …very "early 80's vegetarian" with a strong Asian Pacific Island influence..and she was always a yogi so she has that very sweet vibe the book the "Art of Dieting Without Dieting " by Kathy Hishijo (she followed a yogic diet) it is all about healthy eating not "dieting " I think that is what they told her to call it back then to sell it …. the recipe is "Worth The Trouble Burgers" and they are and if you are careful follow the recipe exactly .. they are damn good…just NOT a hamburger ..but a good thing to slam in a bun and condiment with the "usuals" …(if violates something if you just snap a shot of a page out of a cookbook I think or i would it is long complex and has little pointer boxes ) I will try to make them next week and copy the recipe then .
  16. that to me looks like a perfectly prepared stock!
  17. The Hare Krishna Cookbook is a free download and old school good vegetarian you can download it free on their site Kathy Cooks …Naturally ..it is on amazon for less than $10 has 1000 recipes and I think I Have tried and failed/succeeded with most of them at one time or another I just challenged myself to "get though" her book (I never did that again with any other book that sucks) a very good fun cooking and lots of really unusual vegetarian and vegan recipes ) she had a PBS cooking series a long time ago and taught me how to cook a new way my kids adored her yuba ribs!..we made fake mcRibs out of them but i had to search high and low back then to find yuba and then I found my first East Asia grocer in this area .. (obscure for sure I would say) so many more books ..I find my best vegetarian recipes in "regular" cookbooks I just browse and really so many have a huge portion dedicated to non meat meals (edited ..her other book Kathy Cooks Vegetarian (Art of Dieting With out Dieting) Is just as good
  18. Thanks Rotuts ...I was worried the seeds might change it too much ...but only did it improve...if you wanted a finer puree it could be seived very fine and still leave little behind I come here specifically to be called to task on being more precise ...I have little kids in my life that need more structure from me in my recipe translations. You folks are my only hope
  19. the seeds were still quite tough and rubbery but the blender made short work I give the blender 50% of the cred here
  20. yes they do have timed cycles then revert to warm I don't know Rotuts I am so sorry? I pushed the button went and did a project and then came back next time I will pay more attention at the exact timing of the beginning to end .. I am sorry
  21. do you mean in the cooker (I just pushed the button and walked off they came out perfect both times) or did you mean in the blender? if so I put the whole pumpkin right into the blender and wizzed it about a minute or two working my way up and the seeds vanished I swear ..I HATE grit even in a smoothie I can not stand protein powder ..there is no grit this is amazing to me! so whatever the cycle time was for the soup and stew function is how long my cooking time was before you could open the top? does that make sense when it popped the pumpkin was ready I did not vent it ..there was still time on the LC cycle ( 35 minutes for stew and 30 for soup is that what you wanted to know I just looked?)
  22. ok I have done two pumpkins and this is the way to go to get your sugar pumpkins ready for anything that starts with "you will need cooked pumpkin puree" you can either push the soup our stew button and walk away no timing needed just when it is done with the cycle and you can open it the pumpkin will be done ….both times soup and stew…with same/perfect results .. but put three knife holes in to vent worked better on the seeds than a hole in the top … (I bet you do not even have to do that if it explodes where is it going ? ) I like pulling the entire cute cooked to perfection pumpkin out and dropping it into the blender then using the plunger to mash it in and the half cup of water you put in the pot…puree until smooth and voila perfect puree with all the guts and seedy goodness … the only thing I tossed in the compost heap was the stem for lunch I made pumpkin tea just hot water dates and pumpkin (quantities sufficient to amt desired )in the blender pinch of salt and pepper wiz it up and serve with some heavy cream ….with the flavor of the seeds and roasted pumpkin it was all I needed for lunch very hardy, yummy results (I guess it sounds like soup but I always called this version "tea" ) I hope someone tries it ..but it would only be as good as the pumpkins for sure ..and I can not wait to try another squash I just had soooo many pumpkins to start eating
  23. fresh roasted in the IP Pumpkin tea with dates and cream in a Scotty cup and more dates
  24. I am with Gfron add fruit i would go with either a roasted pineapple or mango roast the fruit ..put it in and heat everything to simmering temp to meld the flavors before you serve it add more fresh lime and some fresh chopped cilantro and it will be a very happy accident !
  25. I like the last one!
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