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    Southern Chester Co.

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  1. gfweb

    Dinner 2024

    Mayo with meatloaf is great...but consider Russian dressing.....
  2. gfweb

    Food recalls

    https://www.fda.gov/food/outbreaks-foodborne-illness/investigation-illnesses-diamond-shruumz-brand-microdosing-chocolate-bars-june-2024 For those who partake. Looks like they weren't microdoses
  3. gfweb

    A Braising Question

    Agree with avoiding dilution of the liquid but I'll often reduce the liquid anyway.
  4. We are in good shape here. Uphill from the cows. No fracking or industry.
  5. We have a well that has tasty water but occasionally a + bacterial test. So we have a UV sterilizer and a full treatment set-up. About the same price as getting city water.
  6. I find that super-noisy places are more a NYC thing. Not sure why that should be, but there it is.
  7. Stringy, tough turkey meat is usually overcooked. Try sous vide at 150F for 3 hours.
  8. I can see the press being of great use in the trailer/camper. Can the power supply there handle it?
  9. Ive had 2 bso in ...? 15 years. Pretty good considering the heavy use they get,I think
  10. I'd do a Breville Smart Oven. We bake in it all the time. It'll take a 1/4 sheet pan We have a microwave that I use almost not at all
  11. The table in that reference illustrates that vinegar and peroxide are not giving complete sanitizing. And it doesn't even address not removing grease etc which will hinder bactericidal activity.
  12. We are not doubting you, but your "references" are not reliable sources. Clickbait, really. And trash science. H2O2 is also a lousy disinfectant esp at the concentrations available at home.
  13. Vinegar won't dissolve fats/grease which is half the problem on a cutting board. Vinegar pH is in the same range as stomach acid at best. Think of all the pathogens that make it through the stomach and its acid. Vinegar wouldn't touch them on a cutting board. Boiling water would do better
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