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    Southern Chester Co.

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  1. gfweb

    Dinner 2024

    I'm so sorry @Maison Rustique. Prayers for all concerned.
  2. https://myfuckingrestaurant.com/?lang=en They do have a website, including a Catalan version...but no web menu. Wondering if its a joke. But lots of reviews are there.
  3. gfweb

    Dinner 2024

    Hmm. I think I'd flip that ratio. add sriracha and maybe zap it in the uwave.
  4. gfweb

    Dinner 2024

    Recipe? what recipe???
  5. @gfron1 It takes conviction and guts to make a stand that costs you money. I'm impressed and sad all at once. I'm hoping for a next chapter.
  6. There's a sect on eG that LOVES the CSO toast. They appreciate things that I don't notice, I guess. I will say that the sealed CSO has a moist heat (from the food) that might have an impact.
  7. It toasts. Not sure how it could be better. CSO is great too I use that a lot for the steam cooking.
  8. A few hours...4? maybe more. Still very happy with the BSOa. Gets used more than daily. I don't airfry anything anymore...through no fault of the BSOa. I think that the pot will fit. Probably would use foil rather than silicon.
  9. Vacu vin would accelerate flattening
  10. gfweb

    Dinner 2024

    @NadyaDuke If you lightly salt the salmon for 30' in the fridge, it won't leak albumen where you take its temp. You can also slide the probe in on the side of the fish
  11. gfweb

    Dinner 2024

    Outback is opening new ones here. Its a surprisingly-good-for-the-price chain. A reliable place when traveling in the heartland.
  12. This depends on the type of bacteria and your overall health. Bacteria can also make toxins that cause disease without actually having an infection. Long cooks at low temp is the particular SV worry.
  13. A bunch of NY strips for guests. SV lets me forget about the cooking and be a better host. 😀
  14. gfweb

    Dinner 2024

    Is that a beet?
  15. It should work fine. Contrary to generations of chefs, bones add no taste to a stock. They do add gelatin which will change the "mouthfeel" (hate the word) and thickening ability. No bones should taste fine. There'll be more fat from ground beef. I think I'd brown the beef. When you consider how little beef actually is on the bones that go into stock, it shouldn't take a lot of ground beef.
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