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Everything posted by SheenaGreena

  1. omg, that looks so delicious, chryz!!!!!!! Are you sure you're not korean? I made pa jeon last night for an easy dinner. I took the easy way out though and used the premade mix and just threw in some scallions (cut on the bias). I love the seafood version with squid, clams, mussels, etc. another fav version of pajeon is to throw in some old kimchi (juice included) you should also try it with buckwheat flour. It provides a lovely colour and is a different way to make pajeon.
  2. so, do you do anything specific with it or do you just eat it plain with rice? yes the bones taste very good and are good for you there I go again, I should look at the link before asking the question
  3. whoops, I see a section on it in the naily nihongo thread
  4. I buy canned mackerel and it's labeled as "saba mizuni". Mackerel is one of my favorite fish, so I love eating this. is there a proper way to eat this stuff? Do you cook with it? I just eat it right out of the can with rice - you can eat the bones right? This is the brand I purchase
  5. somebody needs to market egg yolks as a condiment. I'm surprised I never tried to dip my french fries into them
  6. I buy a majority of my produce from the local chinese mega mart. Its way cheaper than at the local american grocery store. I get both my american and asian produce there. Once, I found asparagus for $0.99 a little over a lb. The asparagus weren't thin, they were really thick. I like the thick rigid kind better, but some people prefer the wimpy thin ones
  7. I wish you taught me home ec as a kid. I even took home ec in Korea (at an american high school) and my teacher taught us: orange julius, pizza, spaghetti BORING
  8. I guess Savenor's in the Back bay of Boston is pretty good, if you like high end gourmet food items. You can get different types of game there and some offal. They also carry lots of gourmet artisinal items. I don't shop there though, because I can't afford to eat foie gras, or afford to screw it up for that matter. if I had to money though I would definitely shop there (and live in the area). It is pretty darn small though Other than that, every where else I go to is pretty mediocre
  9. two more for you: deer bologna
  10. I love going to the grocery store I love it so much, that I thought I would share my grocery store experience with you. I'd also like to learn how other people shop and if you are as crazy as me (or my mother). Please answer the following questions and feel free to add in other info as you see fit Do you go to several different grocery stores? Do you clip coupons? What do you usually buy at the grocery store? Do you tend to buy more meat or more produce? Are you too ashamed to make purchases from the "reject bin?" Do you make a list? How many refridgerators and pantries do you have for food storage? Do you enjoy grocery shopping as much as I do? Do you go to several different grocery stores? I go to: 2 Korean grocery stores, one japanese grocery store, one local major chain (stop n shop), and one major chinese grocery store. Do you clip coupons? I don't need to, because I have a card for my local store that, when scanned, saves me money on sale items -which is what I tend to buy. What do you usually buy at the grocery store? At the chinese store I tend to buy veggies, seafood, and sauces/condiments there (soy sauce, vinegar, mustard, wasabi, donkatsu sauce, eel bbq sauce, etc).When I go to the regular old grocery store, I get more produce and sometimes shop in the organic section. I go to the Korean grocery store for it's lovely array of panchan (side dishes), because I am a very lazy half Korean. I also buy kimchi there as well because well that takes WAY too long to make - we are talking one day to salt and a few days/weeks to ferment. At the japanese store I buy: onigiri, fish cakes, kamaboko, etc. Do you tend to buy more meat or more produce? I can't even remember the last time I purchased: beef, pork, or chicken although I eat alot of all 3. I usually buy alot of seafood like: mackerel, squid, cuttlefish, mussels, clams, belt fish, etc. Are you too ashamed to make purchases from the "reject bin?" not at all, I frequent the produce reject bin to see if I can find some slightly damaged goods. Once I bought about 10 red peppers for $2 and they were perfect. I roasted them all and sealed them in a jar with some olive oil. Do you make a list? all the time, but I never use it How many refridgerators and pantries do you have for food storage? I have one fridge and a small closet for storing non-perishables. I also have a tiny shelf near my sink where I store my veggies that can't/shouldn't be cold: tomatos, eggplants, peppers, garlic, etc. I want to share with the world how much food storage space my mother has: one "main" fridge in the kitchen that is packed to the gills w/leftovers, juice, frozen food, and panchan. One fridge in the basement that holds all the really old and sour kimchi and pickles sitting in soysauce mixtures. These pickles and kimchi can be up to over a year old -I am not kidding btw. There are also jars of homemade dwengjang and gochujang in it. Next to the fridge in the basement is yet ANOTHER fridge. (mind you these 2 fridges are the size of normal fridges). It contains more soy sauce pickles and dried seaweeds and various dried mushrooms/veggies/herbs. In the basement is also a HUGE walk in pantry stuffed with ramen, canned goods, more various dried korean herbs and vegetables, chinese herbs (which have been sitting there for over 5 years). etc. Wait, I'm not done yet.... Upstairs in the dining room (because there is no room) is a very large kimchi refridgerator that holds recent kimchis in one side and meat and veggies in the other side. These veggies keep for a really long time. I think the kimchi fridge is supposed to simulate underground. Then in the sunroom is a mini fridge that I used in my college dorm days. She puts her soju, bakseju, and panchan in there because she eats in the sunroom alot and thats where we do our korean bbq. Oh yeah, there is another pantry upstairs that holds alot of american goods for my sister and dad. Okay last thing Outside my mother has like 5 huge kimchi potter pots (the brown ones that you bury underground). She likes to put her dwengjang and gochujang in the pots and they keep really well for the entire year. In the winter, she puts her soup and kimchi out on the backporch "because there is no room in the house" Oh and under the sink she keeps her homemade soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil and other cooking condiments that was a lot of typing by the way. Do you enjoy grocery shopping as much as I do? I love the grocery store. I make a habit of going to the local groc store at around midnight (it's 24 hours) so I can look down all the aisles without alot of foot traffic.
  11. no problem, and it's a real shame that you didn't eat that delicious crab it breaks my heart to hear that story
  12. don't know if this is historically accurate or not, but they seem to cleanse the palate really well.
  13. here you go korean crab soup
  14. whole crab in a soup? that is weird. In korea there is a spicy stew that contains pieces of crab. It is mainly crab claws/legs with the body attached. Perhaps I will edit this after I find a picture. Anyways, you are supposed to pick up the crab with your chopsticks and fingers (at the same time) and pick through the meat or put it on your rice and eat it that way. I don't know how the heck you would pick through a crab if it wasn't broken up or cracked at least. that's really odd
  15. shin ramen is good cooked or eaten raw with the sauce packet sprinkled over the crushed ramen. I also like the chapagetti - because I am too lazy to make chajang myun from scratch. This is a childhood fav for my sister and I. I also like the shin brand champong. Other favs include: neoguri spicy udon, nong shim brand spicy ramen (my mom buys like 20 packets of these for my sister and me -when I visit) thanks for the webpage, It helped me remember the names of my favorite ramens! edited to add: donbei soba (japanese) with the little brown fried thing on the top, delicious
  16. yeah parish is good for their beer selection. When I am there I get the vietnamese sandwich - I believe it was developed by Ken Oringer from Clio. Its a waste of money though, because I can get a better version across the common for $2.50 as opposed to $10 (no fish sauce ) glad you enjoyed yourself at Stephanie's, what did you order by the way?
  17. "Aunt flow" came over 2 weeks ago and let me just say I wanted to go to the grocery store and buy a whole rotisserie chicken for myself. I wanted to eat it plain with nothing else, just put it in front of me while watching tv and pick all the meat off of the legs and thighs. Breast meat - ughhh
  18. okay, I take it back my earlier comment (: I heard that lychee was pronounced differently in mandarin and cantonese. One is pronounces it lie chee and the other pronounches it lee chee
  19. I always eat rice with my chopstick, especially (like you said) when I am wrapping kim around my rice or wrapping some cabbage kimchi around rice. you are right about the metal bowls, I tend to see them in alot of restaurants but aren't used so much in the home. despite all these proper ways to eat, when I am eating korean food in front of my mother I eat horribly. I blow my nose at the table, hold chopsticks and spoon in the same hand at the same time, prop one knee up and have the other leg folded, dig in the kimchi for the raddish strips, and dip my spoon into the chigae. However when I am out at a restaurant and in front of relatives I change my tune really fast. Also when you are drinking alcohol there are a whole set of other rules to follow. I love it, because there is so much culture and formality involved. Im surprised that everyone says metal chopsticks are so difficult to use. They seem to grasp things much easier than chinse and japanese chopsticks. I couldn't live without them. I use them alot when I am sauteeing or flipping over bacon. They also make nice whisks or skewers when I'm grilling
  20. depends on if there is salt in your ingredients, and I'm sure there is in the ham. Remember, if there is salt and you pre-stuff them, everything will either be dyed red or will be a soupy mess.
  21. in korea they have a very similar dish, but its more of a street food...when and if its fixed at home its a very rare occurance. They use the exact same fish sausages fish cakes and they leave them in broth on a stick. You pick which cakes or sausages you want and you get a bowl of broth to sip from...it's called o-dang or o-deng..I think. Anyways the name is very similar to oden.
  22. spraying raid doesn't work by the way, it does absolutely nothing. You better hide that vinegar or you will be bombarded. I bet they are coming in from outside, like near your house, through the cracks and windows.
  23. I noticed that...they cut out a few people in the first competition. I noticed that around 4-5 people didn't show their food!
  24. I thought otto had some balls to accept the blame and take himself out of the competition (despite lying then fessing up) until at the end of the show when he said it was his "job" to end world hunger. What a load of crap! I liked how when he said that one liner he was wearing the most cheesiest pin stripe suit. I'm also surprised that Ming Tsai didn't bring up the fact that the Korean team's dessert isn't Korean at all. He made sure to ask them if it was authentic when he was tasting it, but he didn't make a point wether it was or not. I'm sorry but Koreans do not use taro, tapioca balls, or lychee in their food. They may use it now due to recent trends in food, but it is not used in traditional korean cooking. Also I am glad they didn't do a barbeque dish. Its nice to know that when people think of Korean food they don't always think of bbq. I thought lychee was pronounced: lee chee not lie chee? If I got a free box of food I would've kept my mouth shut, but that's just me...
  25. yummy fish cake, I love the good ol' pink one with the white middle. I still buy it for nostalgic reasons. Sometimes when I have no meat I put it in my curry with rice. It makes a nice substitute for chicken, beef, or pork, but it swells too much sometimes. I want to try the hello kitty ones (:
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