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Everything posted by OnigiriFB

  1. Stir fried with Thai red curry and minced pork. Yummy!
  2. Wonderful blog. I've enjoyed seeing home-style japanese food. I definately am going to try your gohan no tomo! Thanks for blogging!
  3. Yay! Looking forward to your blogging. Sorry to hear about your wife.
  4. I make a sauce thats similar. It's what's served with khao mun gai in Thailand. I'll try to find that recipes. It's been awhile since I've made. I'm trying to be healthy and that dish is decidely NOT healthy!
  5. Yay!!! I'm so glad it went well. The food looks yummy! Hope you feel better soon. +
  6. I apologize, I should know better not to ASSuME certain traits I find distasteful. Now that there has been some clarification I believe I would still have ordered something, probably a side salad since a half of a Cobb was not available.
  7. Ah.. but bad Chinese with good company would be great. On the other hand, great Chinese with lousy company would just be sad.
  8. But if you accept an invitation to go to lunch doesn't that mean the person asking is asking you to join them in eating? Most people enjoy eating with others. To accept an invitation and then turn around and decide the food wasn't good enough imo is rude. One caveat being that you inform the person that you weren't hungry prior to going to the restaurant but would like to join them simply to enjoy their company. In this situation I've STILL ordered something. An appetizer, a salad, and/or a dessert with coffee. Oftentimes people are uncomfortable eating when someone with them is not. I'm sorry friend or not I really feel wierd if you are just watching me eat. It would make me uncomfortable and make me feel if I were the one being ungracious. *shrug* then again I'm Thai. Food is REALLY important to us. IF you visit a Thai home you are always asked if you are hungry or thirsty and people WILL foist food onto you no matter. To not do so is inhospitable on the hosts part. To no eat is to give the impression that the hospitality is unwelcome or inferior. ← I would hope that the inviter was more interested in my company than wether I had a plate in front of me or not. Is it about the food or my company? OnigiriFB, I enjoy eating with others. When I'm hungry. When there's something that I want on the menu. Not because of social or familial obligations. If folks get upset over me not drinking or eating, well, hopefully they'll consider me an otherwise respectful, delightful woman to be around and will forgive me. ← Is going out to eat just for company? Is it not also the food, the atmosphere, the act of eating together, etc etc etc? I'm sure you are an engaging diner companion whether or not you eat it. However, I would still be uncomfortable to be eating alone and the whole dinner whatever would have lost its charm. I've had this happen to me ONCE. My friend did tell me she wasn't hungry but would go and socialize. I didn't like it and I'd rather not do it again. Now if someone tells me that I make arrangements for another night or try to eat something before hand. If the case were you show up and then decide you don't want something I would still be uncomfortable and less likely to ask you to dine out again. Go grab coffee and dessert with or a glass of wine with sure.
  9. But if you accept an invitation to go to lunch doesn't that mean the person asking is asking you to join them in eating? Most people enjoy eating with others. To accept an invitation and then turn around and decide the food wasn't good enough imo is rude. One caveat being that you inform the person that you weren't hungry prior to going to the restaurant but would like to join them simply to enjoy their company. In this situation I've STILL ordered something. An appetizer, a salad, and/or a dessert with coffee. Oftentimes people are uncomfortable eating when someone with them is not. I'm sorry friend or not I really feel wierd if you are just watching me eat. It would make me uncomfortable and make me feel if I were the one being ungracious. *shrug* then again I'm Thai. Food is REALLY important to us. IF you visit a Thai home you are always asked if you are hungry or thirsty and people WILL foist food onto you no matter. To not do so is inhospitable on the hosts part. To no eat is to give the impression that the hospitality is unwelcome or inferior.
  10. Looks like a cut for char sui to me.
  11. Incrediblly Rude. So sad that the food wasn't "good" enough for you. I bow down to what must be astounding taste in your part that not even a side salad was "good' enough for you. What a wonderful, wonderful food snob you've become. I've said it before on egullet and I'll say it again. Food snobbery makes me sad.
  12. My favorite is to make a soup. Cut into 2' rounds, hollow out insides. astuff with groung pork seasoned with white pepper/garlic/cilantro paste. Simmer in a chicken/pork bone soup. Season with a bit of soy sauce. Garnish with cilantro and ground white pepper. Yum.
  13. OnigiriFB

    Toast toppings

    Mmmm toast. I love toast with pandan flavored Kaya. My dad like thai chili paste on his. Hrm... off to try that one...
  14. Hi, I was reading another thread an a few posters mentioned that freezing fresh brownies taste just as good as fresh. I love brownies just out of the oven but hate old brownies. I cook for just myself so half a pan tends to get tossed. So how do you freeze brownies to make sure they are still good? Do you wrap them individually in cling wrap? Freeze the whole thing uncut? Just toss in a freezer bag? Freeze on a baking sheet and then transfer to a bag? Do you just throw them in outta the oven or wait for them to cool? Then you eat them straight from the freezer? Do you throw them in the nuker? How long if so. Do I need to thaw them first? Help please! I can cook but I'm lousy at baking. If this works I'm definately making brownies this weekend. I'll even try it from scratch! Thank you.
  15. If I bring pork belly can I come to dinner?
  16. Opps. I forgot about that. Hrm.... I don't think I'd serve anything on the side. I do like the idea of ham with cornbread . You could go really English and butter the cornbread. Maybe a mini blt if you want to use bacon.
  17. country ham with the cornbread?
  18. That reminds me of ramen. Did you know that the serving size is supposed to be half the package? Who the hell eats half a package of ramen?
  19. Larb! Add enough chili you wont even notice.
  20. OnigiriFB


    We think, "Ooo, what recipes do you have? Is there an obscure Japanese recipe that uses Bisquick?" etc etc etc. I do have to admit that I occasionally think something along those lines (replace egullet with friends) when I pick up something less then healthful or a box mix of something. I'm known quite well now as "go-to food person" if they are being nice or the foodsnob if they aren't. Sometimes I even get wierd looks if I mention some packaged product or admitting to liking el cheapo american buffets. What can I say? I like food I think I've used bisquick once a long time ago and really have no memory of it. Not something I grew up eating but the waffles sound good so I might have to pick some up.
  21. Wondeful blog! I love seeing so much Asian food. I think I need to pick up some more cookbooks. Thanks for letting us into your home for the week. Oh, and I love the "eternal cucumbers".
  22. Yeah what IF????? We want a second season! We want a second season!
  23. We did this in Thailand too. My family is part Chinese so that might be why? The only time it was really enforced was in public though.
  24. Hahah Hiroyuki You talked it up so much that the next time I was in the Japanese grocery store I saw it and picked it up.
  25. I had a whopper jr. Haven't been to a BK in three years, a co-worker made it sound like a good idea after work one night. *shudder* it tasted like a very salty sponge. yuck yuck yuck!! NEVER AGAIN!
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