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Everything posted by OnigiriFB

  1. You might want to try a genmai blend (mixed with regular rice) to start. I find the texture preferable to straight brown rice. ← Thank you. I'll try that. Do you know how to cook it without using the rice cooker?
  2. Thanks Torakris Umm... this might be a dumb question but why the different soak times? Also what is nagaimo no tororo? Slightly offtopic - I love Jdrama and watched Hotman and thats where I found out about genmai.
  3. Hi, I bought some Japanese brown rice the other days so I can try to eat healthier. I've never had brown rice nor cooked it. I have a rice cooker but didn't know if it uses the same water measurement? Any recipes that goes well with brown rice? Thanks
  4. I LOVE gow choy gao. I HAVE to have these every time I go to the Empress Pavilion in LA. Anyone have a recipe?
  5. I was unfornately naive and thought a co-worker had regular jelly beans on her desk. Of course, I would have to pick the worst one of the pack, vomit. I put in my mouth, bit down, and walked a few steps before I realized what the hell I was tasting. I promptly spit it out in the trash while everyone around me got a good laugh. Every since then I've been a bit leery of trying them again. I might enjoy the other flavors but umm... somehow my memory of them are now forever tainted.
  6. I agree with Jason
  7. Hrm... thats not the same as sechwan (sp?) string beans is it? I love that dish. If it's not does anyone have a recipe?
  8. OnigiriFB: Welcome to eGullet! You will find many Chinese food pictures in this China forum. ← Thank you I hope to join every in posting some yummy stuff. All the pictures are making miss LA I go out there to eat every year for a week around 4th of July. (Ok theres another reason but my friends all know the real reason I come out is for dim sum at Empress Pavilion, Sushi, Sam Woo's, and whatever other asian food we feel like ) I spent 5 years in Thailand during my teens so a lot of chinese food featured on eGullet are things I can't find in Iowa. Loving this forum
  9. *drool* Wow amazing pictures. I LOVE steamed chicken.
  10. Thank you for the welcome Torakris. I have to tell you btw I'm a big fan of yours. Love all your posts and great pics Umm... I haven't quite figured out how to post pictures yet. I think I read somewhere we can't just link from flickr? Any help would be appreciated.
  11. Hi, I've lurking on eGullet for a little while but for some reason just got around to reading this forum. I love Japanese food and I love onigiri. My fav is tuna and mayo too. Thanks for some great tips. I think a trip to the asian market is in my plans soon.
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