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Everything posted by Eatmywords

  1. Not to out my wife but these are all her doing. In order of uselessness - bread maker (in garage, I think), ice cream maker (no idea), air fryer, instapot (-save 5m on 20m rice, so far it's only use). I suppose space is the big factor. None of these would've made it through my city apt door. Manner of possession and sentimentality too. -Purchased, gifted, bought used or free and who it came from. I feel attached to mom's industrial size bingo party coffee urn that we'll never use. Rarely use the stick blender but a great in pot tool and occupies such little space (in a house). No plan for eviction.
  2. I have the 2 handle but wish I had the 1 for easier tossing. Those upfront, top and bottom look hand made. The green bottomed and all black (w look like teflon) and plastic handles look like the mass produced cheapos we see here.
  3. Yea, I don't get the allure of the wok blaster for the home cook. I put it in the impractical and unnecessary bragging rights category. More important to have a decent wok that can handle and distribute heat evenly.
  4. Kind of relevant when addressing volume and govt acceptance. Big difference from not punishing private consumption to legal, commercial use including farming, festivals and restaurants which could only happen with significant numbers supporting it. I see it on this scale only in China and S.Korea. Is that incorrect?
  5. It's worth mentioning from a volume (if not moral - 1 dog eaten is 1 too many for me) perspective that its not legal in Swiss restaurants. It appears to be a once a year xmas dish for rural Swiss farmers. C'mon swiss, can't you just eat another piece of chocolate?
  6. Makes sense. Who wouldn't want the company of beautiful tartlets upon consuming virility boosting rover(s)?
  7. So we have a short hunting season and the deer are abundant. I don't hunt (yet) but my friendly neighbor is an avid bow hunter and fisherman. I'm very lucky because he doesn't particularly like preparing venison but appreciates when someone else does (enter, us). He makes some jerky but that's about it. So he takes what he wants and gives us the rest or, as in this case, gives the entire specimen if he knows he'll be out for more. Whatever we make we share, some of his faves include shepard's pie and riffs on traditional stew. The butchering cost is currently $115 for well over 30lbs. Some might find that costly but at $3-4 a lb, for the quality and flavor, I'd say awesome deal. A nice coincidence is having a retired butcher on our street who's sole mission is carving up game in his garage. He has commercial equipment including a fridge, a Hobart band saw, and huge meat grinder and other tools of the trade. He wraps the cuts tightly w traditional thick butcher paper and it lasts. I have some from last year and it's just fine. (He mentioned customers w stories of 2 and 3yr old meat that come out perfectly fine. Don't know if I'd go out that long but who knows in a pinch : ). Below, chop meat (mixed w pork for fat), stew, steaks, cutlets, loins, fillets and ribs under not picd:
  8. I thought 'lox' was just a bastardized shortening of 'gravlax', a Scandinavian word w upon googling Germanic before that: "Etymology. The word gravlax comes from the Scandinavian word gräva/grave ("to dig"; modern sense "to cure (fish)") which goes back to the Proto-Germanic *grabą, *grabō ("hole in the ground; ditch, trench; grave") and the Indo-European root *ghrebh- "to dig, to scratch, to scrape", and lax/laks, "salmon".
  9. God bless the store name translations (a huge source of entertainment upon visiting 12yrs ago) - 1st place to Cat Forest, honorable mentions to Lucking Tea and Chic Tea. Love this thread, thanks.
  10. Can I just say (from what I remember many years ago) Diet Dr Pepper is one of the better tasting diet sodas.
  11. Tough to force healthier options. I get no cigarettes and alcohol but your gonna take the one thing that makes the poor guy happy? But yeah, hear you.
  12. La Vache Qui Rit (Laughing Cow) recipe pocket (sort of) booklet. Not vintage but fun 'slice' design and illustrations. Hits the nostalgia bone since we grew up on it. En francais, sorry. 'Smoothie a la tomate' anyone? Haha
  13. In the burbs here, we have only a couple Japanese run and many Chinese and Korean sushi spots. Unfortunately (for sushi snobs) it's a totally different experience. The latter incorps a limited menu of cheap, farm raised, bland fish w a huge list of 'splty' rolls that pack 20 ingredients in each plus (think lots of mayo and crab stick). Most offer no seasonal or obscure fish since no one will eat it. I don't blame them - caterig to the masses but it sucks when you know the difference. We were spoiled in the city.
  14. The Cottage on Amsterdam? - entrees include unlimited really bad wine (maybe the longest on going promotion of it's kind to this day?) I only went a cpl times but my wife looks for any reason to bring it up to wax how it was one of the few spots that allowed her and crew to engage in copious amounts of under-age drinking)
  15. I love how he casually dunks his hand in the boiling water (twice) w zero reaction. Legend
  16. You did better than me. I was in Florence a long time ago and after several days of regional chow we got a craving for Chinese. We found an empty place (shoulda known better) near the hotel and it was bad. Everything was drowned in oil and oil that was not hot enough to separate from the ingredients. There was also a strange aftertaste which I learned was olive oil. Che cazzo?
  17. I think there are a few hi-ends (not those discussed) that are more prone, whether shitty construction or fancy features that eventually get fried. I remember when I was researching how beautiful and economical (compared to other hi-ends) the Bertazzoni's were but I found many complaints in the blogs. I think Miele was another.
  18. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    No worries, we'll work Spain in too!
  19. Very reliable. Daily usage for 8yrs. Only 1 thermometer but no discernable temp issues. Only regret is not getting the bigger 48' w the griddle and extra 'baby' oven but alas we were running out of space. (The extra $5g factored too : ) I'll come for you one day, my love!
  20. We have the Thermador 36'- 6 burner (bought 8yrs ago). Love the simplicity and construction. No issues, just a cpl minor inconveniences. The oven exhaust comes out the back, automatically at 350, is a bit loud (probably typical) and blows on the burners a bit. The back ones are more impacted (just need to turn them up a bit). We took advantage of a nice promotion (still running it appears) where if you buy a range you're applicable for a free hood or dishwasher. We went w the dw (Bosch for Thermador I believe) and it's never given us a problem. Here's the brochure if curious: https://media3.bsh-group.com/Documents/13376300_TH200129_Q22020-OTFCollateralUpdates-Brochure-Digital-FNL.pdf
  21. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    Veg ramen w tofu, egg, soy, fish sc, ginger, ses oil, dash of TJ's nori seasoning (Furikake).
  22. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    Well, we were thinking of Spain post covid but after these pics I think we'll just come and stay with you. We'll be a family of 4 (kids 12 & 7) ok?
  23. Really? I'd think fresh meat trumps rancid. And since dog has been on the menu for ages figure they must know what to do with it. No idea on lion. Which ones get the virility excuse?
  24. And why 2 storks? I guess, if I had to choose, gun to my head and all, I'd go; Impala, dog, stork, iguana, lion, monkey, chimp and finally, vulture (no chef in the world can make that appealing)
  25. And a wonderful timesaver when finishing multiple creme brulees!
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