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Everything posted by Eatmywords

  1. I hear you. We are spoiled here w our 'ethnic' options. Milan sounds like Paris where we noticed an onslaught of chinese/thai/vietnamese/cafe takeouts specializing in cold pret a manger. What we tried was pretty bad but the french seemed to be going nuts for it. They were always busy. @weinoo what do you think? You were there just before covid like us?
  2. It brings a chuckle when I read you live in Milan and there's no good pita or bread substitute. 😸
  3. Ahh, missed that. No chance they can get soggy, nice move. You're a nut to the masses but to be commended here, bravo! 👏
  4. Where do we begin with this? Agree on the spoons, apples, not mangoes - perfect cold, pineapple too. Ketchup on fries is the top condi. Off the shelf it has to be heinz or I might go naked. Agree on deconstructed falafels. The breading makes the pita redundant. Dry cereal ok. Would try cornflakes and peanut butter (esp if I was stoned) but could maybe use a savory or sweet extra. Hmm, I'm not sure which is your greatest crime, the freezer burnt ice cream or the oxidized wine? 🤪
  5. Yes! toasted w cream cheese or butter! Ain't nuttin wrong wit dat!
  6. Oui, except salad was often the final course in our crib. Nous Bourgeois didn't have cheese and desert every night comme vous les aristocrates 🥂
  7. If by civil you mean healthier I agree. The acid and roughage play digestive moving those blocks of cheese, meat and assorted saturated fats along. I don't know if salad (at the end) was ever proven beneficial but based on my experience I know it was/is. As well, just knowing it was coming inspired us to leave room and eat a bit less of the heavier mains.
  8. I grew up w salad after mains. I thought it was just a European custom.
  9. Hmm, too many to list. Off the top of my head, for junk, staple stuff, I won't accept anything other than whole milk and sugar in my coffee. No half n half, 2%, low-fat, creamers or other sweeteners. I'd rather be tired all day. I can't eat a burger w out some sort of veg - let, tom, pickle, onion, something, or I pass. Hot dogs I must have a bite of each end first. In multi ingredient dishes like pasta I work hard to pack every ingredient on the fork for every bite or max enjoyment can't be reached. (Those who eat 1 section at a time as reported above, really bother me like in an ocd kind of way). I can't eat pizza cold or even lukewarm. If out I'll get a re-heat. On takeout/delivery the toaster oven is ready and waiting.
  10. @FeChef maybe it's the aroma? When you combine the mixture (rice vngr, salt, sugar?) it can be strong and linger a bit. Maybe affects your pallet? Our little girls don't like it so I make it away from them to avoid an "eeew what's that gross smell?". Other than that I don't get the aversion. Done well, it's delicious on it's own. 😋
  11. I meant just a couple times a year! haha. Just having something planned, to look frwd to, does wonders for the psyche esp for us non-jet setters. 😁
  12. Damn, I wish I had a good butcher relationship story. I guess there's still time. 🔪🔪🔪
  13. I think so many are feeling this to some degree. My little set of reasons (many already mentioned): 1. Many forced to stock up per covid. A lot of the same ingredients. Since we don't waste food we feel forced to use them in 50 ways before stocking up yet again w more then we typically need. Depressing. 2. Folks had a nice mix of cooking and eating out w allowed a mental and physical break (esp for those w ailments). Also eating out inspired home cooking. 3. The shit storm of horrible world events, politics, being locked up and a big one for me, not being able to travel! 4. (TBD)
  14. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    Thanks all! I figured most were off phones. I need a new one if only for better pics 😁
  15. Host's note: this post and the next few responses were split from the Dinner topic. Nice pics above! Are folks using their phones or 'real' cameras - DSL, point and shoot, other?
  16. Well produced! Nice visuals and moves at a good pace holding one's interest.
  17. Can you just explain why the tomato gets to be king and not the egg? Did it come first?
  18. Have the brits developed their own British-Italian to suit their carb cravings (sadly w nods to American-Italian)? I don't think garlic bread was ever put in front of me the several times I visited the top half (Rome to Piedmont) but it's a staple in every pizzeria/red sauce joint here. If it's become a norm in UK I guess you can't fault them for being curious (as opposed to verbalizing that curiosity of course : )
  19. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    Love what everyone put out over the Labor day wknd. Such beautiful food! Assisted the boss w this little cold anti/cheese board (she says these have been all the rage on her food board for styling bragging rights)........nothing house made just lots of organizing......the red pepper jelly could make asbestos appetizing. Smoked kielbasa from a local polish deli, pesto tortellini, green goddess spin salad and pecan/panko crusted bbq salmon w a honey lemon dijon sc.
  20. Good stuff bt! Gotta love EG. Always someone with a wealth of knowledge on the obscure (at least for us gaijin) 🗾.
  21. Uuuhm, I'd bet at this price point it's China. The Home Depot reviews btw are pretty good too. I would be hesitant to bring it indoors esp if not using japanese charcoal w burns cleaner.
  22. Yea, I mean you're basically bringing a bbq in to the house right? You'd prob want at least 350CFM range hood exhaust. 🔥😲🔥
  23. Nice, if you're going coal, you have lots of options. I w think you can go even smaller. This one gets nice reviews and at a price that allows for any regrets should you never use it again or very often https://www.amazon.com/Fire-Sense-Large-Yakatori-Charcoal/dp/B003601SRA/ref=pd_sbs_60_2/144-9086235-4791742?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B003601SRA&pd_rd_r=d353a46c-e646-4ced-abd7-997c42a84445&pd_rd_w=aIxF6&pd_rd_wg=Axjkg&pf_rd_p=b65ee94e-1282-43fc-a8b1-8bf931f6dfab&pf_rd_r=3SXQZB4PBMARK9KQVM22&psc=1&refRID=3SXQZB4PBMARK9KQVM22
  24. Safe to assume you're looking to go gas or electric? (less you have some amazing ventilation : ) Kosei's are supposed to be pretty good https://www.koseigrill.com/
  25. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    I do similar w bok choy/baby bok and other similar greens w decent water content. Can also blanch or steam first then dry for less liquid in the final product.
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