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Everything posted by Eatmywords

  1. Now you know that pork stomach salad was not adapted for American palettes.
  2. I think for most in the US, nothing's changed!
  3. -Except Chinese grocery stores in China. lol
  4. Googling around there's not much as a recipe ingredient. It's purpose appears to be as a condiment. If its true that it was cultivated here, it should rank high on the 'American bastardization of Chinese food' chart.
  5. So this isn't accurate? - https://www.thespruceeats.com/about-chinese-hot-mustard-695079 "Many Chinese appetizers are accompanied by Chinese hot mustard, a condiment that will provide a real bite. You'll definitely feel the sinus-clearing heat with just a touch of this potent spice. You'll find this mustard served at Chinese restaurants both in the U.S., China, and Taiwan". "Mustard has been grown in China for thousands of years, with the brown mustard seed plant (Brassica juncea) being native to the Himalayas. The first use of mustard powder and prepared mustard in China is not recorded".
  6. Wait, Ty Ling's not over there? And I'm not ashamed to admit I enjoy egg rolls dipped in a combo of the duck sc (similar to plum) and the mustard. Not bad in wonton egg drop soup too.
  7. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2021

    Oh yea? Do you remember which? I think they also had venison, andouille and maybe duck.
  8. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2021

    Thank you! Nothing complicated - AP flour, baking powder, sugar and salt, eggs, oil.
  9. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2021

    Some recent meals..... Duo of cheese ravs and tortellini - marinara, cream, arugula, shrimp Pan seared monkfish, smashed pot, kale g&o Pork katsu, rice, blistered shisitos, kikkoman tonkatsu sc. Grilled lamb merguez by D'Artagnan (local super carries a few other varieties that I didn't notice until now) over Moroccan spiced quinoa w chickpeas, walnuts and dried cranberries. Nice sweet and savory play. The qlty of the sausage is great. Looking frwd to trying the others. The girls saw deep fried oreo's on tv and have been demanding them since.....I never had them before.....pretty damn good over vanilla bean ic : )
  10. Haha, how embarrassing! That was for you @KennethT (I think the fuchsia square you both share in your signature threw me! Sorry about the toe though : )
  11. @JoNorvelleWalkersorry to hear about this and happy your almost healed. Even sleeping musta been uncomfy. I wonder did the spice in chilis make it worse? We typically remove shoes but it's not a hard rule and don't ask visitors to do so. We don't have carpets (anywhere they w go). We don't have that many visitors. We have dogs and don't ask them to remove there paws i.e. the floors have to get washed regularly anyway. And after years of working on my feet it hurts to stand on hard surfaces so I can't ask others to. I do get it's harder to maintain a clean floor in smaller spaces/apts.
  12. Is a pie warmer a toaster oven? I'm going to start calling mine that regardless what I put in it 🙃
  13. I could be wrong but his role doesn't seem to be one of a laborer hacking away underground covered in soot and sweat. Either way every miner knows that the 1st rule of mining is no farting. (Which leads me to my next question as to why beans are included in anything).
  14. Good to know, thanks! 'Not a big fan' means you've eaten them? How do they taste and what are the most common/best preps? (I know I can google but prefer a first hand acct) I imagine, since herbivores, there are ways to make them palatable?
  15. I don't mean to make assumptions but seems his palette is evolving, becoming more critical. Esp knowing a group of food obsessed snobs are watching. Little devils on his shoulder whispering critiques of each dish 🧐
  16. Wow, I thought you were joking but I guess not. Are they in such abundance/farmed?
  17. I'd be curious to sample the same dish cooked in both pans (properly). I highly doubt a difference w be obvious.
  18. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2021

    Mars inspired Fish & Chips - G'Knight Imp Red IPA batter, sweet pot fries (pepperoncini, siracha, lemon, old bay, mayo dip not picd) Venison empanadas -yellow cherry tom salsa
  19. "This is my rifle wok. There are many others like it, but this one is mine. My rifle wok is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my rifle wok is useless. Without my rifle wok I am useless. I must fire my rifle wok true. I must shoot cook straighter than my enemy, who is trying to kill out-cook me. I must shoot out-cook him before he shoot out-cooks me. I will."
  20. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2021

    Momofuko pork buns - hoisin, cucumber and saute mushroom for a twist. First time making the buns. A bit dense but didn't impede. The loin was cooked perfectly. (If I only I lived in downtown Manhattan. I could jog over to the mother ship and grab an order for a side by side : )~
  21. Ingredient quality and provisions, yes on Europe, Napa et al but for global/ethnic cuisine diversity (esp Asian) I'll take NYC. 4 floor walkup (in downtown Manhattan?) You poor thing! 🤪
  22. Haha, no explanation required. Just admiring your ability to source the best products, knowing or figuring out how to treat them, great tools at your disposal and living in arguably the best food city in the world. Don't get much better for a food lover. 🥂
  23. @weinoodo you ever pinch yourself thinking what a charmed food life you're living?
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