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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. One of my ex's was a calorie counter.. She would keep papers and write down everything she ate.. She was at the point where she was under a 1000 a day.. It really controlled her life the way over eating controlls mine.. We dated for awhile, but eventually something had to give..
  2. Haha.. Get out of here.. Are you serious..
  3. Thank you for the clarification.. I am fully aware of the crucial 30-45 seconds a french fry has to have salt applied, after being removed from the fryer.
  4. tkrongold, I am confused by the fry salt comment.. Did they have shakers available for people to salt there fries? Its always better to undersalt because you can always put more on..
  5. The only thing I can think of is the Jersey Pork Roll or Taylor Ham Sandwich.. I havent seen it outside of the Jerz.. When I was kid going to my Grand Mother's House in Orwigsburg, PA.. We would get these things called Long Johns at the IGA... They were awesome, as I remember .. These long submarine shaped donuts topped with icing and sprinkles.. But like too much of this super sugary icing and a ton of sprinkles.. Havent seen or heard of a Long John since.. But have kept my eye out for them. I have also came across the Pasty of Montanna.. And the Butter Burger from Wisco..
  6. I was very excited to watch this last night. It was nice to see these chefs have lamb to work with.. It is so much more exciting then a fish or a vegetable to me.. I was dissapointed that there was no offal or head.. But thats ok.. The thing that really really disturbed me and actually ruined the entire show were the judges.. I turned it on late so I didnt get their intro's.. I thought for a while that the pretty blond was the singer Jewel, but then I figured Jewel would know more about food.. Normally, they use really bad judges, but last nights was beyond.. It reminded me of a bad episode of the View.. It was a bunch of yenta women sitting around discussing lots of different things, including food.. And please dont think I am being harsh. These women knew nothing about food.. The first thing that shocked me was not one judge broke the yolk of their Quail Egg.. When Flay served his green eggs and lamb, the judges just tried the egg white of the quail egg and left the yolk undisturbed.. Next disturbing thing was when the women was grossed out by the raw lamb dish.. Another absolutely ridiculous comment was made by the same women who was grossed out .. "Wow, I like lamb, I mean I guess I like lamb" As if she was just coming to the realization after trying lamb for the first time.. I think the woman in the middle called one of Burke's dishes "Sexy".. Anyone know who these women were? Or what their qaulifications were? Its really upsetting to see these great Chefs stand there and listen to these morons evaluate there dishes.. If they have to use judges for political reasons, just have them come on and make comments.. But dont pretend this thing is a competition..Dont have a chef's reputation and creations be judge by these people...
  7. How about a coconut sticky rice square dipped in chocolate.. Or maybe a rice crispy square? Maybe not.. A caramel "nori" wrap.. Or a liquorice. Tapioca fish eggs.. Maybe something with white chocolate for the rice.. Or maybe like an oyster or scallop shell made of chocolate.. Chocolate hand roll..
  8. Daniel

    Crab Cakes

    Put Crawfish meat in a cajun cream sauce on top of them.. And toast points.
  9. I was in an airport Chilis in Atlanta.. I asked for a medium rare burger and was told they only do medium well or well done.. The thing had potential for being decent if they would have cooked it medium rare..
  10. Front Street is not open.. But I am very positive about the place.. The owners represented New Jersey at the Jack Daniels Invitational.. They have been to Memphis in May.. I saw there operation.. They have a 700 lb Old Hickory Smoker.. There style for ribs is dry. I havent tasted there food, but the guys definately are opening this place to produce great Cue first..
  11. Celeste.. Might be the best tiramisu in the city..
  12. Tonight, I went to my local Italian Jernt..I had the tiramisu..A huge layer of cream with chunks of white chocolate on top of a thin layer of lady fingers soaked in espresso..A couple of glasses of red dessert wine.. Then a blue cheese with a couple of glasses of white dessert wine.. Then a couple of espressos.. Life is good..
  13. Ejebud, I have been watching this thread and I am in awe.. I wish you nothing but the best... Judging by Jason's photos and reaction it is clear your imagination and genius has been materialized.. Thanks for making the world a better place..
  14. To me the best person that was ever on ICA was Lo.. The female chef who beat Batali.. I think she is the only person who understands the contest.. She used the secret ingrediant entirely. She beat Batali handily... If you want to speak about the real game, its to highlight the secret ingrediant.. The closest anyone came to Lo was chef came was Dufrene, making noodles from the talapia.. But there were no broths, no foams, no real dishes that displayed the flavor of the fish.. The fish could have been substituted with veal, chicken, or beef. Sure Dufrene's style is original to begin with, but did he really push himself in this event.. For him, his performance was rather tame.. I think he was more focused on the originality of his method, then his taste..
  15. Was the place on the second floor of a place.. I was at an amazing Sichuan Place a half a year ago and it seemed similar.. I can get the name if it is,,
  16. I have yet to go here, but after looking at the website I am very interested.. Any word on the location of the UWS place..
  17. I think this ban leaves the State and Casinos open for a huge freaking law suit.. Now that its established that smoking is harmful to workers.. I would like to see Casino Workers sue the State and the Casinos for endagering there welfare.. The most disgusting thing in my mind is we are still allowing prisoners to smoke cigarettes.. We are having our guards get sick because of these criminals.. I would have protected the guards way before strippers and cocktail waitresses.. Just wanted to say I am not trying to say one group is better then another.. It makes me think what this law is really about.. No one is sticking up for the poor guards or Casino Workers.. It seems like a law that really protects the middle class restaurant goer that is annoyed by cigarette smoking.
  18. Got a delivery from MoHotta.com today.. I bring different hot sauces to the office where they are quickly consumed and talked about..I bought the Anchor Bar wing sauce for the Super Bowl.. The jerk seasoning for some chicken I want to make on the smoker.. And the Lizano I like to dip in Bell Peppers. The rest for the office. I love the Yucateco Reds... So I am looking forward to try the Jalepeno.. Tabasco Habenero is something I just havent gotten around to trying.. Though I carry a bottle of tabsco in my briefcase.. The bee sting and the Marie Sharps I have heard good things about.. Blairs Sudden Death I have never tried, but the Original Death Sauce is a favorite of mine.. The other DeathWishe,is a cayenne sauce I figured I would give a shot.. The bee sting is a spicy honey mustard, and I enjoy h-mustards.. Mustard Gas is a good one, extremely spicy.. This seems a bit more tame..
  19. I enjoy hearing these prisoner recipes and stories.. How they make there own weapons, languages, food, and liquor.. I think the most impressive one I heard was jail house hootch.. You basically take bread and sugar packets.. You add it to water and then cover the bottle top with an unrolled condom.. When the condom fills with gas, its ready to be drunk.. Sounds rather gross.. But if I heard this recipe when I was in high school, I would be telling you how it tasted..
  20. Well the knives I bought completely suck.. Tools of the Trade? Even out of the box they arent that sharp.. My mother was at TJ Max the other day and bought me the Wursthuf Grand Prix set of four.. 8" chef, pairing knife , carving knife and a steel... The cost 49.99.. Let me tell you.. These things are amazing.. I used them for the first time this weekend.. The difference is unbelievable.. I grew up with the values that the 100 dollar sneakers arent worth it.. That you wont be better at baseball if you have Reggie Jackson on your mit.. Or slam a basketball like Mike, unless you practice like Mike.. But I dont think my theory applies to cutlery.. I am now convinced that a great knife is essential.. It took me awhile to get it. Just keeping you guys updated..
  21. Thats a great idea.. I should interview private chefs twice a week and then I wouldnt have to go out for dinner.. Chefs I really like, I could ask back for a second "interview"
  22. Ahhh I know these type of places.. Along the same lines as Brazilian Chursaceria's... I am a fan of this set up.
  23. What is Fogo de Chao? Basically, we are on an expense account, unfortunately, I pay the expense account.. I know I have to go to Kyma because she really likes the place.. But after that, I am not forced to go anywhere.. Since I am going to be in a suit for work we will be dressed appriopriately.. But for me, its not the price of cuisine, I just want it to be excellent.. An amazing burger is better then a bad haute meal, for me.. Thanks therese.. Any down home southern places in the area..
  24. I never thought too much of Second Avenue Deli.. But even still, its sad to see any place close before its time..
  25. Brad K.. I am almost positive that she had tried Talapia , but it was only once.. And it wasnt a positive experience..
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