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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. The said that they were not selling it well.. There was a lot of waste and they were losing money and having to throw out a lot of food..
  2. Just came back from there... We arrived at 11 to a 5 minute wait.. We ordered a couple of salads.. The bitter green chicken and the egg and little bait fish guys... Then moved onto the bacon wrapped enokis.. Why havent more people raved about this dish.. Bacon wrapped mushrooms, grilled.. Just awesome.. Had a bunch of other dishes... The chicken liver is just awesome.. Grilled to perfection.. The outer salted skin snaps when you bite into the tender liver.. The gizzards are served with sweet onions in between each piece.. My favorite tonight was the thigh.. Because they were out of tail.. Just awesome stuff.. No ginko nuts till winter... A real surprising dish tonight.. The deep fried silver fish.. Tasted like frenches onion rings perfectly fried.. only they were little fish in a super starchy batter.. I could have eaten these puppies all night with there Kirin on tap. We also got both pork dishes.. They were certainly good.. They have cancelled serving the chicken sashimi... We need to petition them to re-introduce it.. Perhaps on one particular evening a week.. Place is awesome!
  3. I thought it was 20 city blocks = a mile.. Either way, if someone is 400 lbs and they start eating three normal meals a day, they are going to lose weight..
  4. Bpearis, Sounds like they are expecting you to lick yo fingers..
  5. I have not purchased sauce in a jar.. But are you saying, a person with fresh tomatos cant beat a jarred sauce? I cant believe it..
  6. Yeh.. I was reading reviews about the place on other websites... People keep complaining about them not having butter.. I often find places dont have butter with there bread.. I dont see it being such a big deal..
  7. Daniel

    Indoor Smoking

    Hey, thanks Andrew.. Jerk chicken or pork is definately on the menu for next week..
  8. Daniel

    Indoor Smoking

    The container is pretty cool.. It tends to hold and circulate the smoke.. The amount of wood burned isnt that much.. Like a half of a handfull..
  9. Just to confirm: Spirito's Restaurant. (908) 351-5414. 714 3rd Ave, Elizabeth, NJ Do they really not open till 5? I have been calling all day...
  10. How many House Chefs and kitchens do you think they have, is the questions..
  11. When I think of Subway, I think of that amazingly annoying guy Jarrod.. And how puzzled I am that we make these people role models... Like he figured out some sort of magical formula.. You know, if you went to your local deli and order a turkey sandwich you would lose weight too! I also think of that weird bread baking smell I can spot from several blocks away.. I have never eaten at one, and short of being paid or starving, I never will..
  12. Daniel

    I need new salads

    Today I had smoked chicken breast with frisee,lentils and a sherry vinegar.. Chopped egg and bacon would have been good too.. But that would have defeated the point of eating a salad for me..
  13. Everything looks great Frank.. Thanks for sharing.. The ravioli looks great.. Besides Ricotta, whats in it.. It looks super creamy, what kind is it..
  14. I was flipping through the channels yesterday and caught the very beginning.. What made me stop was the energy in the audience.. Everyone was cheering and going absolutely mad.. I was wondering what was going on. When I saw what it was, I waited to see what everyone was cooking.. For me, I just care what people are making.. I dont need to see them make it.. Unless its an actual professional, who will be explaining certain techniques.. But to see Tom Arnold make hamburger Patties, no thanks..
  15. Haha, thats funny.. Here is the account of the Perlow's this last Valentines Day.. Valentines Day at White Castle
  16. Daniel

    Indoor Smoking

    I have owned this gadget for about 4 years... I might have used it 12 times.. Normally, just a single serving of meat or chicken.. I have yet to try fish or a large piece of meat... But bitterness is definately something I will be more aware of now.. What was your favorite thing to make in this guy..
  17. Daniel

    Indoor Smoking

    I have this grill top smoker.. Living in an apartment, I try to get the BBQ or grill flavor.. Anyway, in efforts to prepare food using less oil and fat, smoking is a great thing.. Here is my smoker.. I place these woodchips/dust at the bottom of the pan and it gets covered with a thin sheet or metal.. A combo of dust and fine chips.. Tonight I just added a little homemade dry rub to some chicken breasts.. Placed on the rack in the smoker and cooked on low until the internal temp was 145.. It does get smokey in there.. Chicken is moist and smokey.. Ready to be added to tomorrow's salad.. What else do people use there indoor smoker for..
  18. So where is there a White Castle in E-town?
  19. Let me tell you.. I have been let down by White Castle before.. I was about half way through Kansas when my girlfriend read that the original White Castle had been torn down... I was besides myself.. We Americans are not ones for sentimentality.. If you sit on a bench too long the garbage man will try to cart you away..
  20. White Diamond 510 E Saint Georges Ave Linden NJ Oh, baby.. Ok.. Next week, I will go Monday.. I have bought healthy food for the week over here.. Just take Elizabeth Ave until it turns into Georges Ave????Techincally its in Linden.. So, we will just have to make its own thread..
  21. Welcome Parmhero, First let me say what a great name you chose.. Nothing better then a good parm hero. Or "my" Jersey childhood makes me want to say Sub.. But thats another story.. Georges Hot Dogs? I wonder if that is related to the George's lunch trucks and George's hole in the wall lunch spot thats attached to my Industrial Park.. In terms of Spiritos, I believe they open at 5 o'clock.. So it is something I have never gotten around to going to after work.. I arrive at work around 7-730 and try to be out around 430ish to be traffic back into the city.. Wow! White Diamond hamburgers.. I am going to have to google this bad boy.. If this is still open, I might have to put my poached skate wing back into the fridge and screw the diet for the day.. Cause nothing is better then a burger in my opinion, other then a whole bunch of little burgers.. Anyone know whats going on with this place.. I will also have to search for Tropical.. One of my next trips will be to the Philadelphia Grille.. This place is a super spot on route 1/9 that has awesome cheesesteaks and fries.. Thank you for resonding and I look forward to your future posts.. I love that this thread has really impacted a lot of people.. Elizabeth is a magical place and I love to hear all the stories and memories everyone shares..
  22. Daniel

    Sandwich Dinner

    I recently had this awesome dish.. It was haricots verts in a simple dressing of white vinegar and egg yolks.. There was also some smoked duck in it. Using bacon would be good I would imagine or duck prosciutto.. Served cold.. Great stuff.. Edit to add: Homemade chips with garlic and parsley wouldnt be the worst thing in the world either.. Or assorted root vegetable chips would make a pretty color combo..
  23. I'll leave aside the University situation, because that has more to do with legacy and prior relationships. No, I guess I won't leave it aside because it dove tails in to the envelopes at Xmas idea if I understand what you mean by that -- for the mailperson, the doorperson, etc? Correct me if I'm wrong. But those are different. I wouldn't call those bribes, and I think we can show why they are not, though I may not be able to adequately distinguish them for your purposes. They are part of an ongoing relationship between the parties. If I decide to give a Xmas tip to the doorpeople of my building, I don't really gain anything but goodwill. If I don't, and the doorperson doesn't do their otherwise assigned duties when it comes to me, then they should be fired. What do I gain except for a better, more positive relationship, which was already defined before I did it? ← For me.. I bribe or tip my mailman so he will deliver my mail to me early in the day.. If I get a new mailman, one who has not been properly taken care of, I get mail at 3 o'clock.. Thus making the days checks count for the following day.. Friday, is especially big for me.. If I dont tip doormen, I cant do certain things that I am now allowed to do.. Move certain things in and out of the building on days where I am not supposed to.. There are whole hosts of special treatment one could receive.. They sign for packages they normally wouldnt.. Then there are also things they do out of kindness, but the its naive to think these people are your true friends.. From going into my apartment to feed pets, hailing taxis, leaving my car out front to be parked by them, and the list goes on. Again, we have a great relationship, but money certainly aint hurting it.. Garbage men, they will throw out your trash bags.. But what about that tire, or the door, or the big box of crap that they dont feel like picking up.. Go out to the curb and ask them kindly.. Or you can go out with a 20 and ask them kindly.. The difference is amazing.. The sky cabs at the airport.. There use to be a way to fly first class for free.. It involved tipping the skycap.. Now though, when my luggage is over 50 lbs, instead of paying the 50-100 dollar penalty, I just throw the skycap a 10.. All of a sudden that luggage isnt so heavy.. The thing is, I am a nice guy.. I have real relationships based on some sort of friendship and certainly mutual respect.. But to think that someone whose job it is to service you, is there for the love of there job, and money isnt an issue, is naive.. Although, you might be going to the club to relax, the people helping you there are working.. And the point of working is to make money..
  24. Daniel

    Leg of Lamb

    Right, that's correct . now see the whole beast. from behind from the side that's my easter dinner, unprepared. ← Wow that looks beautiful.. I am hoping to see how this turned out..
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