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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. I just went to Gagniare for lunch and it might have been my all time favorite meal.. In terms of creativity, execution and flavors, it easily is the best restaurant I have been to... I dont know if people have been there lately, but the meal was just flawless... For people who havent gone back in awhile, I would tell that you have to go.. At 90 euros for lunch is a great value.. I can not say enough good things about this place..
  2. I am waiting for food grilled on a fire of burning hundred dollar bills... Or, what if you fed a Panda nothing but truffles and saffron for the first year of its life.. Then you took the Panda and grilled it on a fire made from priceless art work... That my friend is good eating...
  3. I would like to add the great city of New Brunswick NJ to the list.. Inventor of the Fat Cat Sandwich... Oh baby, if you dont know, you better ask somebody..
  4. Daniel

    Le Baratin

    Just came back from a wonderful dinner this evening.. Really it was one of the best dinners of my trip.. Before I go into my full review I wanted to just say that they have ended their relationship with Joel Thiebaut, and tonights dinner was not so vegetable centered.. They have as one of there chefs a man from Sri Lanka so have added some "exotic" ingrediants.. Basmati rice with a braised veal neck and shoulder dish... Some serano peppers, lemon grass, ginger, rice vinegar, and almond mixed in a rare cooked roast beef "tartare" dish.. Also noticed there were no pork dishes, perhaps another change brought on by one of the new cooks.. What a fabulous dinner.. Close to a few absinthe bars...
  5. Daniel

    Le Baratin

    They are now answering the phone at Baratin and we have a reservation at 10:30 tonight.. This gives us plenty of time for two lunches today... Thanks again for your help...
  6. Daniel

    Le Baratin

    Wow.. thank you both for your really quick help.. And Felice that was so nice of you to call for us.. We are checking the info out on Chapeau Melon right now...
  7. Daniel

    Le Baratin

    Thank you for the review Felice.. I was just informed to go here last night by the people at Bistral.. They highly recommended the place.. The chef last night was saying this was his favorite restaurant in Paris.. I called today and received some message I dont understand.. I think they are saying they will re-open on Monday... Has anyone been here recently..
  8. So people who give money to colleges so there kids are ensured of getting in are actually bribing the University? I thought that was called a "donation"... And are all those envelopes people give out on Christmas not really presents. They are bribes? Get out of here. I am not expecting service, I just feel obligated to pay people because its Christmas.. I thought I had a Santa complex..
  9. Obviously, you should always treat people with respect in any situation.. But now I would like to pose another scenario.. What if a potential hire was to be bullied or intimidated by a waiter.. For instance if the order was screwed up, or the waiter was being rude, or the "fly in my soup" scenario.. Would a CEO think less of a hire for not being able to express themselves in a polite but productive manner.. Would a CEO want someone on his team who is not willing to politely stand up for themselves?
  10. The scariest type of tipping I have heard of is in China.. Dr's get red envelopes from patients before going into surgery.. I would certainly find out what the average amount is expected..
  11. What I am essentially saying is.. Here is 20 bucks.. Now its up to you to take it.. Although I am not better or busier or more important, maybe my friend MR. Jackson is... And honestly, this man is one of this countries greatest men.. Are you trying to say you are better then Andrew Jackson.. I think not.. The sacrifices that man made for this country can not be taken lightly..
  12. You tip the deli meat slicer? Is it really a question of better service and better product? Or is it a question of feeling in control, the sense that the world works a certain way because you (and here I don't mean Daniel, but pretty much anybody) make it work that way? ← Seriously speaking, I didnt add the other people I tip too.. Off the top of my head, I tip the guy who gives me coffee beans.. I always get more for my money..They print the ticket and they add more to the pile... And if you are getting prosciutto di parma or Blue Mountain Coffee it really adds up.. There was one guy who was charging me for regular Columbian instead of Blue Mountain.. I quickly stopped that because it was literally stealing 15 bucks a pound of coffee.. He was also in charge of the caviar and foie gras department at a particular place.. But a few extra bucks here and there, is always good..
  13. You are right Susan.. Perhaps I was a little attacking.. My main point was to argue that this BBQ certainly does have a Pork flavor and is producing some really great food.. I dont know the type of place he went to.. I could have used heavily instead of over... I certainly dont want to prevent people from posting there feelings.. I am just particularly sensitive because we are fortunate to have the owners of this establishment on the site.. So, I feel we owe it to Egullet and them to stand behind our criticisms in a clear manner.. Although taste is subjective, there are some truths and facts that cant be argued. Thanks for pointing this out to me..
  14. I go to Vegas often for work. When I land in the airport, I tip one of the porters by the luggage carousel 5 bucks and he moves me to a special taxi line at the airport.. Avoiding the normally half hour taxi line.. I can get in most restaurants there with no reservation after tipping 20 bucks... Although, when they use the hot girls at the hostess desk, they normally dont understand the concept...Also a 100 bucks to a casino host per trip gets me free nights at the hotel and comped meals.. If I sit at a sushi bar, I normally put in 10 to 20 bucks if they have a tip jar.. This normally gets me around the same amount of money back in sushi... When I go to Carolines Comedy Club in NY 20 bucks to the guy who seats you allows one to choose the table you want.. In New York, I tip often.. I do over tip the first few drinks while sitting at a bar.. And always give 20 percent at I place a frequent.. I am more known for over eating then over tipping I guess.. At my local chinese, like most of the places I go often, they sit the two of us at a four top because they know the dishes arent going to fit otherwise.. My fish guy gets money, my deli meat slicer gets money, my butcher gets money,I even tip the guy where I buy beer from at the bodega...All these things get me better service and products... I dont think its immoral.. I am assuming they are reporting all tips to the IRS as well as there employers... I am a trusting guy and assume the best in people..
  15. Phrederic - First off and very tardily, let me express my gratitude to you for joining the France Forum with such verve, informed opinions and intelligence. Second, let me apologize for dropping the ball on your query which I think is a great idea - to come up with questions for some "Paris restaurant owners." From personal experience, before I blurred my photo for reasons that some have figured out, I was approached by at least three owner-chefs commenting on something I'd said on eGullet - so yes, while seeming not to be fluent in English, they are paying attention to what's going on here. Finally, why don't you start a thread and "get a list of good questions for Paris restaurant owners" and the good Dr. Talbott, aka John, will be glad to try and get some answers. Next, Daniel - I agree with Felice/Phyllis. I'm not sure I've ever encountered this in a respectable place save for brunch or at three-stars where rich Yankies doing the "ten three-stars in five day" tours cluster. I recall seeing the menu in the window at Le Reminet shortly after they opened and shuddered to see that each dish was translated into English - but I've been happily eating there ever since (it's a rare non-brasserie Sunday lunch place) and am not overly impressed that it's touristy, it is opposite Notre Dame in the 5th by the Seine after all, which is almost Tourist Central - but as someone said upthread - "So what?" ← I agree with them too.. It wouldnt happen in a respectable place.. By the very definition, it wouldnt be respectable if they changed their ideals... I wasnt talking about three stars pr even a star or an honorable restaurant, because what place would recieve any praise for doiing this.. I was talking more about the no-name bistros..
  16. Well, I thought what he said was rather general and not very descriptive.. And to say Southern BBQ means nothing to me.. Was it southern in terms of vinegary pork from NC, or the white bbq sauce from S.C, or the dry rub from Memphis, or the BBQ from Texas, or the Cue from Arkansas.. I also was disturbed by implying that because it was made by a black grandfather, that meant something.. Spice notes on a sausage? Huh? He doesnt like classy BBQ and then talks about spice notes..What the hell is a spice note..
  17. Susan, I think you are implying that because he didnt swoon over it I attacked him.. I was saying, that he was highly inaccurate to say that the FSS's BBQ doesnt have pork flavor... I have driven across the country 4 times in the last year for the sole purpose of having BBQ.. And have eaten it every where from the Alder Smoke of Oregon, to Memphis, KC, all through Texas, the Carolina's, and every other place it was served... As I said, he has the right to his opinion, he should just be able to describe it accurately...
  18. My baseline is a no-name place in Chattanooga, TN, on Dodson Avenue next to the bowling alley. It's been run by a black grandfather, father and son since the 1950s. Their ribs have a great crust and burnt ends that raise the flavor level, which Front Street didn't have. By comparison, Front Street had little pork flavor. FS's sausages were, for me, too upper class, with too many spice notes. I prefer juicier ones with maybe one spice and the Southern amount of fat. FS's cole slaw was very good, but again, an upper class version that called attention to too many flavors. It should be an accompaniment, not a co-star. The FS baked beans were blah. The sugar was under control, but I want more bean flavor, with some fatback rather than lean pork. BBQ should be a sin, not a gourmet dish. I want to pull off the meat and gnaw the marrow out of the soft ends of the bones. Finally, I want the experience to be about the BBQ, not the music. ← You certainly have the right to your opinion, but your description is way off. The type of BBQ you are describing doesnt really have the pork flavor you are speaking about.. Crusty ribs or burnt ends is more about the burntness, the smoke and the sauce used.. The type of BBQ that FSS has, highlights the flavors of the Pork.. As I mentioned before , if you like over sauced, over smoked BBQ then this is not the place for you..But to say this place has little "Pork Flavor" is highly inaccurate... That is unless you got the two pound beef rib. Besides the place you described, are there any places in NYC or NJ area that you enjoy?
  19. I agree with wyf4lyf, As someone currently in Paris, my big problem is making sure the menu is not designed for tourists.. I dont want to be in a place that has things dumbed down or changed to match someone's idea of what Americans like.. When I see a few Americans scattered in a restaurant, I have to attribute it to a knowledgeable concierge or well informed fellow traveler.. Too many, I get scared But as for who is sitting next to me or not, I could care less.. The bottom line is, if you are so engrossed with who is sitting next to you, its something you need to work on.. Bistro Allard has a back room where they put tourists.. The night we went, sitting next to us was a group of Danish people on our left and some people from Nicaragua to our right.. Now is it just American tourists other American's are offended by, or is it all tourists? I also went to L'Epi Dupin yesterday.. There were a few Japanese in there.. Should I have been upset that they were there despite the place being amazing?
  20. Wow, wow, wow.. Great pictures, great reporting.. Thank you for sharing all of this.What an amazing trip..
  21. Edit to erase: strange double posting happening 24 hours later..
  22. Yeh, I am bringing a lemon on the plane.. Thats a great idea..
  23. Lunch sounds really good today over there at Picnic.. I like all the seafood they are doing..
  24. Daniel

    Pan Cubano

    Hows it going over there, I think I smell bread baking..
  25. I know it might be a little late, most planes are no longer serving food.. So if its chips, a little cheese plate, or some Ramen Noodles, it still might be cool to see whats happening.. Plus, it might give you something to do for a little bit, while stuck on a plane.. I would also like to see what people pack for trips.. I take frequent flight over 5 hours and most always make something for the trip.. Sometimes, I make in air table tray guacamole.. I always surprise the guy next to me when I break out the mortar and pestle. (I should probably say I am joking) The best sandwich to have on a plane is of the prosciutto y mozz variety.. I bring Korean cup 'O soups that they pour the hot tea water in for me..
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