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Everything posted by hillvalley

  1. They still had them this week. I can't remember if they are $1 or $3 per crab. They also had soft shells for $3 a piece.
  2. I spent 5 of the best summers of my life in the middle of nowhere Maryland at sleep away camp. Every Sunday night we had pizza. It was square. We used to joke that they made it a different shape so we wouldn't pay attention to the taste But we fought over the middle pieces where there was the most cheese and sauce. There's nothing like a slice of pizza that is covered end to end with cheese and sauce.
  3. Twist my arm, Dave. Um, yeah. We would be up for it. To say the least. I'll make the collard greens again. And bring some of my hot pickled green beans - they make great martini garnishes. ← May I come, too? ← ROAD TRIP!!! Someone get started planning the food for the trip down
  4. This made me laugh something that's hard to do today. Thanks
  5. hillvalley

    Dinner! 2004

    Homemade meatballs in a tomato pancetta sauce served over perciatelli (again) It was the last weekend for fresh herbs at market and I wanted to a recipe where I could use a lot. The chunks of pancetta added a great smokiness to the meatballs and sauce and a bit more texture.
  6. The father of one of my students walked into his parent/teacher confrence last week with four shopping bags full of candy Everything from rollos to pixie sticks to junior mints to candy bracelets to smarties to almond joys We have the stash hidden in the classroom. If the kids only knew! Granted, by the time they find out about it on Friday the stash will be much smaller
  7. Ron Jeremy. EWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! ← On behalf of the women around here I am going to forgive you for the Ron Jeremy reference. Those spring rolls though. Oh those spring rolls Worth a trip to Corduroy even if you order nothing else.
  8. hillvalley

    Feeling Schmaltzy

    For the good of all eg'ers I volunteer myself to be a test taster
  9. hillvalley

    Dinner! 2004

    It has been cold, rainy and gloomy for about a week now. Everyone I know (except me) has a cold. Tonight I had homemade chicken soup and stars to stay warm keep the germs away
  10. hillvalley

    Feeling Schmaltzy

    Sorry about that. Yes, I meant when it is kept in the fridge. While cleaning mine out yesterday I found a container of soup shmaltz that is about 7 weeks old. I'm not in a daring mood so I haven't tried cooking with it. Do I get to have a shallot omlette cooked in shmaltz for dinner or do I need to make another pot of stock this weekend?
  11. hillvalley

    Feeling Schmaltzy

    How long does chicken soup shmaltz last?
  12. You are making an assumption about anorexics based upon one persons battles. In fact-i know this to the be case since I was one for a while. And no pictures graced my walls. Eating in restaurants when you are in recovery is another hurdle that must be overcome. I doubt this restaurant will do much to help people. Frankly, when I was ill I doubt I would have set foot in the place for fear that everyone was watching me and what I ate.
  13. I drove by yesterday and from the looks of it they are ready to go.
  14. I have a follow up to 8track's question. What would you recommend to parents who cannot send their children to your cooking classes but would like to teach them about proper eating and how to love good food? Where would you start? What would be the first dish you would teach them to prepare? Thanks for taking the time to chat with us.
  15. Served my soup to the dining companion last night. He has one of the most delicate palates of anyone I know so I wanted to see if he could figure out what he was tasting. Got the potato right away Slowly got the roasted garlic finish Swore it was potato soup over and over and over Thought it might be something Asian Gave up and made me come clean about the cauliflower Devoured the whole bowl
  16. hillvalley

    Dinner! 2004

    I spent the day making a pot of chicken stock and put it to fantastic use in a roasted cauliflower and garlic soup. Wait until the dining companion gets here. I may have garlic breath when he arrives but with one spoonful he will understand why.
  17. I have seen yet a brighter light and it is roasted cauliflower soup now I understand This is obscene Roasted a head of cauliflower and garlic Boiled potatoes in freshly made chicken stock Pureed it all together Added some sea salt and cream It begs for some pepper but I don't want to loose the delicate garlic finish So the begging continues
  18. Check out this link. I paid $19.95 and it sounds cheaper on the web site. The more I go through the book the more annoyed I am that summer is over.
  19. I have two more to add: Gave in and picked up Cooking with Mr. Latte. Wish I had had it this summer. It will make a great by-the-pool-mindless-summer-read. If only it was written by say, Judy Blume. Yesterday at the farmer's market I work at I picked up From Asparagus to Zucchini: A guide to Cooking Farm-Fresh Season Produce. It gives historical information, cooking and storing tips plus recipes for some really random and quite common veggies. It was supposed to be a gift for a friend but we got hit with a freak rain storm and the copy I had put aside got wet. So now I get to keep it
  20. He he he New excuse to go buy a notebook. I love notebooks. One question though. If this is to live in my kitchen, how do I keep it from becoming covered in food. yes, the occiasonal drop here or there will happen and add character or charm. BUt I am just not that neat and have a propensity towards dropping. I'm worried it would not survive. I keep track of recipes I come up with on the computer. Not detailed notes each time I prepare a dish, but the basic recipe and any changes. I started this because I was combining recipes and ideas found here. If I cooked from my cookbooks more I would keep notes on the side, but I don't.
  21. Put yourself in your employee's shoes. What would you want to have happen?
  22. The Bent Spoon in Princeton has the best gelato around
  23. My appearance is only if I don't pass out from exhaustion in the next half hour.......
  24. According to a press release issued at the end of September, the series will continue through December and will include topics such as NASCAR Kitchens, Campaign Cooking and Burgoo.
  25. I'm glad to see that some smaller places like Colorado Kitchen and Montmartre are recieving attention. I don't understand why Raku was even considered though.
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