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Top Chef


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I do not know how Stephen won that quickfire round. I thought his was terrible looking. I would be very upset if I was served that in a restaurant. Some times I think it is all a set up and it keeps people watching!! I think LeeAnn has all the qualities to be Top Chef.

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Steven is growing on me.

I'm with you.

I am going to go against the grain and say Stephen has grown on me, too. He's consistently won. Yeah, he might be full of shit...but it's all about being able to sell it, baby. AND he has the wine pairing thing going on. In the early going I thought that would get tiresome - but he's kept it up along with consistently cranking out dishes the judges admire.

People eat with their eyes first. Then they take a sip of wine. I dunno how it all turns out, but he was probably laughing his ass off at this point in the game.

Stephen has a fantastic future ahead of him. Maybe not as a high-paid executive chef, but certainly as a menu/wine list consultant (which, come to think of it, is more lucrative anyway). Go Stephen!!

Marsha Lynch aka "zilla369"

Has anyone ever actually seen a bandit making out?

Uh-huh: just as I thought. Stereotyping.

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It's great to see people joining the Stephen fan club. I consider myself the founding member.

I only watched the sixth episode tonight because it took forever for the torrent to get online. Anyway, like others, I did feel that Stephen's plating on the quickfire challenge dish was kind of obscure. The fact of the matter is he still wins and is in the top 3 more often than anyone else.

I also noticed that the quality of the food went up dramatically in this episode. Harold said it well when he noted they were finally cooking real food, none of this microwave or gas station crap. Some of these cooks do have talent, regardless of what the show's haters have to say. Obviously Andrea was several notches below the others, and Dave just can't compete. Miguel seems to be the weakest of the others, and the last four have a solid battle ahead of them.

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Obviously Andrea was several notches below the others, and Dave just can't compete.  Miguel seems to be the weakest of the others, and the last four have a solid battle ahead of them.

I agree. It seems obvious that it will be Harold, Tiffani, LeeAnn and Stephen in the final four.

It's funny, I can't stand Stephen (other than his entertaining train-wreck qualities) but I think his plating is great! I thought the clam appetizer looked wonderful. I just doubt his ability to back up great plating with great taste.

Practice Random Acts of Toasting

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If you want a great way to kill 20 minutes check out:


His recipe section is pretty amusing -- especially his "bubbling orgasm"

kill me now

John Deragon

foodblog 1 / 2


I feel sorry for people that don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day -- Dean Martin

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OH MAN!! What a hilarious site. The rotating pictures on the right side of the "menu" are priceless. There is some decent content there, however, and he has worked with some pretty big names.

This site only reaffirms that he is a pretentious "douche bag" (in the words of the ever-so eloquent Candace) but also has some skills and cred. to back it up. CIA to Cornell is not too shabby. I look foward to see what else he has coming in the future.

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I think it was a "tool and a douche bag" -- which made me crack up even more (and even more appropriate)

This site only reaffirms that he is a pretentious "douche bag" (in the words of the ever-so eloquent Candace) but also has some skills and cred. to back it up.  CIA to Cornell is not too shabby.  I look foward to see what else he has coming in the future.

John Deragon

foodblog 1 / 2


I feel sorry for people that don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day -- Dean Martin

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I may have to soften up on Stephen after reading his TC blog. For one thing, Harold is his favorite :biggrin:

But really, it's because he said he laughed during Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle and he admits there were "outside influences" in effect during his viewing!

Practice Random Acts of Toasting

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Any guy who dresses like that and can still appreciate the nuances of Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle is a winner in my book, too.
Edited by ingridsf (log)

My fantasy? Easy -- the Simpsons versus the Flanders on Hell's Kitchen.

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To clarify, I don't hate Stephen. I don't know him.

But, like many media personas, he fills me with a very special feeling called "hathos."

The website WordSpy has this definition:

hathos (hay'thos) n., pl. double hathos A pleasurable sense of loathing, or a loathing sense of pleasure, aroused by certain schlocky, schmaltzy or just- plain-bad show-business personalities: "Hearing the audience applaud when Dr. Joyce Brothers told Merv Griffin that, aside from being a brilliant comedienne, Charo is a 'genius on the classical guitar' filled me with hathos." [American: hate/happy pathos lachrymose (?)] — ha-thot-ic adj.

—Alex Heard, "Beyond Hate: The Giddy Thrill of Hathos," The Washington Post, May 17, 1987

Heard, whose Sunday column regularly made me spit my coffee out in the late 80's, nailed it.

My fantasy? Easy -- the Simpsons versus the Flanders on Hell's Kitchen.

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Hello, my name is divalasvegas and I like Stephen. :blink: God help me, but I do. I think he's probably equal parts intelligence, dedication and good old fashioned bullshit. If he can just figure out how to speak to people and not at them, he'll go far.

I've been trying to play catch-up with this show which, like many others here astounds me, since I basically loathe reality tv.

However, I think Harold has the best chance for winning. I like the looks of his food and his style (and he's not exactly hard on the eyes either). I especially appreciated his "whatever" attitude about accompanying Chodorow to Cannes, especially contrasted with Dave's reaction as if Jesus Christ Himself had requested his presence at the second coming. That was truly priceless. Someone upthread mentioned him (Harold) complaining a lot, but what I find endearing about him is that after he's bitched and moaned, he gets on with the task at hand.

I admire Lee Anne's take charge attitude and willingness to take responsibility for her food and her decisions. I think she's Harold's main competition.

I'm a bit weary of the ridiculousness of challenges such as doing a restaurant opening in 24 hours which included constructing a menu, shopping, prepping and cooking all of the food, deciding on the theme/decor and purchasing all of glasses, plates, etc. Stunts like this have very little to do with determining a top chef and is really all about giving the folks at home a rollercoaster ride of drama. Given that, I thought both teams did rather well given the constraints.

And BryanZ it's not just Stephen's persona and the way he dresses, it's that WALK of his! :shock: I mean really.............. how many endless hours in front of the mirror did he have to put in to perfect that damn walk? Makes me think that name "The Bubbling Orgasm" is best suited for the way he moves rather than that dessert on his website. :laugh: Work it Stephen! Work it baby!

Inside me there is a thin woman screaming to get out, but I can usually keep the Bitch quiet: with CHOCOLATE!!!

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Did you catch how Chef Tom called Harold (who I'm liking more and more), "son"? It was a one of those rare moments of, apparently, real warmth on a reality show.

Ah, but Stephen. I almost spit out my soda when he said something disdainful about the other team, to the effect of, "They're doing warm and hospitable and I don't do that.'

Guess that DEGREE in hospitality from Cornell wore out all the welcome in the Windsor -- Not -- Lad.

But my real spewing came when I saw a guy I know as one of the Sabor's guests. And he tried to say something positive but couldn't. If you can't satisfy this guy, something's very wrong.

Still seeing Lee Anne win. I don't think Harold's take charge enough, or wants to manage people.

My fantasy? Easy -- the Simpsons versus the Flanders on Hell's Kitchen.

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Can't believe Stephen didn't get canned. Regardless of whether Miguel took a backseat, or screwed up the fish purchase, the team's demise largely came from Stephen's wretched service. I simply can't understand how anyone who's worked back of the house can leave food in the window in order to proselytize to his guests about wine. What an idiot. Looks like he might be facing the boot next week based on the preview.

They've had some good guest judges on the program so far, but I would be insulted to be evaluated by a hack like Chodorow. He should hire Stephen, they are a style-over-substance match made in heaven.

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thanks divalasvegas for pointing out the endearing "easy on the eyes" factor of Harold. At some points in the show, he's been a slight ass, but nothing compared to Stephen - who yes, is also growing on me (if only slightly). But then again, on Project Runway I was a Santino fan from the get go.

Although I think if I encountered Stephen in a restaurant I would want to know when he was getting the stick removed from his ass - whereas with Santino, I'd want to know when he could design me a dress. I think Stephen must have gotten beat up a lot in high school - he's carrying around a lot of "I'm better than you and I'm going to go that extra mile to prove it."

Harold, though, he so adorable. He can cook for me anytime.

The one person that is not growing on me is that awful, awful host. Bet if I was boinkin' Billy Joel, I would have gotten that gig too. Oh well, mortals like me can only dream...wait...anything to do with Billy Joel is a nightmare and having to taste Andrea's food would have killed me.

Bring back the Irish guy they kicked off in the beginning!

(edited to say: I have not yet seen the April 19 show, its sitting on the TiVo waiting for me)

Edited by Shannon_Elise (log)

my new blog: http://uninvitedleftovers.blogspot.com

"...but I'm good at being uncomfortable, so I can't stop changing all the time...be kind to me, or treat me mean...I'll make the most of it I'm an extraordinary machine."

-Fiona Apple, Extraordinary Machine

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Egads. Steven is a alumnus of both the CIA and the Cornell Hotel School. And all that prepared him to be a sommelier for a casino restaurant?

It is puzzling that the elimination challenge placed a third of each team into the dining room, away from the kitchen, and that the winner won for chummy service and not for superior kitchen skills.

Holly Moore

"I eat, therefore I am."



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I've not been a Stephen fan most of the way through this, and I'm even less a Stephen fan after last night.

All the way through this show, Colicchio et al have hammered the same idea at these contestants: it's not about the food (or the wine), it's about the customer. Begin with the end in mind. And Stephen demonstrated last night that he still doesn't get it at all. If I'd been one of the diners in his restaurant, I would have had a lot of trouble corraling my inner bitch. (She tends to pop up when I'm hungry and I can feel my blood sugar plummeting.) I'm afraid I would have told him I don't care where the damn wine comes from, or how the climate affects the grapes; my food's getting cold and that's a major problem. :angry:

If this guy doesn't figure out how NOT to be so full of himself, he's not going anywhere in the food world or anywhere else. Which would be a shame, because he obviously has quite a bit of talent.

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I respectively disagree. Collicco said several times last night it was about the food- therefore Stephen did screw up last night. I am a fan of Steven- I wish he would lighten up on the attitude, however, I think he has a great variety of talent.

And he's a hoot to watch.

I guess Harold not my type lookswise- to me he always looks like he smells somethng bad. Harld and Steven would make a good round out team.

LeeAnn- most even all around.

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Stephen should have been canned before Miguel. Miguel, you could work on and polish. Stephen seems like he's locked into that persona for keeps. And it's going to hurt him.

WHO LEAVES FOOD IN THE WINDOW? NUMBER ONE RULE! I was borderline flailing on the couch last night, watching this take place.

In all fairness: had it been me, that food would have been going out, Stephen or no Stephen. And heaven help him after the fact, because the patrons are not going to a Spanish restaurant for a dissertation on wine. They're there for the food, and it's not showing up? Wrong wrong wrong.

I will miss Miguel.

And I have to say: I was impressed with the food that American Workshop put out. Good quality idea.

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I was so hoping someone would get all huffy with Stephen for not having sangria available. Better yet, white sangria.

How I wish: "What do you have in a nice white zinfandel?"

I'm still trying to find out more inside-info from the guy I know who was there in Sabor.

My fantasy? Easy -- the Simpsons versus the Flanders on Hell's Kitchen.

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OMG, I have the biggest crush on Harold!


He's so adorable when he smiles.

Plus, he's good with food. Seems to have his head on straight. Loved his whole handling of the who-should-go-to-Cannes question -- so complimentary of Tiffani, yet giving credit to Dave for their success. I think it'll come down to him and LeeAnn. Or, if they do it Project Runway style and go directly to the winner from a final three, it'll be those two plus Tiffani.

Stephen should have gone home last night, but Miguel was tapdancing on my last nerve, so that was fine too. Unless something miraculous happens, Dave is next.

Cooking and writing and writing about cooking at the SIMMER blog

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I was oh-so-hopeful that Stephen was going to hit the bricks last night but I guess I can wait until next week (or the week after). I won't miss Miguel.

There was a parallel in the previews for the show last night (previews which aired last week) and the previews for the show next week.

Last week, we saw a cut scene of Colicchio asking Miguel what his smock says ("Top Chef, not Top Sous Chef"). Then Miguel went home.

In the previews of next week's episode, we heard "This is Top Chef, not Top Sommelier."

Dare I hope?

Edited by Jensen (log)

Jen Jensen

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Well I won't say "I told you so..." in reference to my posting last week.

IMHO I feel the next on the chopping block is either Stephen or Dave. Tiffani, Lee Ann and Harold are more professional and more "Top Chef" material.

Stephen is way too condescending and doesn't seem to notice his lack of "humanity" to those who work with him or are in his proximity.

Dave is a crybaby who loses focus and personalizes everything, he gets upset way too easily, you really need to keep focus no matter what in a stressful situation, again - you can ALWAYS cry in your pillow at the end of the night.

Tiffani I feel is in it to win as is Lee Ann, Harold is very professional and focused so when it comes down to the last 3 it should be quite interesting.

Let's see if I'm right again?! :laugh:

Stacey C-Anonymouze@aol.com

*Censorship ends in logical completeness when nobody is allowed to read any books except the books that nobody reads!-G. B. SHAW


Also member of LinkedIn, Erexchange and DonRockwell.

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Well I won't say "I told you so..." in reference to my posting last week. 

IMHO I feel the next on the chopping block is either Stephen or Dave.  Tiffani, Lee Ann and Harold are more professional and more "Top Chef" material. 

Stephen is way too condescending and doesn't seem to notice his lack of "humanity" to those who work with him or are in his proximity. 

Dave is a crybaby who loses focus and personalizes everything, he gets upset way too easily, you really need to keep focus no matter what in a stressful situation, again - you can ALWAYS cry in your pillow at the end of the night. 

Tiffani I feel is in it to win as is Lee Ann, Harold is very professional and focused so when it comes down to the last 3 it should be quite interesting.

Let's see if I'm right again?!  :laugh:

I couldn't agree more. I can't imagine Stephen commanding the respect of and leading an entire kitchen staff. One of the first things that I look for when hiring is someone who is willing to get in the trenches and get their hands dirty. The best piece of advice I was given when I got into the restaurant business (as a manager) was "Never ask anyone to do something that you wouldn't do yourself." Attitude goes a long way, and Stephen's attitude stinks.

After watching the first episode, I decided that the only one I would actually hire would be Lee Ann. Otherwise, the only ones I might consider would be Tiffani and Harold. I still feel the same way (although Tiffani's food is the closest to what we do). Lee Ann is definitely the most level headed and mature.

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The best piece of advice I was given when I got into the restaurant business (as a manager) was "Never ask anyone to do something that you wouldn't do yourself."

For what it's worth, that is the same maxim I have heard in any service industry in which I've been employed. It just makes sense.

After watching the first episode, I decided that the only one I would actually hire would be Lee Ann. Otherwise, the only ones I might consider would be Tiffani and Harold. I still feel the same way (although Tiffani's food is the closest to what we do). Lee Ann is definitely the most level headed and mature.

I'm with you. The Spouse, who has now watched two episodes with me and is getting into the whole thing, doesn't like Lee Ann for some reason but she just seems the most professional and the most competent of them all.

Jen Jensen

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