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I will read.... the Time-Life cookbook Foods of the World series again (after I unearth them from the moving boxes from lo those many years ago….)

I found the hardcovers - hooray!!!!!!! Now to unearth the recipe binders, and to start reading. Where to start.......I think China.

My kids... is singular, and will (continue to) be exposed to as wide a variety of foods as I can manage / stomach

Last night she ate seaweed, tofu and miso soup for the first time. Based on her response, I'd better get her her own bowl next time, or be prepared to entirely transfer ownership of mine.

I will find... a good & accessible source of interesting produce

Some progress- 99 Ranch lots of fun for green-type things and not too far from home. Relocated the permanent downtown farmer's market but have yet to visit (not wildly accessible).

dinner parties

Not in this weather, but July 4th barbecue was good. The Tenor grilled peppers and asparagus for the first time (I refused to fire up the stove). The homemade icecream was good too. Next one in August.

"You dont know everything in the world! You just know how to read!" -an ah-hah! moment for 6-yr old Miss O.

  • 4 months later...
  Pontormo said:
The end is near.

How's it going?


Can I have a T-shirt with that written on it? :biggrin:

This is what I wrote:

2006 will be the year I eat whatever I want to without apologizing to the Culinary Polizia. At all. As a matter of fact, I believe I will indeed be laughingly rude to whomever questions what I eat.

I'll make friends this year with people who are curious about food in ways beyond the mundane or simplistic, in ways philosophic that extends beyond the fork plate cut of meat tastebud and perfectly placed napkin (of recyclable paper or linen - doesn't matter much to me).

In searching each day, I'll find a path that fits me, where there are smiles and welcomes along with any shared recipes. This is possible, I know (for anyone that doubts it, for themselves or for me  ) for I've experienced it before.

I'll learn to walk away when it is time to walk away without looking back in either anger or disgust, from any bad meal that I might eat without being aware that it *was* bad, before tasting it.

I have no ideas of what I have to teach, if anything, except just to do one's best at whatever task happens to be there. Maybe I can teach someone that if the bread comes out strange or lumpy, just make it into croutons. . .if the cake is flat, make it into a trifle. If the fruit is tasteless - well. Just don't buy fruit at that store again.

I'll read Rochefoucald and Martha Grimes, SJ Perelman and Oscar Wilde.

I will try to rid my shelves of the endless piles of cookbooks that sit, quietly, waiting, never to be used by me. Someone else might like them very much.

To taste? More things that taste of themselves, hopefully. That might mean starting a garden and building a chicken coop. I sort of hope not, though.

I'll use the things in the cupboard up before buying more or different, for this mass consumption is beginning to seem endlessly obnoxious.

I, we, my kids: All I can hope for here is health and goodwill. That, is no small hope, is it.

I hope this for each one of you, too.

Happy 2006 and many returns.

Did each one aside from the garden and chicken coop. :shock:

Posted (edited)

Okay, since you asked us to take stock:

In 2006, I will eat ethnic dishes I've never tried before.

Did that -- I forget right now what was being served along with the squid at Music Town in Olney, but whatever it was, it was delicious.

I will make real dinner rolls--sayonara, Doughboy!--and real bread.

So Thanksgiving rolls around and I reach for the can of Pillsbury Crescents. :sad: At least I still make my own pumpkin pie, though I use canned pumpkin.

I will find either permanent employment, or more freelance gigs, or both--and maybe even my voice as a food writer!

Two out of three ain't bad. Widener and I are getting along famously after ten months, and while it looks like I may have blown a steady source of resumes to edit via a well-known Web site, I have developed a small client base locally for manuscript editing and resume writing as well as a few customers well beyond Philly who correspond with me via the Web. Shameless plug: If you would like to be one of them, I offer top-quality, accurate work at reasonable rates; PM or e-mail me.

However, not only have I not written a word about food for pay this year, I've also let my other freelance writing slide. Losing the resume stream may prove a blessing in disguise in the long run.

I will learn more about wine, now that Jonathan Newman's made it more affordable to do so.

I was getting somewhere on this front. Then my partner hit bottom and went into recovery. In support of his efforts, I've refrained from consuming alcohol at all at home and cut back on what I drink when I'm out.

I will teach myself how to prepare great meals that my diabetic roommate can enjoy.

Still on the to-do list. Diabetic roomie is in the hospital right now, so I haven't had the occasion to cook for him for several months now.

I will read Steven Shaw's book, and maybe even subscribe to Cook's Illustrated.

The subscription offers from Cook's Illustrated are gathering dust along with a bunch of other unread magazines, and I still have yet to pick up the Shaw book. (I also haven't been to New York City at all this year, so have not had the occasion to redeem the Starwich coupons I received after the eG discussion of the sandwich shop chain.)

This is the year I will try all those unusual cheeses I see at DiBruno's every time I visit.

Making progress on this, bit by bit. If you read my second foodblog (link in .sig), you saw a photo of one of them. I've got another in my fridge right now.

I will taste a little bit of everything the great buffet of life has to offer. Except deep sea diving--I can't even stay afloat.

Does appearing in tights and a tutu as a Sugar Plum Fairy count? (The PGMC holiday concert was very well received -- and we got excellent pre-concert publicity in print, on radio and on TV that probably contributed to the packed house, our biggest audience ever. [Who did the publicity? Send e-mail to press@pgmc.org and I'll tell you. :wink: ])

I will use more fresh ingredients and locally produced foods this year.

I did do this--my purchases from Kaufmann's in the RTM shot up dramatically during the peak growing season.

I will give myself permission to override my innate impulse towards frugality every now and then in order to splurge on really good food and ingredients.

Did this too. In the case of the ham I fixed when the roomie got done serving time, it was worth every penny, and that wasn't the only time this was the case this year.

I have much to be thankful for, including good health and good friends. I resolve to have more of the latter over for dinner, or to dine out with them more often.

There are a few friends who are regular visitors; I can count on one of these to help relieve me of leftovers. I went out to his place for dinner with two very charming, very positive black men who I've known for some time last month, then had these same two over for dinner on Thanksgiving Day. I hope they become part of the occasional regulars (there are a few of these too).

We don't go out together much anymore. I'm of two minds about fixing this, but I'll continue to offer him the chance to accompany me to a good restaurant meal when I have the opportunity to write about a place to eat.

Make that "we don't go out together at all anymore" -- except when I accompany him to his family rehab session on Saturday mornings. I'm afraid that to a large extent, we now live separate lives together. He's still welcome to join me for dinner out if he feels like it.

My kids? What kids? I've got my hands full with my partner, two cats, a roommate and a cast of friends, acquaintances and hangers-on. Feeding them is challenge enough.

Still true, though some of the cast of friends and hangers-on had to be pared.

Edited by MarketStEl (log)

Sandy Smith, Exile on Oxford Circle, Philadelphia

"95% of success in life is showing up." --Woody Allen

My foodblogs: 1 | 2 | 3

Posted (edited)

Alas, the day of reckoning has come.

In 2006, I will eat at three or more new restaurants in town.

If I did, I don't remember what they were. Does it count if I went to the new location of a favorite restaurant? I did eat at several new restaurants this year, but I don't think they were here in town. EDITED: Come to think of it, I did at least 2: Dona Lupe and that pizza place that's supposed to have the closest thing to New York pizza you're gonna find here.

I will make at least one recipe from every cookbook I have, and every magazine I buy. (That ought to keep me busy.)

Whatever posessed me to write a thing like that?

I will find my canning recipe book. It has to be somewhere. Doesn’t it? It does have to be somewhere. Too bad I still don't know where that is.

I will learn to decorate cookies like a pro, so I can make the very very coolest monster truck cookies for my nephew, with that new monster truck cookie cutter I have. Well, I tried. I took classes. My hands have too much arthritis to do pastry bags with either stiff or medium-stiff icing.

I will teach my dog nothing, no matter how hard I try.

Success at last! :laugh::laugh::laugh:

I will read the cookbooks I got for Christmas last year.

I will. I swear I will. In 2007. Or 08.

This is the year I will try at least six vegetables I’ve never tried before. That's a really good idea. Wonder why I didn't do it?

I will taste several kinds of salt to see if I can tell the difference between them.

Yup. I tasted them. And I can tell the difference.

I will use that specialty cake pan I nearly womped that lady to get, in Williams-Sonoma on the day after Thanksgiving, when it was 30% off.

I still have 22 days left.

I will give more thought and planning to my daily menus.

Yeah, I did. Threats from my physician made this easy to get around to.

I will stop being afraid I will die before I get to try all the foods I want to try, and just cook as much as I can.

Still afraid I'm gonna die too soon, especially after 3 beloved people in my life died this fall. But I am cooking a lot.

We don’t appreciate the abundance we have, so I will eat more slowly and more thoughtfully, and pay closer attention to what I’m eating.

I think I probably did this a time or two. It's still a good idea.

My kids don’t exist, so I can spend all my restaurant money on myself and my husband! :biggrin:

Edited by jgm (log)

Klary, by all means, why don't you start a new thread for 2007?

"Viciousness in the kitchen.

The potatoes hiss." --Sylvia Plath


Ok, here's the summary:

In 2006, I will eat at one new restaurant per month. Preferably non-chain, but that's hard to do around here. (Carry over from 2005 because it worked so well.)

Sure have. Found some dandy new local places, too.

I will make one new recicpe a month, preferably from one of the cookbooks I own that I've never cooked out of. (Also carry over from 2005.)

Did that, too. Some worked, some haven't, but at least they were new. Still have to do one for December but I'm looking at a recipe for pork tenderloin with pumpkin seed sauce right here, now if only I can find a small bottle of pumpkin seed oil locally that isn't $17+.

I will find a job. *sigh*

Well no, I haven't, although I do have a short term contract starting after the first of the year. Circumstances have changed lowering the priority of this for the time being.

I will read more.

I think I did. I am up to date on my foodie magazines.

This is the year I will try several new vegetables that I don't know what to do with yet, assuming I can find them anywhere around here.

Sadly, I don't think I did this, mostly due to the fact that running into vegetables that I don't know what to do with around here is very difficult. Does it count that I've tried a lot of new sauces and seasonings?

I will taste everything I can.

Oh, yeah. You should see the samples being passed around the table when we go out. I even tried cherries again and reascertained that I can't stand them. Yuck.

My kids will continue not to exist.

And so they have.


Don't forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he wanted...he lived happily ever after. -- Willy Wonka

eGullet foodblog

Posted (edited)


I will remind this big bastard that he's not a bumpkiss dog and is not allowed to steal food off the stove top.

I will continue to follow Egullet for ideas and meals that are beyond what I normally cook and buy. :biggrin: With special thanks to Chuffi, Daniel and Ling, and Little miss foodie! :rolleyes:

Edited by christine007 (log)



-Hold a crawfish boil (to double as a fundraiser for Katrina relief) in the Spring, and a tamalada in the Fall........Crawfish boil was a smashing success foodwise, and we sent a bit of money to Habitat for Humanity. The tamalada has not happened. By some solstice miracle I may pullit off by the 31st.

-Join a CSA......done.

-Corollary to above: bring kids to work on CSA's farm... I tried, but will plead lack of organization on the farm's part. We have done some random digging around in our own yard, though.

-Grow some kickass tomatoes...Nixed it. Maybe next year.

-Do some anthropological or historical food reading....Does Real Food and The Omnivore's Dilemma count?

-Try salsifry.....Well, maybe if I spelled it correctly, I'd have an easier time finding it! Will ask CSA farmer for salsiFY....Never obtained any. Did try scapes though. Yum.

-Eat and learn to better prepare loads of veggies....Yes! An ongoing process. Barbara Kafka's Vegetable Love is a great resource to that end.

-Raise the bar on my home cooking/ingredient purchasing across the bar....The CSA definitely improved our produce quality. And I went to the farmers market almost every week it was open. For the winter, Whole Foods is my friend. I've also been ordering meats from Polyface Farm in VA. Such a huge difference. This raising of the bar has also meant not buying things like soda and chips and empty snack foods for the kids. We're all the better for it.

-Get a stand mixer!!!!!!!!!!!!......Well, I got an 11-cup food processor, but still no stand mixer. However, my hand held mixer died the other day, so Santa may have to bring me the stand mixer after all.

-In highchef's words, go "full circle". Visit New Orleans and inject a bit of cash into the economy. Get fed well in the meantime......Done. Times two.

Now to think about 2007...

Bridget Avila

My Blog


In 2006, I will eat anything new and different including food of which I can't pronounce the name.


I will make a real effort to stop eating cowtails at work.


I will find new recipes to make and consume.


I will learn how to make cheese cake that isn't ricotta based even though that's the only kind I like.

Nope. But my ricotta cheesecake rules anyway.

I will teach my honey to be somewhat efficient in the kitchen.


I will read a cookbook that I don't already know how to make the recipes in.


This is the year I will try to actually bake something sweet, including carrot cake

Yes - I made a carrot cake in August!

I will taste wine and understand its complexities before downing it.

Working on it.

I will use an apron.


I will give D less of a hard time in the kitchen and remember that I'm not a caterer anymore, I'm just a home cook.

Yes mame.

I will cook as much as possible and stop ordering takeout from the same places.

Urban Gourmet's burning down really helped out here.

We will run to offset all the food we will eat - perhaps even that marathon we've been training for forever.

Yay for Boston 2007!

My kids consist of one 31 adult man who cannot cook. He will learn or die trying in the next year.

Well, part of that is true.

Eating pizza with a fork and knife is like making love through an interpreter.

I will make... a family dinner (simple weeknight meals) at least 3 nights a week, including dishes other than spaghetti, roasts or fried rice as the main courses.

Barely... but I made it. Whew! Raise the bar for 2007

I will find... a good & accessible source of interesting produce

Found it, not using it. Bump to '07 and keep trying.

I will learn... something about using herbs and spices for other than baking.

I didnt. My food is still bland. Sigh.

I will teach... the angelmonster to wait calmly while mama cooks, and to “steal” food from the garden.

She rocks. The calmly part is good for 15-20 and I can get 10 more by having her help.

I will read.... the Time-Life cookbook Foods of the World series again (after I unearth them from the moving boxes from lo those many years ago….)

Found em, started on Italy, got too hungry to keep reading

This is the year I will try... pan-frying meats

20 days to go

I will taste.... at least one new type of ethnic food

Vietnamese wasnt brand new but it was fairly new to me. Totally new to the Tenor

I will use... my wok again. Its been years.


I will give... more parties, especially dinner parties

Couple barbecues over the summer, no sit-downs.

I... will continue to rejoice in the wonder of life, and share as many adventures with friend and family as I can. I will also eat more veggies (this is a perennial. Slowly, slowly, it works), and I will plant herbs.

Got better at it, then reverted. The cilantro, basil & thyme are looking good. 

We... will eat at at least one fine restaurant this year (sans HRH)

Yup, it was in April. And then again in May (not quite as fine)

My kids... is singular, and will (continue to) be exposed to as wide a variety of foods as I can manage / stomach

Yes. She likes salsa, palak paneer, miso soup, maduros, etc.

"You dont know everything in the world! You just know how to read!" -an ah-hah! moment for 6-yr old Miss O.

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