August already! So much going on, gardening, visitors, grandkids, and awaiting arrival of new grandbaby in the next few days!
On top of all the above, was dealing with tummy issues. Couldn't figure it out until I realized it was the +32C temperatures for a week! Altho' drinking a lot of water, it was not keeping up with the sweating!
However, I did manage to do some cooking, and finally some eating.
Fresh Lily Bulb soup: good for upset tummy
Pork meat balls, char siu and fun see
Love stir-fried mung bean sprout - simple with sauteed shrimp
Saskatoon / Service berries time! A lot of folks with their own berry patches, whether sask. or raspberry, have had a lot of issues with larvae in the berries. I found a farm close by who spray for the flies that lay the eggs, so I grabbed 4 baskets. Made a lot of pies, shared with family and friends. Our soon-to-be mommy daughter wanted cherry pie, so she got one! Made 6 mini saskatoon pies and some PB roll-ups, a childhood fav.