has inspired me get to work and to deal w Freezer Uno. I have a newer Freezer, Duo . D does not need defrosting as its new. , but Uno does Duo was bought to help with the Uno's defrosting Noted UpTread :
two Target TuurkeyBreasts ( about 8 - 9 lbs each ) from Uno. today they will enjoy a slow thaw in the sink , and tomorrow they will be dealt with .
these were $ 0.49 / lbs at Target around Christmas time. I won't say what year I got 8 and dealt with 6
which were delicious . now :
4 TB's w Benton's bacon on the top from the CSB ( 2 x 2 )
the back etc will be given a 'darch in the iPot for stock. that's new to me and I look forward to it.
then re-baged and vacuum sealed and Fz.
you say . that 47 % less volume that before !
BTW : the Sirens have been singing their Sweet Song to me this week :
Ground lean turkey breast this week : $ 1.99 / lbs as good as it gets !
and Uno's deep Dish : 4.99 ( pepperoni no less ) ! 50 % off
I eat few of these , but well , 50 % off
so sending @Anna N
Ive purchased none of these
a Kudos or two for inspiring me to get off the duff.
BTW 4 days soon it will be in the 20's F at night so Ill do the basement's StormEntrance thaw on all that lest in the F Uno
at least 3.5 of 4 shelves !