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Spanish Spice Paste


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  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method

--------  ------------  --------------------------------

          3/8    teaspoon  Coarse salt

          1/8    teaspoon  Ground black pepper

          1                     Garlic clove

          1/2    tablespoon  Smoked paprika

          1/2    teaspoon  Ground coriander

          1/2    tablespoon  oil

          1/2    tablespoon  cider vinegar

Above is a list of paste ingredients from an Everyday Food recipe for Chicken in Spanish Spice Paste. I make the paste by hand using a small morter and pestle and end  up with more than I need. (There is a limit to how much you can downsize a recipe without getting ridiculously tiny amounts)  How long can I keep the excess paste in the refrigerator before it goes bad?  I can't go by odor since I have a very poor sense of small. 

Edited by Arey (log)
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"A fool", he said, "would have swallowed it". Samuel Johnson

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I can't say for sure but had you not added the (fresh) garlic I would bet that mixture would keep indefinitely. However, with the garlic and oil, despite those being small amounts, I am not sure I would keep it much more than a few days - maybe 4 or 5. Potential botulin toxins are probably the issue, even refrigerated (and you can't smell those anyway). I am sure others may have a more accurate estimate however.

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With the vinegar botulism isn't such a concern. However, general decay and growth of other organisms would be of concern. The rule in ServSafe is that things get tossed after a week in the fridge. I originally learned a 3-5-7 day set of rules, under those, you would also be at 7 days. try making something else with the mix, like rice pilaf.

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...I originally learned a 3-5-7 day set of rules...

Lisa, can you elaborate on this, please?

Nancy Smith, aka "Smithy"
HosteG Forumsnsmith@egstaff.org

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"Every day should be filled with something delicious, because life is too short not to spoil yourself. " -- Ling (with permission)
"There comes a time in every project when you have to shoot the engineer and start production." -- author unknown

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I am probably not going to remember it all correctly, but, it went something like this:


Toss after 3 days: custards, cream fillings, whipped cream based desserts, cooked eggs, fresh juice, fresh fruit puree, prepped meat, ground meat

Toss after 5 days: cooked fruit compote, raw meat in larger cuts, raw fish (other stuff I am not remembering)

Toss after 7 days: everything else that is prepared onsite unless it's some sort of pickle or a brined or fermented product

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Thanks Deryn and Lisa for your help.  I'll probably just keep on doing what I've been doing, which is making more than I need by following the recipe and throwing out the extra.

Lisa, when you say toss after 3 days includes cooked eggs, are you including hardboiled eggs in that category?  I tend to keep hardboiled eggs forever.  Growing up, after Easter, we'd be having multicolored egg salad or hard boiled  egg sandwiches for quite a while.

"A fool", he said, "would have swallowed it". Samuel Johnson

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Thanks Deryn and Lisa for your help.  I'll probably just keep on doing what I've been doing, which is making more than I need by following the recipe and throwing out the extra.

Lisa, when you say toss after 3 days includes cooked eggs, are you including hardboiled eggs in that category?  I tend to keep hardboiled eggs forever.  Growing up, after Easter, we'd be having multicolored egg salad or hard boiled  egg sandwiches for quite a while.


Not hardboiled eggs still in the shell. Not even unshelled, I'd keep egg salad for a week maybe it depends, I like putting in brunoise celery and carrots in my egg salad and if the celery seems to be giving off water, I toss the egg salad.


I meant things like leftover frittata or quiche. -Or if for some crazy reason you saved runny-yolk poached eggs.

Edited by Lisa Shock (log)
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