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Brussels sprout stalk


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In that way, and talking of brussel sprout stalks,


in England we do seek out brussel sprout stalk tops.


They are delicious and simple to cook.most often found in your local , locally sourcing Green Grocer:





Martial.2,500 Years ago:

If pale beans bubble for you in a red earthenware pot, you can often decline the dinners of sumptuous hosts.

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Next time you have a stalk to use take a look at this. http://blog.ideasinfood.com/ideas_in_food/2007/10/vegetable-marro.html


I've done it several times and it comes out great. My most successful application was scooping out the center part and then combining it with butter, breadcrumbs and parsley and using it as rockefeller-esque topping on oysters. 

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Hmm... I have grown brussels sprouts, and been astounded by how the insects love chomping them. I also hate to waste anything, and adore artichokes. I have tossed many a stalk onto the compost pile, but I won't again, not before getting the "marrow".


Thanks to everyone who contributed to this piece of my continuing education.  :smile:

> ^ . . ^ <



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