I made a layered lime and blackberry marshmallow using nightscotsman’s strawberry recipe. I replaced all of the water in both the bloom and the syrup with lime juice or blackberry pulp. I think, for me, they need a little more gelatin. They were super soft and creamy, but a tiny bit too delicate. I also had to coat them twice because they were just a tad too sticky. I used 14g of gelatin exactly, and I think maybe somewhere between that and 21 would be perfect. The blackberry flavor has held up much better for me than the blueberry I made previously, but still doesn’t have the staying power of the lime. The blackberry, however, was a little sturdier than the lime (possibly because it was pulp with fiber rather than just lime juice?)
ETA: I added citric acid to both flavors and I definitely think I will do that will all of my fruit marshmallows—thanks @patris!