Our early morning coffee is partly set out the night before in our elegant Hamilton Beach coffee maker. DH puts in 6 'cups' of cold water. Sets out a filter and the caff coff cannister. In the morning, I put in the filter, add the coffee grounds and hit the on button. Done.
So what could possible go wrong...go wrong...go wrong...???
I forgot to check for the evidence of water and turned on the machine. After a few minutes I notice that no coffee was coming out. So I did my usual: turn off the machine, take the carafe and partly fill it with cold water, pour the water into the machine...etc. It's always worked before...
This time I guess the machine was hotter than usual...or the water colder...or something... As I added the water, the entire filter full of coffee simply blew up into my face, the walls, the counters, everything sitting on the counter, the floor..you name it. Scared the daylights out of me. Left the water compartment of the maker full of grounds. Took me a long and unhappy time to clean it all up. And then I still had to make the coffee...
Meanwhile, his Lordship slept on through it all.
Note to self writ large: Always check the water compartment in the coffee maker...