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Posts posted by CantCookStillTry

  1. Sushi on the move.

    Calamari and Yummy chicken for the kidlet.



    Spicy Chicken for the Big Boy. 



    I dont like sushi that much so didn't waste the calories. 

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  2. "The Boys" wanted "snacks" for dinner at their game night. I was annoyed and tried to stitch them up... turns out the trick to learning chopsticks is to be drunk. 🙄 



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  3. I have eaten this for my lunch every day for 4 days - after eating it for tea on Sunday 🤦‍♀️

    This is why I don't roast often! I hate eating leftovers, but I hate waste more! Mission completed. 




    And yes, a teaspoon is the only weapon I have for desk meals - no I haven't fixed that for oh 7 years 🤷‍♀️

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  4. Time to horrify some Americans (and probably a lot of other people too 😂!) 


    This is what happens when you leave Dad in charge of dinner for a child thats been at soccer camp all day! The 2kg frozen solid lasagne that was first choice some how didn't unfreeze and cook in the alotted "cook fresh" time with an extra 10 minutes and 20 degrees 🤦‍♀️.


    A starter of Beans on Toast. 



    See @patti you had nothing to worry about 🤷‍♀️😂

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  5. @Kim Shook Thanks! Exactly what I was going for. Really wanted a good old fashioned Englush style roast - conceeded the pumpkin for my Aussie audience. 

    Yes the enamels nest. Some on purpose some by happy accident (half belonged to my grandmother and I had sent over when I spotted them in the 'dump' pile on facetime 😂). 

    Stuffing balls are my cheaty get ahead. Stale bread and sage blitzed to crumbs, combine with cooled sweated onion and garlic, bind with egg. Roll in to balls and cook for 20 mins in a little stock. Then I usually freeze for a quick side that looks like I tried hard. On the day chuck them in with whatevers in the oven for the last 20 mins 🙂

    Funnily enough I spent all day telling my husband I had forgotten something and being grouched at because there was no way there was supposed to be more. Half way through dinner, I dropped my fork and angrily muttered "It was the bleeping Sprouts". 😂

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  6. Roast Lamb and Trimmings for us. I'm only allowed to make roasts when we have company as I tend to have scaling issues. 

    Think I used nearly every Enamel pan I have! 


    Lamb Leg Rubbed with Garlic Lemon and Rosemary. Very bad pic. In the last 20 mins of preparing a Roast I get frantic - and pictures add another layer 😂. It worked out medium heading to well. Husdudes brothers have a fear of pink 🤦‍♀️






    Butternut Pumpkin with Sage (forgot to take a before photo). 






    Broc & Cauli 






    Green Beans



    Honey Mustard Carrots



    Mashed Swede with Cinnamon & Nutmeg



    Sage & Onion stuffing balls cooked in stock 



    Piggies in Blankets




    Gravy & Mint Sauce to serve and I'm done. 😴20200920_173859.thumb.jpg.0665cf6696ea7edf195659c52c715449.jpg


    I used to do this roast every other Sunday back home but I haven't done one in a year. At home I used to serve up plated but these guys prefer self serve - so many more dishes 🤦‍♀️

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  7. It is a silly thread. It's nice to be silly sometimes 🤷‍♀️. Noone is wrong noone is right, everyone does things different, we all agree on that. 

    Plus we still get to judge the way other people do things, but we can laugh about it in a nice friendly way 😂

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  8. I didn't cook tonight, that's more relevant to the other thread on mojo, but I did put together the quintessential Australian ICBF to cook meal. Bread roll, Coleslaw, Rotisserie Chicken. 




    I was actually okay to cook, but hubby came home from the big town with a chook in a bag and the rest. Comfort food I guess. 

    • Like 11
  9. Hey this is a judgement free zone! Like someone already said, there's no really wrong way as long as your enjoying yourself! 

    Cultural mistakes are a different kettle of fish. 

    I also do the sequential eating but I'm not as bad as I was as a kid. And even I know I did that "wrong" I start with my least favourite thing on the plate and work my way up to the favourite thing - by which time favourite thing is no longer at its best and usually cold 😬

    Sauce / Ketchup  is for dipping only! I also do not understand smotherers. Messy. 

  10. I was curious, I have decided to create this topic (that has probably been discussed before) because I have been deemed a weirdo by my husband for the way that I eat certain foods. 


    It started innocently the other night when I told my son he was eating his Lasagne "weird". He eats Lasagne by scraping the top level of cheese/bechamel off and eating that first, then consumes the rest. My husband said I had no right to say that because I roll the whole top layer of cheesy pasta off the lasagne, put it to the side and eat that last 😂. He just eats the layers in one spoon like a normy. 

    He also brought up the fact I eat what he considers 'hand pies' with a spoon. Eating the inner then consuming the pastry shell bare / empty instead of just biting the whole thing out of the paper. 

    So what are your weird food eating kinks? Peel the skin off a jacket potato first? Eat the fish before the batter? Burn toast on purpose? I know I can't be the only "weirdo". 😂

    • Like 5
  11. At the risk of being booted from the forum, I must confess, one of my favourite childhood meals was a steak and kidney pie from a.. ahem.. a can. 

    Fray Bentos was the brand. I thought they were magic with the way the pastry rose out of the tin - my favourite part was the uncooked soggy pastry right on top of the gravy... shall I see myself out? 




    Not my image screen grabbed from a google search. They sell them over here but my husband would not get over me spending $8.50 on a pie thats in a can. 


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  12. It's that time of year again when the mecury begins rising to the mid thirties, the air con switches back on - and my cold northern hemisphere soul turns its seasonsally confused attention to rich brown gravys and stews and all things root vegetable 🤦‍♀️

    Blade steak, onion, carrot, swede, turnip, red wine and stock etc


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  13. Our bakery is not open on weekends so I haven't taken that sausage roll for the team yet, but I did go to a party, and to spare @haresfur these are 'Party Pies/Rolls'. 



    Just small pies and sausage rolls (beef) that are seemingly a staple of any Australian youth / Footie game goer. 

    The pastry is sh!te, the meat filling is questionable - but pretty much everybody that grew up here loves them. I don't hate them, but then I would eat pretty much any meat in pastry ever. 


    But not with Ketchup. Heathens. 

    • Haha 8
  14. In our little part of the world we don't have a Mcdonalds, and sometimes thats all that you want to fix the leftovers of the night before. 

    So every now and then my husband arrives home in the early hours of the AM and hands his ever patient (ha!) Wife a pack of muffins and sausages... 🙄😂


    • Like 7
  15. I am with you on the beef thing. Everything sausagey is beef by default here in Australia - which is wrong - pork first. 


    Spent a while thinking everyone was feeding me mouldy food when I first got off the boat and stayed at a hostel (cheap bbq beef sausage- when expecting pork). The taste was wrong.


    I will endeavour to get to the local bakery just to offend you guys. Not only does their sausage roll contain beef, it is also filled with chia seeds. 

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  16. Steak, Chips & Salad for Monday Tea. 

    Oven Fries - slightly over done, I have an air frier but couldn't be bothered fetching it out. Anchovy butter for the rib steak (lemon, wholegrain, anchovies, capers, garlic & onion). Beetroot, Carrot & Onion with Rabbit food for salad. 



    I tried the constant flip method for the first time for the steak, flipped every minute for 6 minutes total. I have to say, having been firmly camp don't touch, it wasn't bad. Although I probably wouldn't have burnt the chips if I had left it alone! 


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  17. It was fine. I had some shrinkage as you can see. Base was a little under. I am a lazy cook, and I believe really good shortcrust requires speed to keep the butter cold. Speed I cannot be bothered to have on a lazy Sunday 😄


    (Or a MTWTFS). 

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