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Posts posted by CantCookStillTry

  1. I knew the sausages I pulled from the freezer were very salty from a previous rummage. Chopped into quarters, chucked 2 pieces in each hole of a muffin tin, added batter to cut the need for 2 sausages to 1. Mini Toads with Cauli and Green Beans. Bisto added after. 





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  2. I don't post here often but I do make lunch 8 days a fortnight for the hub (obvs every day for the child). I usually pack him a mix of fresh and leftovers. He leaves at 4am and returns at 6. 

    Tomorrow he has a ham and salad wrap (fresh). Some pulled smoked beef (freezer find) with pickles and some ginger/soy/honey wings (fresh). I will also chuck in some fruit. 

    Lunch boxes for life not just for children 😂


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  3. Lamb Chops & Ugly Salad. 

    I cheat most salad nights and make a big, less aesthetically pleasing bowl of salad that I can use for dinner and the boys Lunch wraps. I feel the "Killer" (lamb) we got may have been a little young? It's very mild, but then I grew up with Hogget and Mutton so I guess I like a "punch in the face" lamb flavour. I can't touch the fat though. I can't eat chops. I have a sample out of one of the kids middle bits - I blame my mother. 


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  4. Vegemite Cheese on Toast for my boys tonight. Think it was cheddar, moz, edam. This isn't Mum guilt worthy or my food rut. This is what you get after 3 hours on a tennis court on a 45 degree day for a school graduation/christmas concert that ends 2 hours after bedtime!! 

    Gosh I miss takeaway sometimes! 



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  5. I don't post here much, because, where I live we have been so lucky as I have mentioned before..

    But I went to a QLD Covid safe Mining Industry Xmas party yesterday... 


    Individual nibblies



    Woodwarmed Pizza



    Chicken wings and salads



    Dessert individual Prawn Buckets



    (All these photos are sneak ones, hubby hates the food photo thing and it was his work party). 


    We signed in for Covid safety... and that was it. Drinks were shared. Pizza was shared. I'm not bragging, I'm worried. Reading what you all have gone / are going through, we just don't have the mentality here yet... and it's been a year. 


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  6. Tonight I assembled dinner. I didn't cook. Store bought BBQ chicken and Baguette. Chopped chicken breast and thigh with mayo, wholegrain mustard and spring onion. Spread the stuffing on the baguette. Called it quits. 




    Sure you'll forgive me. It was 47 degrees today - day 6 of summer 🥵


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  7. Not that special but quick and homemade fried rice for kidlet - I had the last of the Bacon and a bunch of eggs to use up (my child HATES eggs - loves the "yellow fluff" in fried rice though 🙄). (Over) tCooked the rice yesterday and fridged. Oyster sauce, soy, cooking wine, sesame oil (needed more oyster and soy for my taste but salt/seven). Handful of frozen veg & some spring onion. 10 minutes of my time and 10 points towards feeling better about my cooking rut. 


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  8. Another "I really don't want to cook but my mum guilt level is too high" meal. Cheesy one pan pasta for one. 

    Fry Bacon, chuck in some flour, add milk and chicken stock, add pasta, add chopped frozen green beans and cauliflower and chilli flakes. Cook til done and stir through some cheddar and parmesan. It's not pretty or healthy but Guilt partially eased. 




    I am ALL for easy cheat meals don't get me wrong. But he had frozen pizza last night and I don't remember Tuesday so I felt Mr 7 better eat something with a spec of green in it 😂

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  9. Chicken Patty Burger with "The Works". Chicken mince patty with cheese and onion, Lettuce, Cheese, Beetroot, Coleslaw, Bacon, Egg & Red Onion (no Pineapple because it is wrong). 




    You know when you put an (admittedly not all that great) amount of effort in to making a meal you think someone will love and get a "Thanks but I'm really not that hungry" response and then you clean the kitchen really loudly and silently swear to never cook again? Today was that. 


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  10. Was in need of a hug tonight. So stew (freezer find) and mash it was. 



    My husband has taken a new job. So you will see alot of freezer meals for the next six weeks. I imagine if I completely ban shopping I will get them half empty 😬🤦‍♀️

    I do hate change so very very much. 

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  11. @Kim Shook HP & Orange Marmalade on the same Sandwich? Or with HP or Orange Marmalade? Either way I am both horified and intriuged! 😂


    As an English Woman I have never tried Marmalade, I don't like Tea or Biscuits.. or Cucumber for that matter... please don't tell the Queen 😂😂

    • Haha 2
  12. Thrifty Kitchen tonight. Had to use up the lamb scraps. Wasn't much left on the leg. Hand minced and bulked up with a mix of frozen and fresh veg. I would usually consider sweetcorn in a shepherd's pie an abomination (and I am hoping Liuzhou misses this post entirely 😂) but needs must (I panic bought a frozen packet of mixed peas and corn at the start of all this and it has to be used). 

    Into individual Rammekins



    Topped with a fluffy mash crown adorned with grated cheddar cheese and baked. 




    Not bad for cheapy leftovers 🤷‍♀️

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  13. I don't really want to post the piccies because the lighting is so bad, but we hosted a smoking sunday funday. 

    Started off with Buffalo (not pictured) and Honey BBQ wings (air frier) for hunger tamers. Unsauced wings on side for my gluten free-er and my low carber. 



    Then on to the nibblies. Un pictured nuts and biccies. 



    Obligatory Potato Salad and bought coleslaw



    Lamby bits (the bits the butcher told us would be tough from the whole one we bought - it was rubbish tbh). 



    Wet brined & smoked pork rack and Boerewors. 



    Smoked fresh picked corn 



    Beef Ribs 



    Vegan smoked Chili Con Carne with beyond meat stuff. Gotta cater to everyone 😁



    Vegan Zuchini Mediteranian Bake. Everyone deserves variety. 



    Poppers. There were also vegan ones.20201122_184553.thumb.jpg.e007bf1af1d43eef1070f3856bf3878e.jpg


    Was it fun sitting next to a fire box in the heat? No. Was it fun? Yes.

    I think my favourite bit of hosting is providing my brothers in law with a week of lunches 😂

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  14. Trying to redeem myself. I could not sleep last night. Left for the farmers market early - they were still setting up. Grabbed my boys a pie and sausage roll for breakie (pie for breakfast is absolutely normal where I live 😂). These are the pics I took whilst waiting outside for them to finally wake up at 7. 

    Cheese & Bacon Sausage Roll 



    Steak cheese and Bacon Pie



    Both reported to be very good, but salty. 

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  15. Another hot day. Another Lamb wrap. I'm lucky my boys like sandwiches. 



    Also has anyone won the comp to be adopted by @Ann_T yet or can I still spam apply 😂. Amazing work. As always. 

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  16. Hubby asked for "just a Lamb Wrap" for dinner. Because he knew I had chopped salad to use up and presumably the 43 degree spring day (the audacity) sapped his appetite. 

    I didn't have any lamb cooked though 🤦‍♀️, and I certainly wasn't turning on the oven. 


    Ready for The BBQ. 



    After her heat treatment



    Wrap with chopped salad, add beetroot add feta (because lamb) & garlic sauce. 



    Incase you have the same concerns as my son, they are spinach wraps and supposed to be green 😂

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  17. I love how this place makes you think about what someone you've never met, on the otherside of the world is doing through the simple act of making a guilty pleasure dinner. 


    Frozen Chicken Kiev & Chopped Salad. 



    @Kim Shook This ones in tribute to you 😁

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  18. CCST was bought a little Lamb, 

    And now needs a bigger freezer. 



    After portioning and freezing and choosing bits I want to mince. I was sick of it. (Especially after locking myself out of the house and fretting over it for an hour). 

    So simple lamb tray bake. No idea what part of the animal 😂


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  19. Back home. Simple dinner. We walked past a butcher while on a stroll and then had to drive back the next day to purchase a Tomahawk Steak my husband HAD to have. 

    I am scared of it. But tonight is not Steak Night. My personal preference to test a butcher is by the quality of their Pork Sausage. Something traditionally used to prevent waste but that has the ability to be so good in the right hands - and awful in the wrong ones 🤷‍♀️


    So bangers and mash tonight. Dipping gravy for the child 🤦‍♀️



    The sausages looked great and had nice flavour, not all that fatty. But once I hit a piece of gristle it's game over for me.  😞


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  20. Some meals from a weekend away. 

     Amatriciana Pasta for moi. 



    Schnitzel for boy. 



    Parmy for man. 



    Garlic Bread to start. 



    This meal was good and bad. The Sole Chef/Owner/Waiter was so nice and put so much effort in to the quality of the home made bread and pasta and well sourced meat. He just forgot about the sauces to carry it. Great ingredients that tasted of nothing. 


    Cheese burger for child. 



    Bbq platter for 2. 



    Judging by the leftovers we needed four 🙂



    And the best garlic bread. 


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  21. Bacon and Eggs with bread that had a brief audience with the toaster. 



    Big Breakfast with Bread that got there after the toaster left for another meeting.





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