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Posts posted by CantCookStillTry

  1. I am really messing up this edit. 

    Yes its just a dry old patty. Aussie budget bacon comes with the eye of the back and the streaky of the belly still attached. So it's really long. 

    Yes the white sauce is normal, usually either with peppercorn or wholegrain mustard. I don't eat it myself. This one looks lumpy to me... possibly packet mix? 

    • Like 2
  2. 19 hours ago, Jonas said:

    @CantCookStillTry your breakfast seems to me just impossible to eat the morning 😂 do you eat it with a coffee ?


    I live in the middle of nowhere, German sausages are one of my favourite things, if I go somewhere and I find one, Imma get one. Dawn, Dusk or Midnight 😂. If I eat all of it is neither here nor there. I just happened to find this one at 8am. No I could not eat one everyday for breakfast. But sausage and bread is not an unusual breakfast in rural Australia, you've already been up and doing things for 4 hours previously 🤷‍♀️

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  3. Art. 

    I found another German Sausage cart at the Eumundi Markets (actually there were 2 😲). Bratwurst, Onion, refrained from the Sauerkraut for authenticity. Only complaint was the non crustiness of the roll. Husband had Momos but he ate them too quick. 





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  4. 15 hours ago, Kim Shook said:

    I feel like the tippy toes are on purpose now.  😄😄😄 I find the skin on pumpkin strange, too.  I wouldn't expect rice with chili, but maybe that's just me.  


    The Aussies must take after the English with their interpretation of Chili Con Carne, it's always with rice in the UK too, although I have noticed American recipes have it as a stand alone dish ... and i've always seen it as an American meal 🙂

    • Thanks 1
  5. Another strange (to me) combo. Chili Con Carne with Rice & Guac (standard) with a side of pumpkin and potato (weird). I don't eat pumpkin, but I get that it could be nice to some people... I really don't get people that cook and eat Pumpkin skin on! (My husband... and this mine apparently).

    I'm too tired to edit out ol'twinkletoe. Soccer has resumed for the kid and the day was loooong. 


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  6. 20 hours ago, liuzhou said:


    They do seem to have tendency to serve carbs with carbs. Looking back, the last three meals had double carbs. Wouldn't do that myself but...

    Yeah its very carb heavy. The lunches are all carby too. I originally thought it would be more meat and veg or slow burn carbs but, maybe thats not as budget friendly. I do know there are hot chips available every night, and pasta every night... I couldn't do it myself (well I could but my jeans would hate me) but I guess it's countered out by the physical labour. 

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  7. 13 hours ago, Kim Shook said:

    Is this actually the inside of the pie?  So really just creamy chicken?  Oh, wow!  This is my dream pie - meat and gravy and crust.  I'd eat a salad on the side and just go to town!

    Yeah! Actually what it "says on the tin", no sneaky filler. I don't know what American single serve pies are worth but this was $6au which I think is reasonable 🙂

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  8. It has started. First of the season. Perfectly ripe just unsuitable colours. Imperial Mandarins the first of the years citrus, skins very soft and kid friendly. We live in a citrus, strawberry, salad & sugar region - my customers often give me piles of stuff from the "waste" off their farms. I usually hand out to the Country Womens Association because it's too much.

    He also gave me an abnormal one for fun. 



    Big Boy. Won't be tasting. 


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  9. Quick Monday Night roast for small man, because I'm a glutton for punishment and felt he needed a proper meal, despite knowing he will be disapointed and would prefer ramen 🤦‍♀️😁



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  10. I could send him with proper cutlery and plates but then he'd have to wash it etc etc. He is making his own choices here.  He did cave and take my emergency box of noods and hot sauce. 


    Tonight was really good. They changed the gravy brand they use and sodium levels have reached eadible. He says tonights (scrolls up to check kims post) Schnitzel - pork and the potato were really good. The squash, courgette and bok choy ranged from mush to raw. You win some you loose some. 




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