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Posts posted by CantCookStillTry

  1. 13 hours ago, Smithy said:


    What's it wrapped in, do you think?

    I think its just like a flour wrap. I'm not trying to be difficult, they're just called "wraps" here. Maybe they go by a different name in the states? 

    Heres some I have in the freezer anyway. Like a flour tortilla maybe? 

    He loves pasta, its me that heavily objects to things like pasta and potato being put in what is basically a sandwich. This pasta was weird because of the flavour apparently - he says it was "Tuscan Chicken Pasta" but can't (or won't) elaborate any further 😅. Sorry. 




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  2. I bought the absolute Sexiest Sausage Roll I have ever seen today.


    I knew it was risky because Australian sausage rolls just dont do it for me as we have discussed before. Unfortunately like some eye candy its beauty was all on the outside and the internals were yuk (to me - hub would probably have loved it). 




    I thought I was getting a pillow of pastry. But when I was handed it, it weighed at least 500g 😬😳 and was filled with dense, weirdly orange, sausage and the pastry was an illusion 😪. Maybe Filo?? Or super thin puff? 




    Win some. Loose More.

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  3. 6 hours ago, Kim Shook said:

     @CantCookStillTry may have more advice than me.


    I'm afraid I don't have any advice really 😬. I don't think I do anything special. The larger one in my pic is one of my Nans and would have to be a bare minimum of 35 years old. The smaller one is one I purchased maybe 5 years ago?? Neither have had any more love than dish soap and water. Nans is getting discoloured on the base, but I kinda like that, rustic / history type stuff - Sorry!! 0 help what so ever. 



    Ps. Love the pans. How much is international freight these days ?! 😬

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  4. On 3/13/2022 at 6:15 PM, FlashJack said:

     My only complaint is that there's clearly nowhere one can get away from just too much carrot with a few other token bits of salad. 


    I think (just my personal opinion) that the spiralized carrot and the lettuce bits ( add occasional beetroot) are the Aussie country equivalent of " Micro Greens " / Garnish. They know it's not getting eaten, why make chook food expensive 😂

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  5. Pork stirfry for me and kiddo. 

    Really wish I had some nuts to add but, with all the stock delays and flood caused shortages, I have made the choice to use our supplies and leave what is available for those who have to live week to week with their food shop. Certainly won't starve here. 





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  6. Ok fair warning. This is not gourmet (I know I never am but - this is heart food not .. well whatever). 


    So my Nanny was a WWII teenager and a lot of her recipes were thrifty and she viewed the microwave like the marvel it was back then until the day she died. Roast shoulder of lamb was a treat on odd Sundays and the leftovers were often turned in to "Sgetti Pie" for us grand kids during the week. 

    Left over roast lamb was minced with bread to bulk, fried with an onion, add water and an oxo cube, poured into pyrex, topped with tinned spaghetti, and microwaved, served with mash usually. 


    My valentines is also her death anniversary and I had left over roast beef and memories and a kinda sorta copy. Plus hub was at work so no need for steak and romance.


    Roast Beef (Topside). 



    I added a grated carrot and garlic to the original mince mix but thats about it. Chucked it in nannys enamel (I decided to bake not microwave). Topped with Heinz Spaghetti before baking (I warned you!). 




    And Voila!. Sgetti Pie with Peas for my boy. Looks like sh!t tastes like memories.



    Memories I'm not sure the kid wanted 😂


    Tldr: Got sentimental. Cooked. Prepared to be judged 😂

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  7. Well, hubs still out there, blowing up dead dinos and ruining the planet etc etc. Covid finally got its Visa and came to QLD so we're back to polystyrene in our living boxes for tea. 


    Some times it hits. Like this Chinese inspired pork and veg dish. 




    And sometimes it's Spew. 



    And the world plods on. Stealth toe after stealth toe. 

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  8. Midweek Roast. 

    Managed a Pic of the Chook before they descended and picked it of its skin. 



    I BEGGED one leg be left with its skin for my picture.


    Cheaters midweek roast, pre Bisto.


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  9. A rustic wholemeal pasta thing for us with skinless beef sausage. 

    I can't really use the sausages made from the last beast as 'Sausages' because whatever skins they used (I am assuming they are from said beast), are so thick and rubbery you really get a reminder of what they were used for back in the day 😅🤢




    Ps. Happy New Year etc. etc. 

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  10. As I endeavour to clear the freezer ahead of silly season, I came up with a Sausage and Leek casserole with everything but the tinned tomato and herbs coming from the freezer.

    The sausages are my FILs (he is a Grazier / Cocky whatever term you wish to use), and whenever you do a home kill (cattle) you end up with a lot of Sausage - his partner does not eat sausage, and this is where we win (although pork sausage is forever superior) 😊


    Quick, Cheap, kinda Yummy. 





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