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Posts posted by CantCookStillTry

  1. Here's a few from the last couple of stints. I kinda stopped because I felt bad posting meals that weren't great when I am sure the people making them are trying the best they can with what they have. 


    Snitzel and chips. Firm fan favourite. Eaten in bed by the looks. Probably had a liquid starter. Yes I know it's spelt wrong. 



    Curry and rice and veg. 

    Guess who's back, back again, toes are back, tell a friend. 😂



    Beef ribs with a rating of "really good" which suprised me as Beef ribs are one of his most favourite things. 



    And chicken something with veg and mash. The pickled beetroot in the gravy did not do it for me, and I just looked at the picture 😁




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  2. If I stumble across a German Sausage Vendor, I'm having a German Sausage. Even if I've already technically had breakfast and it's 8am. Call me Samwise. 




    Bratwurst, Sauerkraut, Mustard & Onion. 

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  3. Thanks so much for asking. We were lucky / unlucky with that event. We barely got a drop of water where we are in comparison. Enough to fill a tank but not enough to run off and everyones dams are still empty. I think I prefer that to stock and property loss however - our dome has provided a blessing along with the curse. 

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  4. Lunch was confirmed as Tuna Cakes with no oatmeal. Someone may have mentioned toes and now someone else with size 14 feet has paranoia 😂🤷‍♀️


    Meatloaf, mash, veg & pasta. I'm thinking they must not peel the potatoes for that colour what do you think? 




    Biccies (atleast we have some moisture for tomorrow). 


    Don't mind the dirty nails...they are washed but it's coal and bomb. Stained forever. 


    BLT - average size this time.



    Fried rice - 2 days in a row must be yummy. 



    He thinks beef schnitzel/snitzel/snitty



    I'd call it a crumbed steak. 

    My son would call it a big beef nuggie 🤷‍♀️

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  5. It was Quiche. Bbq sauce. Filled. Quiche. 🤢


    Tonights tea tastes better than it looks. Nasi Goreng with Wedges  and Veges. 



    Lunch includes Nanas 



    Dry biscuits



    Fried rice



    Salami and cheese toastie 



    And what he thinks are fish cakes



    This weeks theme appears to be the Sahara - dry.  

    He's threatening to just get cereal 😂

    • Like 6
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  6. Kidlet gets veges, iddy biddy lamb chops (i cut bone out, he cuts rest) and yorkie with bisto for tea. Nothing fancy - just proving I feed him when dads away really 😁


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  7. Hi ho! Hi ho! And off to work he goes... 


    We're not really going to start off strong. Dinner tonight is a Pepperoni Pasta and Veg. I really need to find out when they get supplies. It looks a little ehm. Dry. 



    Quiche Apparently. Pastry on top. But he's not sure, will let you know tomorrow. 



    He called this "weird salad" I think feta, beet and some kinda nut. 



    Now. My husband has fairly big hands compared to me. But they're just average man sized hands as far as I know. He's not a giant. He wears just XL black gloves for BBQ. So.... 


    Sweet Chilli Chicken Wrap. 



    Lamb and salad roll. 



    He made "the boys" pies with the kids leftover taco meat with smoked beef, salsa, jalapenos and cheese to go in their pie warmer for smoko. So he won't be hungry. He's not ready for me to share his personal creations yet 😒

    • Like 8
  8. I don't often play with pastry, climates just wrong. But the final battle in the epic war against Christmas Hams came down to leek and ham pies. Not going to lie, did not bother with sides. 


    Filling. Ham, leek, onion, wholegrain mustard, creme freche or however you spell it. 








    We went back up to 42c today as some kind of final (hopefully) f you guys from Summer. Not really pie weather 😂🥵

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  9. 20 hours ago, TicTac said:

    Happy birthday to you and your little one!  Good timing on different continents- my ‘big’ man turns 8 tomorrow so this weekend was all his request - sadly in Canada still under lockdown no parties so we try to make him feel as special as we can by obliging to his special requests...


    Happiest of Birthdays! 2013 was a good year for both of us! 

  10. It was my kids birthday this weekend. He requested cheesy bread and tacos. We had 3 guests on his actual bday (saturday). 


    I made cheesy bread. 



    Hub smoked beef for the Tacos. 



    I chopped for 17,000 hours for the DIY Taco Bar, using every bowl in my house. (It was probably 1 but I hate D.I.Y taco bars). 




    Today we did his kids party with 14 kids at a bowling alley in the big town with soft play and noise and stress (no covid here so, 3 parties at same time with like 40 children.. the noise.. oh gosh the noise...). 


    So dad got leftover nachos for dinner. 




    My dinner is liquid. And grapey. And extended. 

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  11. @Kim Shook After trying every recipe under the sun, I stick with Nigella for my "I just need good Roasties" days. 

    Par boil, screaming hot duck fat, heated to 250c while the oven warms. Dust with polenta and salt. Tip in, swear a lot when you get splashed, turn down to 220c, flip after 20 mins, leave alone for 30 more 😁.  Nom. 

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  12. Just want to apologise for the post like spam. I might stop, but it dosen't mean I don't like. 

    When I first joined EG I just read and read and read all the old blogs. Now I'm active but I still like to read - this is a brilliant blog that I really enjoy. So I save it up, and read it like a book all at once every season, rather than post by post. Keeps me occupied. Just didn't want you to think I was being annoying 😁. Your adventures captivate me. 

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  13. Okay to cap the swing. We start with a dinner of Chicken Fajita with the super traditional sides of mash and veg. Budgets tight so one slice of carrot only per person 😂




    The breakkie Idreamof(being a)toastie. 




    Far out he's gone all shy and put a thong on 😬😉


    Filo or possibly a burrito? Can't ask yet he's driving. 







    Noodle Salad 




    He still takes fruit but, like the toasties, those photos are getting boring. 


    And here concludes the most recent swing of how many carbs can one consume in a week. Due to the nature of the work he's actually losing weight, not that he needs to, despite the carbs. Coal shots are vast compared to Gold so he is a lot more active. I am, perhaps like you guys, a bit suprised there is not more meaty meals / muscle food. 

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  14. I think the feet is a very Queensland thing. You never wear socks if you dont have work boots/shoes on and shoes in the house is a big no. The kids can run bare foot on rocks at full pelt in a way that... well.. makes my toes curl. 


    One of my favourite days of the year is the one where its cold enough to wear slipper socks and the short week following it!. 


    And now back to food before we get busted. Something cheese related perhaps 😂

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  15. Spag Bol and Veges... Never really thought of having sides to spaghetti that wasn't garlic bread. 



    Roll, biccies, apple, wrap... hmmm methinks he may be tired of my shennanigans. 




    But he still loves me, roll close up 😂




    Ceaser, he really liked that last time. 




    " The worst Quiche I have ever tasted in my life - tomato sauce couldn't even fix it " (rational world - how would tomato sauce fix a quiche 🤢). Impressive title. I have made some baaaaddd Quiches in my time 😂. But apparently it was texture - like jelly. 




    I see you toe... I see you. 🙄


    And we went for cake 😮

    Carrot and Coffee Walnut. He has become his Grandma. It's tough out there. 


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  16. I was exhausted tonight. So I asked child if we could be lazy and if I could make a dinner he would also take in his lunch box - come on spag bol 🤞

    "Of course mummy. I'll just have Sushi. Tuna & Chicken" 


    I.. uh.. well I meant more.. like.. uh ok yes supreme leader of my heart. 



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  17. I got myself all down in the dumps and unpostie, so my order may be confused. 

    This post is Friday tea and Saturday lunch, entitled "Help me Guess what this is Cos I have Forgotten". 


    Dinner is easy. Featuring Hobbit Feet.



    Pumpkin Salad? 



    Burrito? And more feet. Gonna have to give him some tips because I cbf to edit! 



    Meat and salad sando. 



    Leftover Roast?? But with rice? 



    Biccies + more damn feet 🤦‍♀️😂




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  18. Okay for dinner we had a Chili, Rice & Veg situation. Suprised how often they use parsnips - I'm not a massive fan and they are quite expensive over here... compared to UK anyway.




    Fruits Back



    Cheese and ham Toastie - I have learnt this is breakfast ritual, they all take one for morning meeting so the press is hot and its quick. 



    Salami and Cheese




    Asian noodle salad 




    Mystery Patties with Mayo. They turned out to be leftover vege burgers and not all that yum.



    • Like 11
  19. Baked Chicken Legs & Rice 


    "Mum, did you burn my chicken" 

    "No it's just the spices" 

    "It's okay if you did"

    "Taste it it just went dark, it's fine" 


    "Fine like Charcoal" 🙃



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  20. Lamby Night / Day 


    Lamb Korma with silverbeet, rice and a cauli broc bake. 




    A teeny tiny lamb and something roll



    Dry ass biccies - not sure if sweet or savoury... be suprised if sweet. 




    Sausage roll slices 



    Vegetarian Lasagne 



    Pasta Salad - looks like yesterdays with added pesto. 




    Cold Meats 



    I asked if he ate everything for the day food. He said half the pasta was thrown as too full and the lasagne went after a bite - the lasagne may have been good but in his words "sneaky eggplant using assholes" 😂. It's the one veg he just can't do. 

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  21. Back in the hole. 

    Kicking off with a sweet and sour pork with sweet potato fries, and veg. It has been labelled "Delicious". 




    The next days meals are to be. 


    Sundried Tom, cheese and spinach Pasta salad. 









    Coleslaw (looks delish). 



    And a ham and cheese yettobetoastied and a dr defeater. 




    It's raining up there at the moment - coal mines in the rain are not fun and rather grubby. I've just discovered my first 'this being apart thing aint so bad' perk - I'm not washing his gear. 

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