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Posts posted by CantCookStillTry

  1. Shift Change for the Hubby so he had a pub night and I was feeling laaazzzy. So I got him to bring home some Calamari for the Kid and some Garlic Bread for me. Kid demolished in seconds so no pics. 

    My Garlic Bread was terrible. All props to them, I think they are trying to make their own bread and should still be in testing. It's dense and floury and lacking ... garlic. 

    As I hate waste, I added Butter, Brie and Cheddar and Grilled. It was still not great but it was cheesy 🤷‍♀️ So that's a win. 


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  2. Chicken Tikka Masala from a Spice Tailor Kit. I love the whole spices and they are much fresher than if I bought my own to languish in a hot cupboard. 

    This is my sons portion. Heavy on the rice. I'll have it for lunch tomorrow. He had 2 more bowls of rice after 🙄😬. It is literally his favourite food. Even over nuggets!!




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  3. Some days just really suck. But then you remember you have Bacon to cheer people up. 

    Bacon Sammies for dinner to cheer up the kid. Yes he has Tomato Sauce, He's 7 and a heathen... I'm working on it 😂

    Toasted bread because we're already in the humidity section of the year where even commercial bread only lasts 1 day if not fridged. 


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  4. Birthday Dinner and I was craving A Full English Breakfast (Hey the heart (attack) wants what the heart (attack) wants)! 


    Started cooking and realised Mr low carb could only have Bacon & Eggs and Mr small and fussy only really likes 3 things and that I just wasn't remotely hungry enough. So...


    Mr Low Carb



    Mr Small & Fussy 



    And the Birthday Girl? Well. She had Champagne and called it a good night 😂

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  5. Making up my husbands lunch box for tomorrow. 

    Very thin 2 medium egg omelette.





    Add Avo, Jalapeno, Cream Cheese & Bacon. Assemble like a wrap. 



    I wrap in foil as sometimes he heats in the pie warmer at work. 

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  6. 57 minutes ago, liuzhou said:

    Back in the day, I wrote a paper on food in Chaucer.

    If you're saying back in the day I'm assuming there would be no PDF available 😞. Which is a shame as I would have loved to have a read. I feel some research coming on! After 


    Wow that Recipe is amazing by the way. Apples, pears, figs, raisins & spices am I right? With saffron? (He was more well off than I thought if it's the spice!). 

  7. 4 minutes ago, liuzhou said:


    Not Canadian. Cheese and apple generally is a classic pairing. It dates back to Chaucer's time (died 1400) My very Scottish father (died 2008) ate apple pie with cheese all the time, so I did too. (Not dead yet.)

    Thanks! I get cheese and apple but I guess I've only had very sweet apple pies (not much of a dessert person) and couldn't quite imagine eating with cheese. I remember studying Chaucer, I would love to go back and explore the Canterbury Tales for Food Refs (probably won't) ... Can't really recall much but Red Hot Pokers these days.😂

    Back to dinner.. 

  8. 5 hours ago, Dejah said:

    Dessert was Canadian Cheddar Cheese Apple Crisp

    I will bite. Can you explain? I'm intrigued and a little scared by this. My brief google said it was inspired by the classic pairing of a piece of cheddar on a slice of apple pie - this is a new classic pairing for me. Is it a Canadian Tradition? Local? Looks delicious in any case! 

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  9. Really couldn't be bothered today after a tough day at work. Grabbed a frozen pizza (Dr Oetker Ristorante - the best frozen pizza in Australia, I'll die on that hill 😂) for the kid and I. Figured I could just wack mr low carb a steak on and fry an egg or something easy.


    Well when I got home with said Pizza I was greated with Low-Carb FOMO puppy dog eyes. So ended up making a low carb pizza using this.




    He has decided he would rather just miss pizza next time / wait till I make a cauli crust. 🤦‍♀️ 


    Pepperoni and Bacon, Baby Bocc & a quick pizza sauce with a tin of whole plum tomatos blitzed and herbed & reduced. 



    Should have just made the planned dinner. Would have been quicker! 

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  10. Boneless pork ribs & mixed veges (Bland due to Hubs Low Carb). Kid had dipping pot of Stubbs BBQ sauce. 



    My dear departed Nannys Rustic Apple Bake for Kids Dessert. Baked in her ancient enamel tin. 



    As per usual I ignored her 80+ years of baking experience and left it in for 10 more minutes aaaaaannnnnd got dry Apple Bake. 

    So served with Icecream 😂


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  11. Chicken Pie that just won "Best Chicken Pie In Australia". 

    It actually won its heat. Not the final round but thats not how the bakery and local media are spinning it and all power to them. 

    Since their Facebook post, trade has doubled. I found this out when I was chatting to the head baker/owner at my work and exclaimed how great it was! He replied that everyone keeps saying that but he's now working 15/18 hour days to keep up and he ain't that thrilled 😂

    Big bits of thigh. Little bit much carrot for me. Excellent pastry. The pie pictured also took a nose dive at speed off my dash board so extra points for durability. 



    My only complaint is the poppy seeds. I know they have to identify but I hate poppy seeds. 


    • Like 8
  12. 15 hours ago, Dejah said:

    THIS really caught my attention! I assume these were giant meatballs perhaps made from ground Roo meat and not really from a neutered kangaroo!

    😁😂 Yes just Kangaroo Meatballs. If I ever post "Bush Oysters" then we're getting into that territory. 

    • Haha 5
  13. Kangaroo Balls with Cabbage & Parmesan in a Tomato Sauce for the big one. 



    Cumberland Pork Sausage and Veg with a Dipping Pot of Bisto for the Small one. 



    I dont get the dip pot either 🤷‍♀️

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  14. Chinese inspired Omelette. 

    Soy, Sesame, Bean Sprouts, Cabbage, Brocoli, Pork, Spring Onions. 


    Possibly American Chinese? I struggled to find the correct fu/foo yung/young combo. So Omelette it is. Also cooked without oil. 


    I know when I was younger and fussier Duck Foo Yung was the first 'Chinese' dish I ever got from the takeaway. Prior to that moment of Culinary Bravery, my parents always just got me a bag of hot chips. 




    I think I was 17 😂

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  15. So the cheeky trip away didn't go as planned. The kid stepped on some nasty Australian Ocean critter at camp and didn't tell anyone until I noticed he couldn't walk properly. 

    One emergency surgery later. This is the kids dinner. 



    And this is mine. 




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  16. Picked the small one up from school camp and decided not to go home 🤷‍♀️


    Garlic Pizza to start



    Rump Steak for Me



    Nuggies for the boy



    Pork ribs for hubby 😮



    And the leftovers incase you thought we were animals😂


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  17. We are without Child for the first time in a year so we drove to the big town for a date night. 


    Spring Roll 






    Spicy Korean Pork Bento came with fruit, Miso Soup, Scallops, Calamari & A fish roe pineapple salad.





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  18. Chili Chicken Stew/Soup in a Capsicum Bowl. 

    Don't ask how many I knocked over / spilt transfering from tray to plate. 




    3. It was 3. 

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  19. 9 hours ago, heidih said:

    @CantCookStillTry I find shelling pistachio (and other nuts) meditative and comforting. BUT what is the Aussie beetroot thing? Does it have a history? I really like them from fresh pulled and roasted but will eat tinned in a vinegar/sugar dressing. Just curious. 


    I have no idea. Never ate it before I came here and it was on every Pub burger and steak sandwich - I've just gone with the flow because it works! Maybe @Captain or one of the others can shed some light. 

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  20. Rubbish Photo but Rib Steak Sangas for the boys tonight. BBQ sauce, cucumber, lettuce, onion, beetroot. I forgot the carrot. 




    I spent an hour this afternoon preparing work snacks for my husband, hence the easy dinner. Half an hour in I was thinking to myself how good I am to him. 



    Don't worry I spent way more than an hour actively telling him how grateful he should be 😂


    ((It's my own choice - I'm too cheap to pay the $55 kg for shelled ones he gets)) 


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  21. A couple of dinners and a parenting fail. 


    Chopped salad and 3 (Bantam) Egg plain Omelette with Sriracha



    The Good Stuff. 



    The Parenting Fail.

    Chicken Stirfry with Bamboo, Thai red curry paste, Soy, Chili, assorted veg, noodles. It was so spicy.

    My 7 year old ate it in silence with a lot of water. I was so pleased. The fail comes in later when I ate it myself... and thought how did he eat that, its at the upper end for me 🤔



    And then I remembered the promise - he got his switch if he ate his dinner nicely 🤦‍♀️


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  22. I made it to the bakery today, just for you guys. 


    Went for the traditional plain steak. 20200928_185607.thumb.jpg.2b3448c8806514291b86086d0c82bc63.jpg


    Its a good heavy little pie with no pesky tin tray. The pastry was a little under today. 



    The steak is soft and quite chunky (which I prefer to a minced filling). 



    It has been established I eat pies weird. Pastry Shell to chew. 



    I even went so far as to buy their yukky sausage roll just to show you. I took the half unmushed side home for kid who is not fussy about sausage rolls. 



    The pastry is really really great and flakey. Which makes the filling even more disappointing. Beef sausage littered with carrot, zucchini, heavy on the pepper and absolutely filled with these seeds. Its also drier than I like a sausage roll. 





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  23. Consider making them the star. Baked Potato is a rustic thing of wonder. I often bake a few little ones for work lunches. Rub with oil and salt, bake for 1 hour at 180c. 

    Top with whatever you fancy. Cheese & Bacon, just sour cream as a side. Baked beans if you are a heathen like me. 


    If you are happy to go to the lower depths of hell... I put canned tuna on mine 🙂

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