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Posts posted by CantCookStillTry

  1. I did Honey Balsamic Pulled Pork Sandwiches with A quick Raddish Slaw. 


    Pork was a little too sweet for me, my fault, I pulled up on the Vinegar & it really needs more tang to offset it 🙂





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  2. Raiding the Freezer for Dinner tonight. Kidlet and I were to share meatballs & sauce, but when defrosted I discovered there were far less meatballs than expected and the sauce was a one of my spicier ones. LabelsShmabels.


    So Meatballs and Macaroni little Sauce for kid. With aged Manchego. 



    Meatball Sauce and Macaroni for Mum. 



    Dad scrounged up a Freezer Shepherds Pie. 



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  3. -Trigger warning - Junk Food Ahead - 

    Story time... 

    Couple of days ago I thought I had a heart to heart with the hubster about Dinner. I absolutely do not mind being the one that cooks 95% of the time. Honestly I prefer it, I'm home earlier etc etc. What I HATE is having to choose WHAT is for dinner every night. I've tried to do meal plans with contributions and the like but it never ends up sticking. So we had a chat and I asked if he could at least give me some options to choose from with the stuff I have. He said ok. 

    So I text him early this morning and asked for his options. He replied "KFC, Maccas, Sushi, Cheesecake" 🤬


    So I drove... Alot. (Downloaded Apps to Covid order things don't panic). 


    And this is Dinner  - 10 wicked wings. Reheated in the Airfryer. 




    There is a double cheese burger, two pieces of Sushi and a Cheesecake in the Fridge. 




    In the words of The Highlander. 


    There can be only One - Smartarse in this family. 


    And it me.

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  4. Thinking of you @Kim Shook


    Quick Brined some Pork loin Chops. Came out juicy but still pretty tasteless to me. Honey Carrots, Braised Cabbage, end of the bag of frozen green beans and Duck Fat roasted Baby Blues. 




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  5. A birthday dinner. 

    I made coleslaw, roasted potato salad, pasta salad, stuffed baked potato. Korean inspired chicken skewers, Lamb Koftas, Steak. 











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  6. 6 hours ago, BKEats said:

     Just like borrowed things from Mexico, the South, Argentina, Italian American, just like hodge podge global buzzy things.. 

    I do wholeheartedly agree. But in the spirit of fairness, this person who has never been to New Orleans didn't want to claim any expertise just in case 🙂.

    • Like 1
  7. Clean the Fridge Sunday Burritos. 

    Assembled lazily at lunch time and popped in the sandwich press for 5 mins for tea. 

    Leftover Beef, Black Beans, Cabbage, Radish, Cheese, red onion. 



    Nb: There was also Green Bell Pepper and Sweet Corn... ssssh.

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  8. Gave it a shot 😂

    Roasted Prime Rib, Leek & Spinach Saute, Mashed Butternut, Red Wine Pan Sauce.










    Heaps of room for improvement but I didn't totally ruin the expensive Beef! 


    Also if anyone was worried about the disruption to my regular content, my times ran over massively and the Kid had Baked Beans on Toast 🤷‍♀️


    It's a thing America. 

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  9. @Kim Shook Thank you! Laugh always! Mr CCST is still on a low carb kick so I called it Slaw-ish. Literally just cabbage, radish, spring onion, english mustard, mayo, I think some onion salt and white wine vinegar. I'm one of those 'one off' cooks... you might tell me its amazing but I'll be damned if I remember what I put in it! 😂

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  10. I guess this is like a low carb Jucy Lucy with leftover Coleslaw. I couldn't be bothered to cook so offered to make 'Smash Burgers' and Slaw. My Husband responded with "Yeah Great, can you make the Cheese filled ones?". 

    No. No I cannot make a cheese filled smash burger. So marginaly more effort filled Jucy Lucys with Monterey Jack. 




    My plate look like a sunglasses wearing Dude with a Beard to anyone else? 

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  11. You guys wanna see a burnt Steak?!? "Tough", I'm showing you one anyway. 

    Culinary Goddess that I am, I decided to treat my boys with my first go at a perfectly seared Rump. Seared on a screamingly hot cast iron in butter infused with Garlic - took me 2.5 mins a side to Frick it up. I think it was too hot/thin/long.


    In the gap, to add to your suffering, goes a well done fried egg - this time on purpose. Thought I'd spare you Runny Yokers any more disapointment 😂




    Radish & Cabbage Coles-lish to complete. 

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  12. Thanks Salt team. I was figuring a handful of say table salt would be different to a handful of sea salt flakes I have but maybe not. 

    More a question of quantity than actually what salt. Wasn't very clear. And hey... our hands could be very different in size 😂 will be trial and error. 

    Frankly i'm just shit at volumes / eyeballing - at least with weights and types I can blame the recipe. 

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  13. On 5/7/2020 at 9:31 AM, Captain said:


    Haha. I know right. I use about a hand full.  I don't really measure.  I'm guessing 1/3 of a cup added to 2lt of water.  I like to toss in other things as well but that's usually what I have on hand.  Pepper corns,  bay leaf, lemon and sometimes wild honey.

    Can I ask what kind of salt you use? Despite a lot of reading, I still don't really understand the translation of Kosher salt etc. 

  14. 8 hours ago, Captain said:


    To brine is definitely the way to go and a large amount of salt is the trick.    Moist and crisp. 🐔


    Go on then Gimmie your brine recipe! I'll be honest I did pull up on the salt because my heart started to tick funny as I measured 😂

    Pretty Please. 

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  15. Okay so we're trying to do our bit by supporting the closed pubs and the 1 still operating cafe in the town we drive home through once a week. We are both still working, out of home, full time. 

    It's (the food)... not great and it seems the Pubs have mostly put off their Chefs and put themselves in the kitchens. But I don't really know what else to do to help. 



    Fish & Chip picnic on the lounge room floor. Way too much for 2.5 people but my son ate almost all 16 pieces of his beloved Calamari. 

    Mum thinks squids are friends not food.

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  16. 17 hours ago, Dr. Teeth said:

    What weren’t you happy with about it?


    Thank You 🙂. It was perfectly 'Ok'. I'm just more into the almost translucent, golden, completely rendered crispy skin you can get with well dried bird.


    One day one of you lot will find the method for perfect meat and skin... and I will steal said method and tell my family its all me. 

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  17. My Patented Picky Chicky. 

    Aka Mummy can't be bothered to make a full well rounded meal, here's a chicken, do what you want. 

    Played around with brining this one for about 18 hours, tried to dry out, roasted for 45 mins. As a 'Skin Freak' I didn't really find much benefit to the brine... but I'm stuck in the house and it was something to do! 



    • Like 20
  18. One day I'll tell you folk the full story of an inexperienced and fool hardy Butcher. Who when gifted a full Rib primal, cut away the ugly meat, bashed it and aggressively marinated it, disrespectfully slashed it in to haphazard strips and threaded on to metal poles. Before over cooking it on a BBQ and bragging to her husband about her thriftyness with waste. 


    Rib Cap Kebabs everybody 🤦‍♀️




    Chapter 2 is when she googles how to deal with Primal Cuts and realises her mistake. 

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  19. Omelettes for the Mr. Little dude had a Kofta and Rice 'thing'. 


    Cheese, Red Pepper, Onion & Bacon on one side and Spinach, Mushroom & Feta on the other. 


    Apparently I didn't tell him they were different. The momentary horror on his face when he swapped to spinach and thought I'd fed him rotten egg was quite amusing. 



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  20. This may come as a complete shock to you guys BUT I am NOT chief of BBQ in my house. I generally hate outside. But being the Stepford Candidate I am, I decided to delight my Carnivore with some delicious BBQ tasting meat for dinner tonight. 


    Chicken Sticks & Lamb Kofta.

    What a nightmare. I didn't know if it was cooked. The chicken was on for about 20 mins longer than it would have been inside 🤦‍♀️. I made up new swears everytime my PJ toggles brushed my legs!



    For extra wifey points I made sure to get his little perfectly absolutely not melted BBQ scrubber from the drawer and scrub the BBQ before use.... and ummm.. then after. 




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  21. Can't make it pretty but I have been craving Stew. Didn't have my usual ingredients but stews are fairly forgiving! 

    Rump (instead of cheek/shin), No Guinness so used Tetleys (not great), No Gravy bones 😞, Swede & Turnip. 

    Hit the spot if it didn't nail it 🙂



    It's dropped to 20c overnight..I'm finally back in Hoodies and Slipper Socks! 😂

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  22. 3 hours ago, chromedome said:

    LOL Feeling for you, hon, I'm feeling for you.


    Thankfully my low carb role is more of a supporting one! Mr CCST is one of those 'watch me lift heavy things' people. He goes low carb to bulk up rather than loose. Apparently it's easier to stick to if I'm not eating crisps in his ear 😅

    • Haha 7
  23. Dearly Beloved. 

    We are gathered here today to fondly remember that time CCST went low Carb. She fought hard to the end, battling a dire 7 days with all her might. 

    But it wasn't to be.

    Best wishes to all. 

    APizza. 😅🤷‍♀️


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