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Posts posted by CantCookStillTry

  1. @Kim Shook Crumpets are available everywhere and I've seen the square ones in most retailers. I have tried to make them myself ... and to be honest, my lazy ass prefers shop bought! 


    I never ate a crumpet until I was 14, they were "weird" - then the boss at my first ever job made me some for brunch and I was too scared to say no. They were burnt to a crisp - I eat mine burnt and soaked in butter to this day 😄.  

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  2. 3 hours ago, Kim Shook said:




    @CantCookStillTry – the BBQ looks fantastic!  What an amazing assortment!  And re: your “use it up” pizza.  What happened to all that BBQ???? 😄






    Haha! Everything Vegetarian was sent home with the brother in law. 

    The remaining meat is in the outside fridge...


    AKA not my hobby not my problem 😂

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  3. I am not sure I am feeling square crumpets. Seems wrong. Shop bought obviously. Smothered in Vegemite for the kid - Also wrong.




    Round and butter only for me please. 

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  4. Cleaning the fridge. Have a ham to use up. Last scrapes of a jar of salsa, bottom of a bag of grated cheese, a lonely stale tortilla lightly fried. Some rabbit food and a bit of red onion and Voila. Hubby is fed. 



    My son had the last of a bag of macaroni, cooked in stock. Melted the end of a block of cream cheese with some garlic & pasta water chucked in some peas and ham. He was hungry so no photo 🙂


    Fridge is still filled with odds N' ends, and ham🤦‍♀️.


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  5. On Sunday we got up at 6 to BBQ. I do not like this hobby. 

    On the menu was a Beef Roast, Pork Ribs, Beef Ribs, Vegan Chili and sides. 


    The Process.



    Nibbles to Start. 






    In a defatted reduction of its juices and stock and onion. 



    Beef ribs (delicious apparently but not the texture for me). 



    Meat Station with Pork ribs at front. BBQ sauced 🤢 and Sticky Asian-ish



    Side station. The Vegan Chili went in the front, the smaller bowls are vegan, potato, pasta and cous cous salads. 

    The big bowls are slaw & potato, bacon & egg salad. 



    Sorry about the terrible lighting. The man cave is gloomy and also "under construction" 😄


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  6. My son has been so excited that "Bunnings Snags" are back! He is easily pleased. 



    I found it painful. But this pandemic is trying to teach me patience, I've never been great with it. We're in QLD so we've had it 'easy' but things are starting to ramp up again. Got him his snag while I could. 

    (Only second time I have had to wait in line for pandemic safety reasons). 





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  7. Went out. Was yummy. 


    I had the Duck with bitter Cherry. 



    Hub had Filet Mignon. 



    Child had breaded chicken with a tomato and sugar reduction and sliced Potato... 😂




    I don't get the corn thing. Most Aussie Pubs do it. I leave it. 

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  8. 20 hours ago, rotuts said:



    except it would be better if the cheese ere melted , ie under the broiler


    my two cents

    I totally agree! The cheese should be melted. I melted it on the potato itself then top with beans (less mess/I'm lazy). But my kid has a thing where if he can't see it it, its not there, hence the top cheese (have to do same with tacos) 🤦‍♀️

    The lil freak actually requests cheese burgers with "plain cheese" (unmelted).


    Maybe he's not mine 🤔

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  9. 25 minutes ago, liuzhou said:


    Nothing wrong with the food, but not sure about the plate! 😂

    I know right! 😂 Everyone here has beautiful plates. I picked up a 'feature plate' for like $4 in the kitchenware store. My husband straight away said "You picked wrong." 😂😂 But if I don't use it once I loose! 

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  10. Now I know this is going to horrify alot of you but hear me out..! 

    It is a treasured food of my peoples and it is not horrible! 

    This is my sons, I have mine with Canned Tuna fish! (You're allowed to think that's horrible 😄). 




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  11. @Smithy You are too kind, really, made my day ☺️


    And @Kim Shook, I'm with you, should have taken my portion out after 1 Chilli! 🥵.

    Ps. If the world reopens and we make our long dreamed of trip to America - I will be strongly aiming for a road trip through your neck of the woods.. if your kitchens open 😄

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  12. The rest of the pork chops became a quick 2 min noodle stir fry with cashews & beansprouts and a couple of extra grated chillis (after the boys serve removed). 


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  13. Egg Foo Young-Ish. 

    I really couldn't find any inspo for those dino pork chops. So I minced one up, sans fat, and made an Asian inspired omelette with bean sprouts, oyster sauce, soy etc. Didn't have any spring onions to hand and I didn't sauce it. Still got eaten. That's a win. 

    2 Massive chops to go. 


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  14. TGIF. I had pulled some pork chops out of the freezer yesterday, they came in a meat pack we bought - huge, not great, possibly forequater chops that I have no inspiration for. 

    So I said Beep It. The boys had Nachos. 

    I had the greatest, snuggliest meal on earth. 



    I'll deal with the plate sized chops tomorrow... maybe. 

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  15. 12 hours ago, Captain said:

    My wife and I are the same. So we use Banksia cones, Olive wood and cherry or any other fruit tree.

    Interested in Banksia cones? He's not mentioned them. Hes been trying a mix of cherry and hard wood which was real good fresh but a lil strong (for me) cold... but we are Noobs. 

    He just got a Ute load of Pecan branches from his mates farm... yet to try, any good? 


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  16. 16 hours ago, Kim Shook said:


    PS - I for one, would love to see some of YOUR part of the journal.  I'm fascinated by that.  I even go back and peruse my own - both handwritten and digital.  



    I only started it a year or so ago... and for kind of morbid reasons. I'm one of those cooks that never does the same thing twice you know? And so when the fam say they like it... I don't offen remember what I did and can't replicate it. So now if they really like something, they tell me its a journal meal right after. There's not much in there to be honest 🤣.

    It is just 'classics' too - spag bol, potato salad, chili, stew, coleslaw etc. Being so far from home I am often nostalgic and wish for my "nans..." or my "mums..." and I figured if I wrote down my versions of their favourites, when I'M gone, my hub can still make my kid something close or my kid can. Being such a sporadic random cook I wanted to have a few "mums patented recipes". And I gotta write that sh!t down or it won't happen 🤣

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  17. Some of my husbands experiments. Some good, some terrible (Brisket - was good when invented as a Chili like stew). Made the sad discovery that I do not like leftover BBQ. The smokeyness of the meat just dosen't do it for me when cold 🤷‍♀️20200721_185416.thumb.jpg.a10ab8613c4899a122b8e9a99f849eb8.jpg20200710_225916.thumb.jpg.0522a2db2b4cb9fbba6b4ebee5544498.jpg20200711_185406.thumb.jpg.7d9ee6009636b07f2fbeff65f6c6bd5a.jpg20200710_181748.thumb.jpg.441fb4622e69db918b0fc6b624b317a2.jpg20200710_181806.thumb.jpg.67f71b6df52b13c6b22fb049e6065593.jpg

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  18. Cheaty Chicken Korma-ish. Cheated with a Jar Sauce and just jazzed it up a bit with fresh garlic, ginger, chilli garam masala etc. Rice and Pappadums. 



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  19. 11 hours ago, Captain said:

     "Bunnings sausage"  ??? It's actually Lions club sausage.

    Oops. I'm still not local I've only heard Bunnings Snags - maybe because they have a different charity (where we are at least) every week? 

    Still good. To me... I'm not a fussy gal when it comes to Sausage - there's GOOD sausage and BAD sausage, and it might sometimes (alot of times) be made of "lips & a******s" but unless I hit a hard bit I'm good 🤣

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  20. Yeah I don't get the concept of "Bangers" being a particular "type" of Sausage. I know where the word originates and the history but a Banger to me is just a plain old sausage. Can't say I've ever had a bready one. I would say I prefer a short fat "Banger" with my mash over these long skinny ones that the Aussies prefer 🤣

  21. I turned this pretty little Chicky 



    Into this boring looking meal a day later. 

    Chicken, Broc, Swede & Carrot Mash & Peas.. awaiting Bisto. 



    Disclaimer: All crispy skin was consumed in a 'family pick' fresh out of the oven. 

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