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Posts posted by CantCookStillTry

  1. Nothing much to see here. I just wanted someone else to be as unenthused with my low carb lunch as I was. 

    Now if I had of had @Kim Shooks glorious buttered sides but a little toasted, it would have been a different story! 



    I'll get used to it.. or cave.. probably cave 😂

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  2. My Husbands trying to lead me back from the Carb side. By rather smartly suggesting HE wants to go low carb for a bit - if he dared suggested this half potato - half bread comprised gal went low carb he'd get a black eye! 

    Rib Fillet pan fried with a Broccoli, Spinach, Chilli, Ginger Thing. 



    Taco Bowl. Scandalously reheated in the Microwave, to allow kidlet to eat normal Tacos at a normal time, and Mumma to wash up in the 2 hours Betwixt. 



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  3. Quite often I catch Roast Enthusiasm, and then I find I'm cured of it all of sudden. Then waste regret seeps in and its Yorkies over a mug of Bisto all over again. 



    I always make the Yorkie batter the day before the intended Roast when the enthusiasm is there - hence waste regrets. 

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  4. The things we do for our kids. I am outside. Again. 

    If you asked my husband to use 1000 adjectives to describe me, he'd get to the curse words before he got to "outdoorsy". This is my kids first time camping 😂. I hate this. 


    Camp burgers. Just onion, cheese lettuce & homemade patty.



    Everything I make at the moment is from the freezer. Buns, patties, and I think the lettuce is nearly a week old 🤦‍♀️. I'm really trying to do the 'essential only' shopping. 

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  5. 16 hours ago, Okanagancook said:

    Now, that sandwich looks like it has been made with a slice of toast 

    Yes toasted bread - mainly because all I have is whats in the freezer and toasting seemed logical for speed. 🙂

    • Like 2
  6. 1 minute ago, Captain said:

    Excuse me!    Where is the Butter? Or at least the Marg?

    Haha! We went Bunnings style. Notice the OH&S approved onions!


    And @Spork Thanks! Supposedly to tenderize Roos. But so far they only like the sides of the vehicle 🤦‍♀️. It is however the final resting place of 15,000 butterflies. 

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  7. It's dark so please excuse the Photos. 

    Trying to make the best of the long weekend and cheer up the kidlet. Camping in the Garden. 🥰


    Sausage on Bread coming up. 









    Attempt at 'Smores-ish'. Husband & Son made the Cookies on Thursday



    Happy Weird World Long Weekend ! Stay Safe. 



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  8. As we know I can't spell the Sch word, so tonight we had Crumbed Steak. 

    Sparing you a plated photo as there is nothing sexy about frozen mixed veg! 



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  9. Tonight we had Chicken & Courgette Enchiladas... from a box. 

    You know, those 'kits' you finally get round to using and are like 'oh yeah, I paid $8 for 8 tortillas and half a jar of salsa in a big ass box'. 



    And yes. Obviously I served and snapped a pic and then went back and scooped up ALL of the filling, that fell out, and dumped it on the side of the plate. Voila!

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  10. Today was the day. I was going to show you all I pulled myself up by the bootstraps, got off my arse, and made something for my family. 

    In particular I was making a pretty little spatch cocked chicken with great attention to Crispy Skin.  

    I have a routine on work nights. 

    Cook the bird, take a photo, eat the skin, tent the bird, wait for Dad to get home




    The Kidlet followed the routine when I was on the Phone. Missed a step.


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  11. Today I came home to Beef, Red Wine & Veg Soup. I would consider continuing this sad sack lark but he goes back to work tomorrow 😞.  




    I can't find any evidence of leftover Red Wine so I assume someone has discovered the term 'Cooks Perk'. 

    • Like 7
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  12. My husband made Guinness Braised Lamb Chops today with the meat I got out of the freezer (and we both knew I'd have no motivation to do anything with). 

    I made the Mash so I get like 80% of the dinner making points 🤷‍♀️



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  13. 10 minutes ago, liuzhou said:



    Well thanks for the translation, but what is a Snitz? 😁


    Look if you can pull strings with the powers that be to get me mobile user spell check 😂 


    It's a Chicken 'Schnitzel', according to Google. I knew snitzel was wrong and Schnitzel looks wrong to my eyes!! 😂

    • Haha 5
  14. My husband misses the Pub. It really is the only social outlet for many rural men. He really wants a Parmy, but I am suffering from anxiety driven ICBFitus so he got wedges with sour cream and sweet chilli - a much easier pub staple. 

    Made in the Air frier I just got gifted 🙂




    Slang decoder: Parmy = Fried chicken Snitz topped with ham, tomato based sauce & cheese. 

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  15. 22 hours ago, Duvel said:

    Quick one



    Quicker One 😂



    The humble, emergency drawer, Cuppa-Soup. 

    Probably the best photo I've ever taken.

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  16. Look it's not Sea-born Rhinocerous Toes but this place is helping me keep on carrying on, so I'm sharing anyway 😂


    We got Pizza tonight from the little town. Trying to do our bit to help other people in more dire straits than us while we can. 

    Please keep in mind this Pizza travelled some miles on the floor of my car and then sat on the side for a while before we were ready to eat! 


    Me - Ham and Cheese 



    Kiddo - Pepperoni 



    Husband - Hot & Spicy 



    There will be leftovers! 

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  17. My sons Dinner tonight. Small Curry (Chicken Tikka Masala, Jar paste) BIG rice. He had another full cup after, plain white rice is his favourite thing 🤦‍♀️

    Pappadums done in the microwave because I am a Heathen (and also because its still, for now, a school night). 



    Mine will look similar later. Without the rice, cos he ate it. 

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  18. I tried to make Cacio e pepe tonight (never had it). Fell into a weird rabbit hole yesterday where Masie Williams (GOT) shared her dinner prep on Instagram with the dude she lives with... the amazing Luke Selby ( chef I actually follow I don't follow the actress ) ... Looked so simple ANYway. I sucked at it so no picture. (Cheese melt issues). 


    My son called it Cacky Pasta. And so it shall be known forever. 

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  19. Taco Wednesday in my house. 


    Now is not the time for conspiracy theories... BUT... 


    Ages ago I made a post about how I hate Taco night. It's supposed to be easy 'serve yourself' but is still heaps of work/clean up for the cook AKA me. 


    My other half knows I post here, has no interest, I'm almost sure he dosen't check my posts. But ever since that post, both husband and son forgoe the DIY and request I assemble. 


    It is worse. 😂



    Beef, salsa, sour, lettuce, jalepeno, onion etc 

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  20. 'Fried Rice' Mush. 

    I was feeling all pleased with my pantry basic practise, bacon from freezer, an oriental fried rice packet from the depths of the pantry, cup of frozen vegetables, eggs, seasonings. 


    Then my husband asked if I might want to save the practise til the proverbial actually hit the fan.. 


    Might have a point. 


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