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Posts posted by CantCookStillTry

  1. We had a large lunch so people were happy to just have nibbles for dinner. Made a ham & cheese toastie for the little... and then everyone wanted ham & cheese toasties 🙄



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  2. Lunch at a place called Northerlies in Airlie Beach. 


    3x Rib Eye, Chips & Sauce 



    Halloumi Burger



    Wagyu Burger swimming in mustard pickles.



    Guess who had Nuggets 🙄



    You pay for the location. 




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  3. 22 hours ago, gfweb said:

    Tommy K?

    Sorry. Tomato Ketchup. I think its a Southern England thing like Mickie D's (for McDonalds). 🤷‍♀️ Just something I grew up with. 

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  4. Soccer Night, so quick and easy. I suck at these. Mine are always dense enough to kill a duck but my son dosen't know another way. And my husbands at work so its fine. 


    Fritters/Bricks. Corn Beef Fritters. With lashings of Tommy K for the child. 😂



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  5. Spanish Rice with Chorizo and Sage from the Readers Digest 30 minute cookbook. One of the very first things I used to make when I tookover cooking duties after School. Back then Chorizo was a little exy for us so we used Hotdogs, this time I had Chorizo to use up and something made me remember this dish 🤷‍♀️


    Not gonna lie, Nostalgia prefers Hotdogs. 



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  6. 7 hours ago, suzilightning said:

    @CantCookStillTry, more info on this, please?  Kinda like a shepherd's pie with the mac and cheese standing in for the mash?


    True Pastitsio is a labor of Greek Bechamel layered love, (think Greek Lasagna) and I would recommend everyone try it once. I haven't linked a recipe because every one I looked at had an element of not quite right... But I'm not Greek and like Lasgane - I think everyone has 'Their Way'.


    This time-poor mans imitation is a tomato based lamb sauce with Cinnamon, Oregano, Garlic etc. Topped with cooked Pasta that I just stirred some slightly thinned Ricotta, Parmesan, Cheddar & Mozz (cos' cheese) through and baked.  To me not so shepherds pie like although similar in construction - More an upside down baked Bolognese type dish?  But then I don't tend to use tomato in my Shep Pie so it could be exactly like you say 😀.

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  7. Lamby Pasta Casserole. A cheaty fast and admittedly poor imititation of what I was truly craving - Pastitsio. But its a school night, and there's home work and soccer training and laundry and needs must. 





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  8. 18 hours ago, demiglace said:

    . Schnitty.

    I know I love the vernacular. There is nothing they can't colloquialise. 

    Schnitty, Parmo, Sambo, Snag, Bum Nuts (eggs) Chook.. to name a few food related ones off the top of my head. 

    • Haha 1
  9. Guinness Stoup for lunch. I froze the cauldron I made recently, and took to the work freezy to save me from Grease on those over busy days. 





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  10. About to head home from work and I get the "Friends are here can you bring snacks" message. I confirm I can and enquire as to what form of snacks are required. The answer was "Lots". And thats when I began to suspect one of said friends was Beer.




    Unpictured dips, Chips, Nuts, Beer etc 🙄

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  11. 7 hours ago, Kim Shook said:

    There are a few so=called  "easy" meals that are, to me, a giant PITA.  

    Yes! Not pictured. The 2 types of Salsa. Sour cream. Guac (store bought, I Avacadont). The fact I roasted a chicken to make said 'make yourself meal'... 8 different spoons, couple of forks.  I'll conceed its so much easier to do a Taco bar for say, a party, but when its a small family meal.. someones still gotta assemble the assembly line, and tidy it up!! 

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  12. First time I tried 'make ahead' hard Tacos. Usually its an assemble your self deal with a huge amount of dishes on the table for 2.5 people. Which results in a long bout of me stacking the dishwasher followed by a longer bout of my husband restacking it the right way and a lot of muttering. The slight loss of crispy was worth it in my opinion. 


    I Prestuffed with the cheese, refried beans and chicken mix and baked for 20 mins. Toppings were add your own. Pictured are Master 6s. 




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  13. 13 hours ago, rotuts said:



    you should have let him


    If you thought I had any control over my husbands whims... you would be wrong 😂



    They taste. Not sure what of. Not of mustard. Not of red sauce. Not of hot dogs. But they taste. I love all things potato but wasn't inclined to have more than a couple. 


    And uh... it's one or the other on a hotdog? I thought that flavour combo was what made a hotdog  🤔 I've been hotdogging wrong. 

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  14. Guys I've turned up here 2 days in a row with crap pictures of average dinners only to be scared away. Ease up with the beautiful, amazing meals! 😂 

    Well done all. Please feed me. 

    • Haha 9
  15. I think I spent too much time in a strange Scotland thread and got some sort of inspiration. 

    Guinness, Beef and Veg Stoup. Ya just can't make it prettyful okay? 🙃



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  16. I thought that if I recreated my favourite sandwich for work lunches, subbing cheese with capsicum, mayo with air and a bakery fresh roll with a plastic box, I would trick myself into enjoying a healthy salad. 

    Didn't work. 



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  17. You are killing me Liuzhou! Brown bread, Smoked haddock, bit of butter and Pepper. After school snack presented weekdays by my Grandmother. 

    As an aside, I paid my way through Uni as a Bookie, and £50 notes were treated with much suspicion. I had to scribble on each one with a fraud pen infront of the punter. They weren't that common even in England. 

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  18. On 7/7/2019 at 8:08 PM, liuzhou said:

    I have uncovered a bizarre custom among the natives. 




    I am only mildly ashamed to say its one of the first places I head when on home soil and wanting nostalgia. 2 Sausage Rolls, 25 mins of flaky Bliss. 45 minutes picking crumbs out of my décolletage and the rest of the evening explaining to my husband why I "don't look at him like that". 😂🤷‍♀️

    • Haha 10
  19. My most favourite bakery work lunch, eaten precariously over my desk. This thing is messy. And fresh made - they know me by now as the fussy lady that can't eat things cucumbers have touched.  


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